Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 300: Giant corpse 3 million years ago

"What? How is this possible?"

Liu stared with a few people in his hand, showing an incredible expression.

With the current technology, what can't be cut?

Even diamonds can be easily cut. What is the hardest thing known today? It is sulfide carbyne. The structure is simple, but the hardness is the strongest known in the world. It is said that the hardness is 300 times that of steel and 40 times that of diamond.

But even this stuff has been used by humans, and even some tools for industrial cutting have been created.

In this case, you tell me a dead body that I have n’t known for many years, let alone skin, and I ca n’t even cut my hair?

Are you kidding me?

"What's impossible?"

Chen Lang was shocked when he heard his words, but he still refuted, saying, "The special metals we make for robots are more than a hundred times harder than the hardest materials in the world. In the universe, there are too many things that can destroy special metals.

Therefore, don't feel impossible. For the universe, we humans are too small, and what we know is too scarce to directly deny the existence of a thing. "

Then, Chen Lang stared at the photo for a long time and asked, "This is the evidence that you deny that evolution is false?"

Ge nodded and said helplessly: "According to our verification, the giant's body has been in existence for more than three million years."

"Three million years?"

Everyone was aggressive.

Instead, Chen Lang was excited and asked, "Apart from these? What else?"


Ge felt inexplicable about Chen Lang's excitement, saying: "Only this corpse, he is as tall as a building, and he also wears a layer of armor made of an unknown alloy. This is obviously not in line with the brief history of the world. According to history, Well, the human being was an orangutan three million years ago. It is difficult to say whether or not an orangutan has it, how could it have the ability to make a warframe, let alone grow so tall.

Therefore, according to some relics we searched in various places, human beings had a civilization in prehistory, and that civilization was ruled by giants. "

Right, right!

Chen Lang took a deep breath and was a little excited.

According to the information he extracted earlier, those sacred civilizations have lived on the earth for many, many years. How many years ca n’t be checked, but they started at least hundreds of thousands of years.

Because if you want to evacuate the sun ’s energy, even if you rely on the energy shield outside the solar system, it is difficult to extract it in a short time.

Because, in terms of ancient times, that is, all the relics and legends of prehistoric civilization, the time span in the middle is very long.

For example the most classic one.

Shakyamuni Buddha in "Chang Ahan Sutra" said: When the Sun Buddha was restrained. Life is 40,000 years old. Custody of the Buddha. Life is thirty thousand years old. When Gaya Buddha. Life is 20,000 years old. I am born today. Life is 100 years old.

In this case, let alone the 100-year-old descendants of Life Insurance, only the previous generations, even if those generations are all infertile, they can only live one generation after being created, but that is also 90,000 years. Already.

And if you have fertility, it is even more terrifying.

Three million years is definitely possible.

Moreover, according to Chen Lang's speculation, it is likely that the giant corpse in the picture in front of him is the first generation of humans.

Because the people of the divine civilization have mastered the mystery of longevity, and it is basically difficult to die on the earth without external threats.

Only those who have been created by those who are sacred civilizations will die on this earth.

Is it possible that those godly civilizations created the first generation of human beings with their own genes, so although the first generation of humans cannot live forever, they also have a life span of 40,000 years and aliens like the gods civilization The same huge body?

Or even, inherited the genes of those people, so that they were born strong and indestructible, so they have not been corrupted for three million years after death?


And if we speculate according to this, it is very likely that something happened during the first generation, for example, the first generation rebelled against the 'Gods' and died.

And the 'gods' cannot be without slaves and labor, so the second generation is made of the genes of the first generation, and the second generation can only live for 30,000 years.

Subsequently, the third generation, the fourth generation.

After so many unknown generations, the human race finally evolved into a life of only 100 years, the gene lock was closed, and it became a threat-free existence to the 'gods'.

This is the answer to "Chang A Han Jing"!

According to this statement, when the detained grandfather of the Buddha was actually recorded in the "Chang-A-Han Sutra", I was born today when I contained the Buddha, the Kayah Buddha, and the Sakyamuni Buddha. These are actually descriptions of the deities. Civilizations have gone through several times on Earth.

For example, when the Buddha first came to Earth, the deities of the civilization came from the grandfather Sun Buddhism, and it was this Buddha who presided over the work and research of this civilization on the earth.

Later, because the research took too long, the detained Sun Buddha returned to their civilization, and the detained Han Buddha was the second moderator, followed by the third-time Kaye Buddha and the fourth-time Sakyamuni Buddha.

This spans millions of years.

In the eyes of human beings today, it is incredible, but in the view of the sacred civilization, this may be just a normal transfer of work.

"Is that giant body still there? Take me there!"

Chen Lang is a little excited. If the giant's body is still there, he wants to try to use special metals or lasers to extract genes from the giant. If the gene verification is successful, it means that the genes of the current people come from these giants. The source of the gene is also likely to come from theological civilization.

If the genes of the sacred civilization are subsequently obtained and verified, it is very likely that humans will be able to avoid the end of the future punishment war.

After all, in Chen Lang's view, it is too incredible to destroy the entire galaxy in one fell swoop, even if God should not have this ability.

The eighth-order gene warrior is a starburst powerhouse, but starbursts and annihilated galaxies are far from.

The ninth order is theoretically a pseudo-god level, and has a certain understanding of matter, spirit, energy, and even the operating rules of the universe, but it is impossible to possess such strength.

And the tenth order, that is the god.

Even the divine civilization has only a few.

In theory, the gods are normal even if they have incredible abilities.

But is it normal for Nima to destroy a galaxy?

Maybe it's normal ~ ~ But you recognize the destruction of the galaxy, but you have let the entire civilization of the earth die when the galaxy is complete.

Nothing has changed, and the people of the earth alone are dead.

Like tyrants, do you say normal?

According to Chen Lang's speculation, when the last deities civilization in the previous life destroyed the earth, it was likely that the legendary causal weapon was used.

Because human beings derive their genes from theological civilization, the theological civilization can easily destroy the earth with cause and effect.

The so-called causal weapon is actually a way of borrowing the original rules of the universe.

In previous lives, humans have also been exposed to this aspect and studied in this area, but it has not been realized because there is no 9th-order strong person to help sort out and study the rules in depth.

Of course, even if there are nine ranks, there is no way, because research has just begun, and human beings have been destroyed in the war of punishment.

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