Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 214: Civic welfare

This is Chaoshen Technology, a company that makes people feel incredible.

And what impact did this company have on Huaxia?

Technology changes life, and at the same time liberates human labor. This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing. If it is to change the society step by step, it is definitely a good thing.

But Chaoshen Technology was too rushed.

It is reported that Super God Technology convened all the employees of the company when the annual meeting was held, and even the cleaning lady didn't let it go, but even so it was more than a thousand people.

Later, if the family members of employees are not called out again, the annual meeting of Chaoshen Technology on the cruise ship will inevitably become a joke.

Too few people.

And what is the reason for all this?

It is because Chaoshen Technology is too rushed, and it is almost impossible to use intelligence and machines without humans. This has led to the super-shenzhen technology, a super-large enterprise with nearly one trillion in wealth, adding up to thousands of employees.

As we all know, the birth of a new thing will inevitably replace the old.

This is the case of Super God Technology. The birth of Super God Technology means that it will replace many old forces, but what is different from those old forces is that he lacks a key, employment!

Although fewer employees can increase their wages at will and show the company's benefits, on the other hand, it will cause more people to lose their jobs.

No old workers take over, which means that their lives will be extremely difficult.

Therefore, Chaoshen's strength, technology, and even influence are all top in the world, but in terms of employment and social responsibility, they are not even comparable to ordinary companies.

And what does this situation cause? It will cause countless people to lose their jobs, and even as Chaoshen Technology continues to develop, more and more people will lose their jobs.

It can be seen that the status of Super God Technology in China is very contradictory.

Because Chaoshen Technology will not fulfill the social enterprise employment responsibility, Chaoshen Technology is useless to Huaxia in this respect, and it is only bad for ordinary people.

However, because of the cutting-edge technology and potential possessed by Super God Technology, Huaxia had to try its best to help Super God Technology rise.

This is a contradiction. How to choose depends on Huaxia Town House.

For the large-scale special training for law enforcement officers across the country, it is clear that Huaxia Town House chose to support Chaoshen Technology, and for the future stability, special training was carried out in advance.

After all, Huaxia Township has abandoned those unemployed. For those who are unemployed, we can only say one thing. I hope you can find a better job in industries other than Super God Technology.

As for the existence of super-shen technology, we can only say that if machinery completely replaces human labor, the rich will become richer and richer, occupying all the resources, and it will be extremely difficult for ordinary people to live comfortably. Making a living, while the service industry may be a good choice to serve the rich, which cannot be replaced by machinery.



On the Galaxy Fighter, Chen Lang sneered as he watched foreign news.

These news can be transmitted to China. Obviously, the other party has exerted a lot of effort. When they make this news, they are praising Huaxia on the surface and praising Super God Technology. But in fact?

They are leading public opinion, provoking the contradiction between the people at the bottom and the powerful class, and even point out the super-shen technology.

What is this to do?

Let the people in Huaxia oppose themselves?

Or even take this opportunity to let ordinary people distrust the country and go to the streets to make trouble?

It's time now. Those countries really don't know the existence of gene repair agents?


But they chose to hide it and let the media speak like this. What's the purpose?

Want to put pressure on Huaxia, put pressure on yourself?

Let yourself take the initiative to come up with a gene repair agent to repair the contradictions with the public?

Don't want to pay a little price, just want to empty gloves white wolf?


"Contact Zhao Kai and ask him what it means." Chen Lang suddenly said.

Xiao Xiaoai nodded and dialed Zhao Kai's phone number. Zhao Kai now has a lot of business. Although he is still Chen Lang's wall, he doesn't follow him as often as before.

He needs to deal with the relationship between Chen Lang and the upper levels, and also needs to be busy with the gene repair agent, and he is the general manager of casual security, and occasionally has to go to meetings to deal with casual security.

The same is true of Sun Ping, Sun Ping is the vice president. On weekdays, he mainly replaces Zhao Kai to manage a random security company. Now he no longer follows Chen Lang.

Even Wang Ming, due to his unique management skills, was arranged by Chen Lang to drop the security vice president together with Sun Ping.

Only Li Jun's crickets and crickets, besides fighting and stabbing others, will do nothing, and now still follow Chen Lang's next door.

Thinking of Li Jun, Chen Lang couldn't help but glance back, the goods were giggling holding the virtual mobile phone at this time, and didn't know what was unhealthy.

Sure enough, stupid people have stupid blessings.


Xiao Xiaoai handed the phone to Chen Lang, who took it.


"Boss!" Zhao Kai said with a heavy tone, "After this incident, a lot of traitors were dug up in the law enforcement team, and now public opinion is being guided very seriously, even if it is controlled and blocked, Most channels, but those foreign companies have many industries in the country, such as newspapers, such as self-media platforms, etc.

So now things are a little bit big. The people above are hurrying to deal with these things, but one thing can be determined, but I don't know if it is good or bad for us. "

"What is it?" Chen Lang asked.

"The country is preparing to distribute the gene repair medicine as a citizen welfare for the whole people!"

Zhao Kai said earnestly: "That is to say, the country is prepared to pay for the injection of gene repair agents into the country. This matter is basically assured. Someone will come to you at the latest tomorrow. You pay more attention. "

"oh, I understand now."

Chen Lang nodded and hung up.

Gene repair agents are the welfare of citizens under federal rule in future generations. It can be said that as long as a newborn is born, they will be injected with free gene repair agents, and even genetic enhancement will gradually begin in adulthood.

The state will be prepared to do this. After all, this kind of thing is good for Chen Lang as well as for the country and the senior management.

By doing so, Chen Lang can avoid his own sales and get money directly, and the country can also be recognized by the people, so that the people have more sense of belonging and honor as Chinese people.

And it's more than that.

Chen Lang has been able to see deeper meaning from this incident.

Thinking of this, Chen Lang's face gradually became indifferent. The latest chapter of the novel Super God-level Technology Empire Chapter 214 Citizen Welfare Website: https: //

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