Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 297: Whoever surrenders will die!

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Chen Lang looked at the data in his head and smiled.

At this stage, Chen Lang thinks he is absolutely invincible on the earth. Regardless of how many cards he hides with Ge and Spear, it can never be turned.

So, in this case, the more secrets Ge and Spear hid, the better, the more they hid, and Chen Lang got the most.


Suddenly, at this time, drones sent by more than that aircraft carrier abroad to broadcast live were split by a thunderbolt in a place not too close to the sea.

People who saw this scene could not help but tremble and startled.

"This ... this is not scientific!"

The oldest Lin Bei looked at this scene in wonder, saying: "You don't need to talk about the presence of clouds and lightning at low altitudes, but the drone materials of all countries are special. Normally, they should not be hit by lightning."

"This is unscientific!"

Suddenly, Wei Wuyou said, "Although I didn't know where the headquarters was, I have heard that the headquarters is in a magical area. Everything here is different from the outside world. I heard that even birds fly. Don't go in. "

"It's normal for birds to fly in!"

Chen Lang answered, saying, "The magnetic field here is weird. The storm completely covers the entire island inside, and it is covered by clouds. The lightning caused by the impact of electrons in the clouds can be said to be bound to be struck by lightning.

There is only one way to go in! "

"any solution?"

Liu Yi looked at Chen Lang with curiosity.

"Boom him first!"

Chen Lang grinned and said, "If not, although the warship can enter, the aircraft carrier below can't be reliable. Do we want our combat robot to swim in?"

Speaking, Chen Lang issued an instruction, saying: "Ball, calculate the core position of the magnetic field, and take out our electromagnetic cannon."

"Yes, master!"

Didi Didi ...

The ball quickly began to calculate the clouds. A few seconds later, a huge electromagnetic cannon launcher protruded below the huge galaxy battleship.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the outside world.

On the major aircraft carriers, the generals looked intently, and the reporters of the media side shouted that people would take special equipment to shoot.

"Hurry up and see what the spaceship is going to do. I suspect Chen Lang is about to start."

"No, it's too far away. Now, do you want to throw a nuclear bomb?"

"A nuclear bomb is impossible. It is estimated to be a powerful black technology weapon."


At the same time, on the sentry on the coast of the Hals Islands, Ge and Spear and a group of dozens of men in black are standing here looking at the Starship with a telescope.

Behind them are densely packed, all over the mountains, hundreds of thousands of evolvers, all of them are standing nervously and waiting quietly.

They are holding automatic rifles, wearing armor made of alloy, and carrying alloy swords behind their backs.

The audience was silent.

"I have a bad hunch."

Go suddenly said.

The spear stunned slightly, looking at Ge in wonder, wondering.

You were still reassuring me and comforting me. Why can't you hold it back now?

Is this the bragging force before playing and the aggressiveness after playing?

"Sleep !!!"

When the spear continued to be surprised, Ge suddenly made a swear word.

The spear turned and looked, and the whole person was directly in place, staring blankly into the sky.

I saw, on the launching device below that Star River fighter, a massive ice-blue pillar of light burst fast.

The beam of light was permeated with thunder and lightning, and it was electric current.

what is this?

A super electromagnetic gun that only exists in science fiction?

Spear dazed.

Dozens of seniors who were present at the scene also watched this scene blankly.

Even the 100,000 evolutionaries in the rear all raised their heads blankly.


No, this is already confused.

boom! !! !! !! !!

A large beam of electromagnetic gun-like light erupted at a location above the Hals Islands. Then, the storm stopped in the surrounding waters, and the clouds in the sky were evaporated instantly.

Miles clear?


The Hals Islands are unprecedented, and scenes that have never appeared before.

Everyone looked up confusedly into the sky.

It was a blue sky, and there were white clouds that were high above the ground.

"How could this be?"

Someone said something incredible.

Later, others returned to God.

"What is this?"

"Super electromagnetic gun? Or laser weapon? Or, in other words, what have we never heard of?"

"How could Super God Technology have this kind of thing?"

"How else do we fight? How do we fight?"

"The only protective barrier is gone, the electromagnetic is gone, you see, my cell phone has a signal."

"Oh my God!!!"

"Let's surrender?"

Suddenly someone said something.

For an instant, the audience was silent.

Brush it, everyone's eyes are on him, and at the same time, they are watching the expressions of Ge and Spear quietly.

Ge was furious and said, "Should you surrender without fighting? What do you think? Tell you, I'll put the words here today, whoever surrenders will die !!!"

"kill him!"

Spears are few, but they are also the hardest.


Behind the man, a battle knife penetrated directly into his chest. The man behind the man exerted his hands slightly, and his entire body was cut into two sections.

"Boss, they're here."

The woman who first appeared in front of Ge and Spear suddenly called out.

The crowd turned their heads.

Lying down!

How could it be so fast?

I saw that the aircraft carrier was extremely fast, just like the car on the track, and rushed over in a drift.

Above the aircraft carrier, the warship is a bit slow because of the aircraft carrier.

However, after all, it was close.

However, within a few minutes, the aircraft carrier reached a position hundreds of meters away from the coast, and it was not easy to go any further. There were some reefs and the like in the front. Although they could be forced over, it was not necessary.

"The robot ~ ~ is a robot of Super God Technology!"

The woman shouted again.

On the aircraft carrier, the aircraft carrier has not stopped yet, and the densely packed combat robots, like locusts, continuously jump down from the aircraft carrier, or jump along the reef, or directly go to the sea.

Within a few minutes, the dense steel army came ashore.


Someone shouted.

Subsequently, 100,000 people in the rear held the automatic rifle at their chosen location and started firing, and Ding Dang Dang bullets kept firing.

The robot standing in the forefront carried the metal storm coming on, and numerous bullets were blown on them. They were pushed back by the pressure.

However, what made Go and Spear people incredible is that even then, those robots that have been hit by tens of thousands of bullets are as new as they are, still reflecting the sun brightly, without any harm.

This is farting!

"We surrendered!"

Ge took the lead and stood up, took out a white flag from his arms, and stuck it in his alloy spear.

Next, everyone turned around and looked at Ge.

The spear was also aggressive.

Brother, where's your white flag?

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