Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 265: Quiet things?

"Is there any 1600 warships?"

"What's the point? The Eagles don't even have a hundred warships!"

"That is, China is the country with the largest number of warships, but it is only over 700 ships, and the total number of warships in the world is less than 2,000.

If it is calculated according to Chen Lang, his money can buy a global warship. "

"This reply ... is a bit too irrational, right?"

"I have money!"

"Things are not as simple as you think. It is estimated that there is a story behind this. See how the Eagle State responds.

But to be honest, after seeing the weapon of Super God Technology, I don't think the Eagle Country may win! "

"Who said no? Countries have always secretly suspected that Super God Technology possesses weapons that far exceed modern technology. There is no need to doubt it now. Stone Hammer. It is absolutely impossible for Eagles to agree to Super God Technology in warfare. In the case of Mu Zheng, in the current situation, it is impossible.

Super God Technology is still in China, after all, the Eagle Kingdom will not cause a world war? Countries will never sit idly by, so this time, the hawk country is over. "

"They also underestimated Chaoshen Technology, and now they can't come down to Taiwan, for fear that they will be thrown home."


The issue of international public opinion was originally only concerned by foreign netizens, big names in some countries, and diplomats.

But with Chen Lang's Weibo reply.


Yi Yishi stirred up thousands of waves, and domestic netizens boiled.

I first wondered.

After all, it happened too suddenly. It took only half an hour before and after, and everyone couldn't figure out what happened.

Even many netizens are asking what this sentence means under Chen Lang's Weibo.

But with Chen Lang's speech, people in the media have found the cause and effect. In an instant, news articles were posted on the domestic network.

The big brothers above are naturally attentive to Chen Lang's affairs, so there is no such thing as blocking news.

"Langshen sank the two warships of the Eagle Country in Hengbang?"


"Sink, upper case! Isn't it incredible?"

"What's the situation? Who knows the cause and effect, please send out a popular science hurry."

"I came, I turned over the wall, and I saw it on some small forums because of the consequences. The reason is that Langshen took his Xinghe fighter to the Pacific to fill the red land to inspect the progress of the project, because Langshen has too many black technologies. The reason is that all countries have aircraft carrier surveillance on the Pacific Ocean. During the inspection of Langshen, a destroyer of the Eagles fired a missile at Langshen, and was intercepted by Langshen's Xinghe fighter, and then Langshen controlled Xinghe fighters. Sunk the destroyer.

事情 It's already here, Langshen left the fighter jet.

But who knows that the joint royal family of the Eagle Country Town House issued a statement saying that the destroyer fired missiles due to faults, and that the Langshen sinking destroyer was self-protected and did not require Langshen compensation.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

Is this okay?

Xunlang Shen turned back and sank them again.

Then Yingguo Town House and the royal family made another statement, saying that they would let Langshen give an explanation and explanation.

The Weibo of Weilang God is accountable. "

"Hisse !!!"

Many people who saw the details suddenly took a breath.

Look down!

Isn't it too stupid?

I turned around and sunk another ship, but it was a destroyer, about five billion yuan.

This temper is really hot.

"The bull forced me to Chen Chen. This temperament is really reckless."

"Consequences? What are the consequences of this time? What do you say, what fault will make the destroyer launch missiles? And it is still aimed at Langshen? This is the murder of Chiguo. . "

不错 "Yes! Never heard of such a ridiculous failure, this is the murder of Chiguo."

怕 "I'm afraid it's not an asset owned by the jealous sea god."

"I can't understand, why does the Eagle State do this kind of thing? Even if it is really jealous, it should be the rice country's hands first, how can it not be his Eagle country's turn."

"Among them, there must be Yin!"

"Support the God of the Waves, this state must give an explanation."

"I still want to explain to Langshen? Hehe, support Langshen and hit them."


Different from the various speeches of Internet users, after all, they will not think too deeply and will not think about the consequences once they start playing.

They think very directly, they have to fight back when they get angry. 泱泱 Great country, how can they be afraid of his eagle country?


That's not what we should consider, we just want to fight.

This is the attitude of general netizens.

And what is the attitude of the big guys above?

"Oh, we asked for a war last time, but the boy Chen Lang had to stop us, what happened? You are a loser? Hahahaha, everybody talk about, what should we do?"

"The issue of position cannot be shifted. We must protect every citizen of Huaxia. Chen Lang is also a citizen. Let the diplomats yell a few words, and then we are ready to go to war! This matter has not been discussed, it is simply a chance for heaven. Go to war! You must go to war! "

"Yes, go to war!"

"Three million soldiers are waiting on the battlefield at any time!"

联系 "Contact Chen Lang and order 3 million sets of energy firearms!"

还有 "There are also exoskeleton, it is best to have a few hundred galaxies!"



The big guys above are more impulsive than the netizens. When they see an opportunity, they want it. What are the consequences? influences? Ha ha, in their opinion, there are no consequences and effects of winning, and what things need to be considered before losing.

And will Huaxia lose?

I thought of those black technologies that Chen Lang showed.

I'm going to you!

Let ’s lose a fart, let ’s do it in a dozen eights!


Eagle Country, Prime Minister's House.

A group of people looked at the big screen solemnly, that was the pressure from domestic netizens, and the voices from abroad ~ ~ and the statements of major countries.

Kumi: "World peace is the foundation of all development. The two sides can sit down and talk. Whether it is misunderstanding or other reasons, it is the best way to resolve it outside of war."

The eagle queen was surprised: "Isn't Rice always afraid that the world won't be chaotic? This time it will persuade others to be peaceful?"

Fa Guo: "Super God Technology is a great enterprise. Chen Lang is a great scientist. Whether we or the people of Eagle Kingdom, we should be grateful for the gene repair agent Chen Lang brought. "

The eagle queen turned black, and said, "You can say such things when you are hacked.

Laos Goose: "World peace is the expectation of all nations, but again, we have never heard of warships launching missiles if they fail!"

The eagle queen and the chief men all twitched at the corners of their mouths, and the eagle queen hated the iron hawk looking at Prince Happi sitting in the corner.

"It's okay, Huaxia will calm things down, and they will help us calm down Chen Lang." The Prime Minister comforted the Queen.

The queen nodded slightly and sighed. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

这 At this time, Huaxia officials finally spoke.

"Hua Xia will not allow anyone to bully the citizens of our country, and Xiaoying State Government will give a statement. If the statement is not true, then we will go to war."

Everyone: "???"

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