Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 257: Global confidence

Super God Bank is all controlled by artificial intelligence balls. Except for some service consultants at the headquarters, there is no senior management at all.

The old men of the old horse have also withdrawn, Super God Bank is nothing more.

Everyone went out of the bank's gate and boarded Chen Lang's galaxy in the eyes of the media and reporters.

Subsequently, the Xinghe fighter slowly levitated, rose into the sky, and instantly disappeared into the sight of media reporters.

"A lot of planes!" Someone said.

"Vertical takeoff and landing, the appearance is fighter but not like, full of sense of technology, but according to air resistance, this technology-filled appearance will only increase the fuel consumption of the aircraft, plus vertical takeoff and landing itself is super Fuel-consuming, the plane looked at the batch, it was actually a bit flashy. "Someone shook his head.

The next person agreed: "Maybe this is the taste of the big guy. Consuming more of what is afraid, the focus is handsome, handsome is enough."

"You know what a fart!"

Someone next to me dismissed: "Everyone produces energy, and Tianke Energy is from their own home. If you use the energy produced by Tianke Energy to match this aircraft, will they care about this little consumption?"

"That makes sense!"

"You're being shit, what are you still doing? Do you forget that there are two press conferences today? It was Chaoshen Bank in the morning and Tianke Energy in the afternoon. Now the parties have gone by plane, do not go to the airport?"


The media at the scene reflected one after another, and now Nimadu is more than 12 noon, and it will be more than three hours to hold a Tianke Energy conference at 4 pm.

Although the bosses above specially cooperated to charter a plane to Chang'an, it took more than two hours to fly, and it was too late to really catch up with the plane.

Once you missed the plane, it was really stupid.

It doesn't work if you want to go in other ways. It also takes six or seven hours by train.

"Hurry up, pack up and go to the airport!"

"What about the car? Driver, call and ask the driver to drive the car, what? Lunch? Is it for you, free to get on the plane!"


At the same time, on the Galaxy Fighter, a group of big brothers looked left and looked curiously.

They have seen it in the news, but the real ride is the first time.

"Langer, you plane is so dazzling, what is it?" The old horse couldn't help asking.


Chen Lang rolled his eyes and said, "Sit down and fasten your seat belts, otherwise don't regret it."

Said, Chen Lang asked the ball: "Ball, how long does it take to reach Changan?"

"It takes about 17 minutes for normal flight, and the supersonic engine can be used for landing in 7 minutes."

The ball replied to Chen Lang.

This speed can only be regarded as satisfactory. Normal flying time is far beyond ordinary fighters in 17 minutes, and the supersonic start is even more supersonic fighters.

The reason why so much time is needed is that the take-off and landing time is fully taken into account, and the deceleration is also included.

Can't you always land at supersonic speed?

Seek death!

"Choose a restaurant with a good evaluation in Chang'an, and let Zhang Mulan contact the other party to prepare the dishes first. Let's take President Ma's long experience while going to space to take a circle!

"Yes, master!"

The ball executed the command, and then the fighter burst into supersonic speed, forming a sonic boom cyclone in the air, and the fighter rushed up into the sky and straight into the atmosphere.

Several old horses were already stunned. Fortunately, they listened to Chen Lang's words and fastened their seat belts. Otherwise, they might not have to fly out now.

The galaxy fighter burst out of the atmosphere and entered space in just ten minutes.

Looking at the cosmic starry sky with the twinkling stars in the darkness through the bowl, and then turning to look at the blue and bright earth below, many big brothers were all aggressive at this moment.

"Are we ... into space?" Whispered little pony.

"Tortoise, I feel like dreaming, and suddenly came to space. Is this too sudden?" Lao Lei couldn't help saying.

"No, doesn't it mean that sound can't spread in space? How can we hear each other's voice?" Old Ding was surprised.

President Li Qiandeng stabilized his mind and calmly said, "This cognition is wrong. Space is a vacuum environment. Normally, sound cannot be transmitted because of the lack of media. It should have its own oxygen reserve and other instruments. There is no shortage of air inside, and air is a good medium, and natural sound can be transmitted. "

"Lang brother, what the **** is going on?" The old horse couldn't help asking.

"This is space!"

Chen Lang smiled, picked up a cigarette in his pocket, and put it in the air, and it really floated in the air.

No gravity!


The old horse took a sip of cool air: "Did you all master the spacecraft technology?"

Chen Lang nodded and said, "I went to Beijing last night, aren't you curious how I survived the difficult situation? I rely on the technology I have mastered.

How much technology I have mastered will not be clear at one and a half, so to speak, I will show some of the technologies I have mastered to the big guys, but only a few.

But these are the technologies. The big guys have to pull me to unify the world, and they have to sweep the world in a dozen. "


Several old men looked at Chen Lang aggressively.

What technology do you have to master in order to make those big bosses make such a move?

"They said it was a great opportunity!"

Chen Lang said indifferently: "People in our country are injecting gene repair drugs, and each one can train as a soldier, but foreigners are not.

With super-scientific weapon systems, we can easily destroy each other's defensive devices, any tanks, helicopter gunships, and even aircraft carriers, fighters, etc., all of which are as fragile as paper.

He said that the whole people participated in the war, and the millions of soldiers in active service were carrying energy weapons. They did not even need to bring exoskeleton devices, and they were able to push across countries.

Do you understand that? "

"This ... is unscientific!" Old Ding said silently: "In this era, if UU reads, if the war really breaks out, the key weapon is definitely a nuclear bomb, and you alone will be stronger , There is a nuclear bomb, it's a big deal. "


Chen Lang poked his lips and said, "I have artificial intelligence **** in my hand. They can't launch a nuclear bomb at all. I don't need their nuclear bomb to bomb themselves.

Even if they break the net and operate it manually, then I can let the ball control their anti-aircraft missiles and intercept them in their country.

Even if they are desperate, they will be detonated by manual transportation, but do you think they came in our borders?

Even if they come in, they can monitor the whole network of the whole country and they will not leak any clues?


And once the ball is known, we still have electromagnetic pulse weapons. I have an electromagnetic pulse gun on my fighter, which can directly destroy the internal detonation device of the nuclear bomb. They can't do the detonation. "The latest chapter of the novel Super God-level technology empire Chapter 25 and Chapter 7 push the global energy website: https: //

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