Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 12: What people want

"I think it looks good!"

The sound of Difeng's warmth and tenderness sounded, and the sound was full of satisfaction, saying, "Look, at present, it's very good to have clothes on, and many people are naked."

She pointed with the mouse, really, a bunch of players wearing pant vests were running around to do the task.

"Emmmm ....."

"Speaking of which, the game's picture quality is very good, but why is the player's equipment so bad? The pants and vest have been playing for a few days, and it is really speechless."

"Unexpectedly, there must be monsters. I suspect that the producers want to make a fortune in fashion and mounts!"

"It's abnormal? It's obvious."

"Yeah, it ’s mainly about the quality of the game. We will play it tomorrow when the end game is out. If the quality of the game is high, there is no problem with throwing money. Besides, it ’s just fashion, without attributes. It doesn't affect anything. "

"Pretend to play! Play the game, pretend to be the first, second in strength!"

"Look at it tomorrow. It's just full of page games every day. I haven't been in for three hours. I guess there are many tyrants willing to spend money."

"Well, the game is good, but it is a small workshop. Without confidence, I opened five zones and it was full every day. I couldn't help but want to donate money to the producer."

"Everyone will play Jin Yibo tomorrow, give the producer a little bit of confidence, and let him open a few more zones."

"Yes, I'll save gold tomorrow, I will recognize no matter how expensive you are, it's as if I have contributed to the development of a new district."


各种 There are all kinds of barrage in the live room. After watching for a long time, Chen Lang summarized it.

First of all, the player requires high quality, as long as the quality is high, everything else is a small problem. This is OK.

Secondly, players want to deposit money. From this point, are they priced lower?

Chen Lang could not help but reflect on his chin.

I forget!

For the first time in fashion, don't be so embarrassed.

I'm just getting some mounts to charge, the price increase is just fine.

I did it when I thought about it, hurried to eat, Chen Lang returned to the office, and started cracking at the keyboard.

Repeated comparison, repeated debugging, and final finalization.

A dirty donkey, an ordinary horse, a dark-haired devil wolf, a mottled piebald tiger, and a unicorn emitting a faint white light.

Donkey 598! Ma 998! Devil Wolf 1998! Piebald tiger 3998!

The unicorn, like the black dragon and snow silkworm, made a unicorn gift box with a 1 in 10,000 chance. If you ca n’t get it out, you can get a unicorn ration.


Chen Lang imported the data and then shut down to sleep.

Uh .........

九 At nine o'clock the next morning, Liu hurried up.

"Xiao Ai, what about the boss?" Liu entered the door and found Xiao Xiaoai waiting in the living room.

"It seems to be sleeping." Xiao Xiaoai said weakly.

哟 "Yo? President Liu is here, soon, I just cooked breakfast." Wang Xia also came out of the kitchen.

I passed another half an hour.

Chen Lang slowly got up to wash, then ate in the eyes of the three with big eyes and small eyes.

"Boss, it's ten o'clock," Liu reminded.

"I know, everything is ready, and the automatic updates I set are released, so it's okay to sleep until noon."

Liu Liu had a toothache when he heard it.

This is your company.

What is the conversion rate of the title page game? How many players are online at the same time? How do players rate the game?

Do you not care about these?

"Let's go!"

浪 Chen Lang finished his last mouthful of porridge, then walked into his office, Liu Yi and Xiao Xiaoai followed, Wang Xia went to clean the bowl.

At ten o'clock, as the server opens, players who have already downloaded the client and waited to start logging in to the game.

"Started." Liu looked at the login data in the computer with one hand and couldn't help holding his breath.

$ 10,000!

Thirty thousand!

$ 50,000!

I'm done!

Xi Liu was overjoyed and was about to speak, but at this time, the data was still rising.

$ 70,000?

what's the situation?

Liu held his own.

"Boss, what's wrong? How about 100,000 people?"

没 "No, there were 20,000 players who entered Maple Leaf Town, so they made 20,000 places for those five villages!"

浪 Chen Lang rebuilt the structure of the server, because not everyone is as liver-like as the wind and warmth, coupled with the players behind in the area that opened later, he simply made an automatic detection system.

As more and more players enter Maple Leaf Town, the server will gradually transfer performance to Maple Leaf Town, and with the vast majority of players entering Maple Town, UU reading books major villages will restrict new players to log in.

No way, the server is limited, this is only after Chen Lang unlocked the server to transform the performance. If not, the 20,000 people will not be able to enter.

Twenty-seven thousand people are not the limit, and 100,000 talents are the limit.

浪 But Chen Lang is not ready to let another 30,000 people directly enter the game, because the five villages are now 10,000 people, which can not support more.

I can only wait for these 50,000 people to get out of 30,000 people to enter Maple Leaf Town, so there will be vacancies in these five villages.

不 "No, I have to get more servers!"

Chen Lang suddenly spoke.

Liu nodded his hand and said, "If 70,000 people are online, as long as the boss is not too pit, you should be able to make some money. Then we buy as many servers as possible. Once the player exceeds a certain number, then the boss will really make a fortune Now. "

"How do you say?" Chen Lang asked.

"We are a new company!"

Liu Yishou said: "In the past two years, due to the downturn in the game software industry, the state has implemented preferential policies for new software companies, exempted from corporate income tax for two years, and reduced taxes by half in the third to fifth years. A lot of money. "

"In addition to this industry, are there any other industries that reduce taxes and exempt taxes?" Chen Lang thought of what he would do in the future and immediately became concerned.

"As long as there are high-tech and emerging industries, as well as industries with sluggish markets, it seems to be all."

"I'll understand!"

浪 Chen Lang nodded, and then said to Liu Yihand, "Let's go back to your office and watch, I have given you permission."

"Okay!" Liu turned around and took Xiao Xiaoai away.

Chen Mo returned to his room and opened the game.

The game industry wants to make people bleed, how can it be done without trust?

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