Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 231: Prehistoric theology civilization

That scientist was silenced when he said this, that is to say, his words were not transmitted at all.

Everyone thought he was crazy at the time to be famous.

But later, as the forces of various parties jointly unearthed the mystery of longevity, they once again discovered a horrible fact.

The cage is true!

But it is also false.

Outside the solar system, there is a layer of mysterious energy field. The core of this energy field is the sun, which surrounds the entire solar system with the sun as its core.

The existence of the energy field prevents communication, that is, no matter how advanced the earth's technology is, as long as it does not go out of the solar system, all external signals of the earth will not be sent.

The same is true for communication signals from outside the solar system. The inner and outer solar systems belong to two completely isolated worlds.

In addition, this layer of energy field also has powerful energy. Whether it is an incoming spaceship or a spaceship that is flying out, it will be virtually broken down into the most primitive inferiority of the universe.

Except for the Zhengchengchen meteorite, nothing transformed and manufactured can pass through this layer of energy field.

According to the study of the earth's native countries in the core of civilization, the study of the solar system.

This layer of energy field is also artificially manufactured, with the sun as its core. Moreover, there is also a big reason for the destruction of the sun because the energy is evacuated by this layer of energy field.



At this moment even Chen Lang was shocked by the received information.

The moon was created, and there is a layer of energy field outside the solar system, so the solar system has become a 'cage'?


Just wondering, the brain box message appeared again.

According to subsequent research, it is speculated that the energy field of the solar system was created by aliens, in order to conduct a top-secret study on the earth, and this study has many civilizations involved, Atlantis of the civilization of light is only one of them.

These civilizations united while researching the earth, in order to prevent leaks and other reasons, this energy field was created with the sun as the core.

To pass through this energy field, you must master the key, and the key ... has long disappeared, and no one knows what it is.

The reason why the Earth's escape era was able to escape is entirely because the energy contracted because the sun was dying at that time, and this is why the energy field disappeared briefly.

Oh my God!

Chen Lang took a deep breath.

Brainbox information continues to appear.

Prehistoric civilizations can be confirmed for the time being ... Olympus civilizations that have mastered light and unknown universe-level technologies.

He mastered the technology and mysterious power of space transmission, and left various legends in prehistoric times. He mastered the Assam civilization of nine civilized worlds.

Rumors control life and death, but it is very low-key, leaving only unknown pyramid civilizations of ancient Egypt on the earth.

There is also the most legends left in Huaxia, but the true body never came, only the legendary immortal demon and other spiritual civilizations.

And ... wait, wait!

According to the information, the reason why the Earth is treated so special is because there are unknown and incredible things on the earth.

This kind of thing has attracted the attention of the god-like civilization in the universe, and major civilizations have sent people to the earth for special research.

They ... the first generation of humans in the Maya prophecy, they came down from the sky, their bodies were huge, they were all giants.

They are not destroyed by hunger. The so-called hunger is simply because the earth lacks the energy or energy they need.

There is also inaccurate information to guess that the birth of humans originated from their experiments.

The second generation of humans was suspected to have been created by them, but the experiment failed and was destroyed by a huge fire.

The third generation of humans was ape-humans, and eventually, due to the failure of the experiment, they were destroyed by mad killings of reason.

Later came the fourth generation of humans, suspected to be the era of Atlantis, the last era before the historical fault.

At that time, it was suspected that the experiment was successful, the major civilizations left the earth, and before the departure, a huge torrent of floods broke out. Whether Atlantis or prehistoric myths and legends, they have completely died out.

The survivors of later generations passed word of mouth, leaving various myths and stories.

Subsequently, after the multiplication of human beings from generation to generation, the fourth generation of survivors gradually aging and died, and their descendants gradually established tribes, forming the first tribal society of modern human civilization.



Chen Lang was relieved.

As the information was digested, he suddenly came to his senses.

I thought I was born again, holding the future technology and singing invincible all the way, but now it seems that to your mother, the future is completely hell, okay?

What exactly are those civilizations studying in prehistoric civilizations? What are the things that are native to the earth and are enough to attract their attention?

Needless to say, immortality!

Live too old!

Moreover, it is not the kind of garbage that currently exists in the underground of Turkey. I don't know how many generations of live-life are too weak. They are exactly the most top-level live-life on the moon.

This Nima!

That's it.

The so-called planets hit the earth, it is very likely that the big brother saw the development of the earth's science and technology and avoided the leakage of news, so he threw it over and destroyed the earth.

The sun's destruction crisis is also because that layer of energy field absorbed too much energy from the sun.

Not to mention the divine battle that eventually led to human extinction in previous lives.

What is it that humans touch the realm of the gods?

This Nima is careful, she has taken advantage, but she is not allowed to take it, and she has not run away. It must be the major civilizations.


This is the beginning of hell.

After Chen Lang wanted to understand the cause and effect, his face turned green.

This Nima is too bad.

Lao Tzu is now a little bit regretful of being born again. Which one of the great gods helped him to be born again, will you take me back?

"What's wrong with you? Your face is blue, is this kidney deficiency?" Dad Chen couldn't help asking a question when he saw Chen Lang's face.

Kidney deficiency?

This is more serious than kidney deficiency, right?

And, what's your concern, how can you be the father and directly ask your son if the kidney is weak?

Don't you feel ashamed?

Chen Lang was speechless, his mouth twitched, and he looked at the slate again, almost sure in his heart.

This slate is definitely left by prehistoric civilization, and the sculpted giant monster is probably also made by prehistoric civilization.

Even ~ ~ that column, the so-called Jianmu, is estimated to be a space elevator from the earth to the moon made by prehistoric civilization.

This Nima's even made this stuff, but imagine what kind of research they are doing on the moon.

It's over.

I thought I had enough time.

Moreover, the technology contained in the core of civilization is definitely not enough. Therefore, encouraging people on earth to continue scientific research is the top priority.

Otherwise, the science and technology in the core of civilization alone will still be hung up by those **** civilizations.

For example, when the earth in the previous life died down, more than 300 billion people spread over thousands of planets, but it was only an instant and all died out.

What kind of weapon does this have to be?

The so-called divine battle is war, in the final analysis, it is the crushing of the earth by the theological civilization. The latest chapter of the novel Super God-level technology empire Chapter 231 Prehistoric Divine Civilization Website: https: //

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