Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 283: Robots and special metals exposed

"No, there is!"

Suddenly, one of them lost his voice incredibly: "This is the third missile, who is it? Chen Lang is not here now, what are they doing? Is it just for the purpose of destroying the land reclamation of Super God Technology? engineering?"

I saw that another missile was launched and the smoke was permeating the sea. This time everyone could see clearly that it was the freighter.

The freighter was filled with dense white smoke, which was caused by missile launches.

The missile spewed flames, and smoke filled the rear. The missile was very fast, and then it made a turn in the air and then turned towards a land reclamation project like a small continent.

Rumble! !! !!

Flames, shocks, shock waves, and endless smoke and dust burst.

However, what made people feel even more incredible happened. Except for a small number of steels that have not yet been fixed, the super reclamation and land reclamation project of Super God Technology has not suffered any substantial harm?

"Three missiles bombed in the same position, but only three black marks were left? Didn't even the thick steel pipe of one arm blow up?"

On the U.S. aircraft carrier, the drones dispatched shot the scene of the area bombed by the reclamation project.

A group of generals surrounded them, all with an incredible look.

"Look, there are people in the sea!"

Suddenly, the lieutenant general of the founding country pointed out, pointing at a humanoid creature that began to sink in the picture after struggling slightly in the ocean.


The crowd looked intently, then looked stranger.

That humanoid body has disappeared from the lower body, leaving only the chest, a head, an ocean, and an arm. Can it still struggle?


Lieutenant General Mi said, "This is a robot. Chaoshen Technology actually uses the robot to fill the sea and make land under our eyelids.

No wonder, no wonder we have watched them for a long time and have never seen them eat, nor have they seen them complaining, let alone seeing them together or resting.

I thought they were well-trained people, I thought they were working day and night, but I didn't expect them to be human. "

"What technology does Chaoshen Technology have?"

The lieutenant general of the developing country also showed an incredible expression, saying, "Research on robots in various countries in the world can be considered more in-depth. Even the robots that have won in the robot competition in the past two years can already do what normal people can do.

But this kind of robot with high working efficiency and almost no mistakes has never been seen or heard of. "

"I feel like I'm watching a science fiction movie." The general of Japan couldn't help but start.

"The freighter has left, what shall we do? Would you like to help Super God Technology intercept?"

Suddenly, one of them opened his mouth and pointed to the freighter leaving the whistle away.

"This is the high seas. No matter what other people do, we can't control it. We are only responsible for monitoring the reclamation and land reclamation projects of Super God Technology."

Lieutenant General Rice mourned, then said: "Super God Technology must have received the news. With the fighter technology they have mastered, they will come over soon. The freighter should not be able to run.

Everyone, you are waiting here. I will send someone to look at the situation of the reclamation and land reclamation project. At that time, we can all share the information. "

With that said, Lieutenant General Mi turned and left.

The other generals hesitated, and then they responded.

"This dog day is trying to salvage robots bombed by missiles!"

"And the metal that the missile can't break!"

"Come on, let's go late but we'll be gone."

"Arrange the people below, and start searching immediately."

"It is estimated that the freighter was also made by the people of Ge and Spear. With the technology of Super God Technology, it is estimated that it will arrive within half an hour. If you are late, you will not be able to pick it up."


A group of generals quickly took out a satellite phone to contact their aircraft carrier, and then they left the aircraft carrier of the Mi country by armed helicopter.

Soon, an armed helicopter took off from each of the major aircraft carriers. The helicopters were all average people wearing diving suits and carrying oxygen cylinders.

And another yacht was quickly suspended from the carrier and destroyer, and then pulled a group of people wearing diving suits towards the sea area around the reclamation project.

They want to search for robots and special metals that have been out of the sea area because of bombing by missiles in the shortest time before they react.


In Hangzhou, Chen Lang, heading to Tianhong Industry, received the news the moment the land reclamation project was bombed.

He frowned and asked the ball, "Who did it?"

"Go and spear!"

The ball responded quickly.

"Let Xinghe fighter set off, sink the freighter, and at the same time, contact Wei Wuyou and let him come to Tianhong Industry to see me."


After the call, Chen Lang's expression went dark.

Xiao Ai Xiao couldn't help but said, "Is something wrong with the headquarters on the Pacific side? Or should I contact President Sun Tianhong and Sun, let's deal with things later and go to the Pacific first?"


Chen Lang shook his head and said, "They disguised themselves as freighters, installed missile launchers on the freighters, and prepared three missiles. Now that the missiles have been launched, it is estimated that the people on the freighters have already fled. , It doesn't make sense. "

"Is the loss big?" Xiao Xiaoai was surprised.

"Nothing to lose!"

Chen Lang shook his head again and said, "Probably damaged more than 700 robots. These robots are made of ordinary metal. The manufacturing cost of a robot is about 2800 yuan, and some special metals are blown up and added up. A few tons or so, the total loss was less than two million.

It's all small things.

The only thing that was unexpected was that with Ge and Spear doing this, countries are expected to find that our land reclamation project is boring.

After all, this special metal has always been hidden by us. Few people know it, and robots.

Because the robot has made a simulated skin ~ ~, unless you look closely in person, it is difficult to see that it is a dummy, and it is now exposed. "

"Isn't that a serious problem?" Xiao Xiaoai became a little worried.


Chen Lang shook his head and laughed: "What's so serious? Before, we had to hide because we didn't have the strength. Now it doesn't matter, even if they find it?

When I look back, I will send a batch of combat robots to the past. After the countries really see the combat robots, naturally there will be no comments. "

Battle robot?

Xiao Xiao Ai took a moment's notice, then remembered those she saw in the closed industrial base.

Suddenly, Xiao Xiaoai was relieved.

From the perspective of countries around the world, Huaxia has the grasp of victory in small-scale global wars because of genetic repair agents, energy weapons, and three million soldiers.

Super God Technology, because of extremely powerful black technology, network technology, and weapons suspected of laser or particle beams, has grasped the certainty of victory in nuclear war.

But no one knows that, in fact, the small-scale war single weapon possessed by Super God Technology is more threatening than Huaxia's three million soldiers.

Those are all combat robots.

Combat robot made of special metal.

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