Lao Shen City, Goose Factory Headquarters Building.

办公 The office area of ​​Goose Factory Interactive Entertainment Business Group, one of the two major game hegemons in the country, and the game distribution operation department. A woman in formal clothes walked into the general manager's office holding a stack of reports.

"Is there any emergency?"

牛 Niu Kai, the general manager of the game distribution and operation department, couldn't help looking at the woman in front of him. He knew that this woman was a well-known strong woman. If she lived in ancient times, it would be a new generation of Mulan.

If there is no emergency, this woman is fully capable of solving it by herself, instead of rushing into her office early in the morning.

"General Manager Niu, there is a phenomenal online game in China."

The woman did not make nonsense, she directly put the report in front of Niu Kai, and continued: "This online game called Magic World was a page game at the beginning, and it exploded after being promoted by two anchors. Before I People are paying attention to it. Yesterday this game was updated and turned into a terminal game. On the first day, it started serving 100,000 players online and recharged more than 8 million. I think you should know what this means? "

What does mean?

As the general manager of the global game distribution and operation business of the Goose Factory, Niu Kai is a big player in the domestic and even global game industry. How can he not know what this means?

Yak Kai got serious, heard the report in his hand, and asked while watching.

"What do people in the evaluation department say?"

"Five stars for content, five stars for sound effects, five stars for quality, five stars for playability ..." The woman said expressionlessly.

"Okay, have you found out in other areas?" Niu Kai asked again.

The woman frowned slightly and said, "I checked, but I felt something wrong."

"What's the problem?" Niu Kai was curious.

"We found out from the bank account and company registration information that this second-world game company is a new company that has just been registered. It only has a game called Magic World. Of course, this is not unusual. It is rare that it is based on private detectives. According to the survey, this company has only four people, a graduate of administrative and customer service, an elder sister in charge of hygiene and kitchen, a general manager, and a boss. "


Yak Kai was immersed in thought, and then asked, "Do you know where their game development team is?"

"According to a private investigative investigation, all the data of the entire game comes from the second world boss, that is, an undergraduate graduate named Chen Lang. How can a person make a game? And is it a classic game? So , I think there is something wrong with this person, there must be an entire team behind him ... "

"OK, a girl's house, don't always doubt this, doubt that, you are conspiracy theory!"

Yak Kai chuckled, pointed at the woman, and then said, "Besides, let's just play the game, whether he has any problems, we just want the game.

联系 You contact the people at Modu Branch and ask them to come in contact. In addition, you are on a business trip, go to Modu in person, contact the Second World Game Company, and try to acquire it. "

"What if the other party is not willing?" The woman asked, instead answering.

"What is the plan for starting a company? Isn't it just making money?"

Niu Kai stood up and laughed: "On the rich, who can be compared to our goose factory? 100,000 players have 8 million recharge. Based on short-term valuation, this company is worth at least 300 million. You go directly The offer is 500 million. If you do n’t have 500 million, you ’ll have 600 million. I ’ll give you a billion cap. The rest depends on your ability. ”

"Yes, President Niu!"

The woman turned and left.

Then, just then, Niu always spoke again.

"and many more!"

Mr. Niu thought for a while, and said, "Since Chen Lang is likely to be a genius, then another condition is required. A 500-percent investment in a 51% stake will do. Tell him that even if he is acquired, he is still a second world. At the helm. "



There are only four people in the company who have just arrived, and even the salary has not been paid yet. You tell me if the helm is kidding me?

This is Chen Lang's first reaction.

At this moment, in the villa's living room, Chen Lang looked at the woman who was full of dynamism in front of her eyes, and couldn't help talking incessantly.

"Miss Zhang, I think I need to talk to the boss for a step." At this moment, Liu Yi, sitting next to him, opened his mouth.

"Please!" The woman nodded and reached out.

一 Liu Liu pulled Chen Lang into his office.

"Boss, what do you think?" Liu asked with one hand.

"Some are too sudden." Chen Lang touched his chin.

"Well ... sell?" Liu asked again.

"Why sell?" Chen Langyi said indifferently: "Our company can't take two years to be the best domestic one, why should we sell?"

Liu Yihan was sweating with a lot of hands. Although he didn't know where Chen Lang's honey juice was, he couldn't help but said, "The woman I know is named Zhang Mulan, the head of the domestic game market at Goose Factory. She has been in the goose factory for less than five years. She is a strong woman. UU reads and is one of the typical young generation leaders of the goose factory. The goose factory has her every year in the awards to young management. To deal with it, do not give up the type of purpose. "

"Can she kill me?" Chen Lang stunned.

"Eh!" Liu Yihan sweated again and said, "Of course not. The goose factory is not the same now as before. Some small means or plagiarism may have been used in the past, but now the goose factory has a large wealth. What it requires is reputation. As long as your boss is unwilling to sell, they are at most restricting and blocking us in business. "

"I understand!"

Chen Lang nodded, then walked out of the office with Liu.

"What's wrong with Mr. Chen?"

Zhang Mulan put down the white porcelain cup in her hand and said, "Two methods of acquisition, if you sell directly, you are not satisfied with the price. You can talk about it. If you agree to our shareholding, you can also talk about it."

The kind of wealth that Zhang Mulan radiated throughout her speech made Chen Lang feel a little lost.

Alas, it's a pity.

Saving money is from the goose factory, otherwise it would be nice to find a girlfriend of this age.

Sister-in-law junior embraces the bricks!

"Sorry, I don't care about money, I care about the dream, so I refuse both ways."

Chen Lang shook his head.

Zhang Mulan heard her hands shake, her face remained the same, but she almost scolded.

"Okay Mr. Chen, then I will leave. If you are interested in selling equity or a company, please contact me. This is my business card. I can tell you with certainty that no matter what price others offer You can continue talking! "

He said, Zhang Mulan put down a business card, and stood up with a bag and left.

I really have a lot of money!

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