Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 219: Life is the greatest miracle

In a word, economic issues!

The birth of Super God Technology, apart from the constant price increase of raw materials, has not actually improved the overall domestic economy.

Whether it is Penguin or Ali, there are at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of employees under this trillion-scale super-large enterprise.

This is a direct profit.

Secondly, for example, how many online merchants does Ali's Magnum treasure support? Many people live on Magnum?

For example, the major platforms under Penguin, etc.

It can be said that indirect profiters are millions, millions!

Millions of people, millions of people, that is, millions of families, millions of families, and the number of people affected involves tens or even hundreds of millions.

The company has developed to this extent, and it can be said that it has spread throughout the society. Anyone who exists in this society has either made money or spent money on the company's platform. There are no people who have not touched the company .

Never come out unless you hide in a ravine.

This is the terrible thing of trillion-level Internet companies.

But Chaoshen Technology is just the opposite. There are more than a thousand employees, half of them are mixed, and few families are affected. Not to mention, except for the Bricks Party, no one has made any money from Chaoshen Technology. money.

Except for raw material dealers.

Everyone's impression of Chaoshen Technology is that this is a very aggressive company, comparable to Penguin and Ali's, but when it comes to what contribution this company has made to society, everyone is aggressive.

It seems that, except for pit money, Chaoshen Technology has not done it!

The magic world is an online game. It is impossible to pay players except for entertaining them. Needless to say.

The xui mobile phone was jointly produced by Inter. It did not even go through the domestic offline channels and sold directly in the magic world. There were no middlemen, let alone let others make money. Ah directly avoided the opportunity for others to make money.

The same is true of smart boxes, which can be ordered on the platform and delivered by express delivery.

Others are similar.

It can be said that apart from the benefit of the express delivery industry, no one made any money at all.

I also heard that Chen Lang was dissatisfied with the speed of the express delivery and wanted to overthrow the express delivery industry. Although it was a minor news, those express delivery companies were all frightened.

The feeling of being scared while making money really irritates those courier companies.

To say that Tianhong Industrial is an industrial enterprise that combines foundry, production and innovation, it definitely requires a lot of employees, such as Foxconn, which have hundreds of thousands of employees.

But in fact?

According to the layoffs, Tianhong Industry has completely embarked on intelligent integrated production, and no labor is required at all.

So even the opportunity to work hard is gone.

This is the reason why few people helped Chen Lang after being in the whirlpool of public opinion.

No way, in the eyes of most people, this is the truth!

How could Chen Lang not have a supporter of brain residual powder? But there is no way, the fact is here, the sprayers are holding the data to spray, and then the supporters of the brain can be sprayed dumb.


"Lao Wang, do you really think that Chen Lang can survive the difficulties on his own?"

At the Hangzhou Secret Base, a group of people are also watching live news. Although the press conference has not yet begun, the heat of Super God Technology is enough to attract the attention of the people, so reporters from major media have started live broadcast.


Wang Lao slightly looked at the people around him and laughed: "You should trust a little bit more about the young people now. This time is not just to get through the difficulties. If you just go through the difficulties, don't say anything else. Because a gene repair agent alone can easily make Chen Lang one of the greatest entrepreneurs and scientists in human history, the so-called difficult time is just a joke. How can there be any difficulty? This press conference is not for explanation Public opinion, but the boy Chen Lang took the opportunity to make money. "


The man hesitated, and said helplessly, "I thought that the scientists who were great were all devoted to scientific research."

"Indeed it is!"

Wang Lao shook his head silently: "It's just that Chen Lang is obviously different from others. While he's awesome, he still waves all day long. With his talent, if he can concentrate on research, it will definitely change an era."

"Then we ...?"

"Shut up if you can't speak."

Wang Lao glanced at him and said lightly: "Ordinary scientists we can guide, but who guides such a scientist? Inspiration can not be said, so there is already a decision on it and let it be free Development, no one can be involved for any reason. "


"Well, don't think about it so much, let everyone under you pay attention, especially the next security issue in Hangzhou. This press conference is not just for us, the people above are watching, even The rice country town halls, consortia around the world, and heads of major powers are paying attention. "



At ten o'clock in the morning.

Hundreds of news media from all over the world set up cameras in the large-scale virtual studio meeting room of the Liumanxing Building. In addition to photographers, many reporters and other media people took their seats.

The press conference officially begins!

This is a spectacular press conference, because there are too many journalists, and it has been the largest number of media journalists invited since the establishment of Super God Technology.

On the podium, the lights flickered slightly. Then, the virtual projection projected scenes, which were the lives of cancer patients, their hardships, their helplessness, and their despair.

"I don't want to die ..." a girl was crying.

"I'm still young, I'm only 18 years old!" A boy broke down and burst into tears.

"Why, I do n’t understand. I have never done anything wrong in my life. I really do n’t understand why cancer appears to me. ∫ There is also a family. I have a particularly sloppy wife, and a son, a Daughter, they are just in high school. If I leave, what will they do? "This is a middle-aged man in despair.

"I figured it out, it's hard to live or die." This is an elder sister, but she said so easily, but the smile on her face was forced.

"My daughter just finished college this year, and her life has just begun-what's going on?" The middle-aged woman was crying.

"The doctor said I haven't had it for a few days, but I'm not afraid anymore, I figured it out, just don't be so sad about my parents." A weak girl lying on the hospital bed.

Sadness, despair, collapse, and even numbness.

There is also the desire to live, the expectation of life.

It's a complete nonsense that people die.

If you can live, no one will die.

Life ~ ~ is the greatest miracle in the world.

Living is the most fundamental pursuit of man.


Every scene is constantly appearing, constantly stimulating the soul of the media people present, it is a shock, a shock to the soul.

Coming from life and death, from cancer, but also from helplessness in life, dying day and night.

Humans are too fragile in the face of nature and disease.

"What does it mean?"

A female reporter asked with red eyes, and this query also represented the aspirations of everyone present and the tens of millions watching the live broadcast.


What does Chaoshen Technology mean? Isn't it a press conference? Why play these things? Chapter 219 of the latest chapter in the novel Super God-level Empire of Science and Technology Life is the greatest miracle URL: https: //

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