Hum! !! !!

In the sky, the buzzing of the engine rang out, and the surface of the Starship battleship was full of traces of bombing. It slowly suspended from the fog range of the Hals Islands.

In the rear, the densely packed army of robots on the aircraft carrier borrowed from Huaxia seemed scarce at this time, at least half of them were gone.

Moreover, the remaining robot armies, although seemingly complete, are not as bright as before, but are full of scars and dirt, and even occasionally a certain organ of the robot sputters sparks from time to time.

what's going on?

On aircraft carriers of various countries, major generals and journalists are dumbfounded.


Still won?

Looking back, these people couldn't help but start talking.

"Is Ge and Spear so powerful? Even Super God Technology lost?" Some reporters couldn't help but lose their voice.


Some people shook their heads and said, "Ge and Spear are very strong. After all, they are organizations that have been hidden for hundreds of years. They have bases around the world. They are the largest non-state organizations in the world.

However, Chaoshen Technology can be said to be the most powerful company in this era, and has more capital than most countries. Moreover, Chaoshen Technology has the best black technology in the entire era.

If Super God Technology loses, does it not mean that Ge and Spear have the power to rule the world?

If they really have this strength, then they need not hide in the dark. "

"That makes sense!"

"Yeah, how could Super God Technology be so strong, how could it not beat a hidden force on the dark side?"

"We think about it. Super God Technology should win. You see, although there are a lot of combat robots missing, but the core of Super God Technology, where the Wave God is, the spaceship is complete, although it is full. The traces left by the explosion can only show that Go and Spear are really strong, but they can't show that Go and Spear have won Super God Technology. "


Someone reasoned, and then everyone agreed.

However, at this time, a person with the rank of colonel could not help but murmured: "Ge and spear do not have the power to rule the world? Oh, if they want, they can rule during the war. Is it global? "


This person has a high rank. Although he is not the person in charge of the aircraft carrier, it is obviously a high status on the aircraft carrier.

In addition, this person was disgusted with Super God Technology, but he had some respect for Ge and Spear.

Obviously this man is exaggerating.

However, exaggerated and not exaggerated, he was a big man of the mean square of the United States, and his voice was not small. The words immediately surprised the reporters and media in the country.

Soon, his speech was preached.

The media on other aircraft carriers got the news and began to forward it.

Coupled with the super live technology in the live broadcast looks like a gesture of retreat, suddenly, worldwide attention, countless people took it seriously.

Is it true that Super God Technology lost?

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, when the global media was hesitant, a missile with extremely fast missiles blasted out of the Hals Islands instantly.

Several lasers erupted in the Xinghe battleship, but the missile dispersed instantly and turned into hundreds of small missiles that bombarded the Xinghe battleship from all sides.

Rumble! !! !! !! !!

For a moment, the fireworks devoured the Xinghe battleship. Although the laser burst from the Xinghe battleship intercepted dozens of missiles, there were too many small missiles.

The fireworks swallowed down, the black smoke billowed, and the smoke was diffused. After a while, the crumbling Starship battleship rushed out of the fireworks, rose rapidly at a very fast speed, and then disappeared into the sky.

The carrier is the same, chasing the past in the direction of the disappearance of the Starship battleship extremely fast.


"Is this really a loss?"

"Oh my God, Ge and Spear are too powerful, right?"

"This kind of detachable missile has been studied in various countries, but the effect is obviously not good. I did not expect that Ge and Spear had already been manufactured."

"The ability to launch missiles means that there are still people on the island where Ge and Spear are located. In other words, Super God Technology has not won!"

"My goodness!"

"Even the Super God technology is defeated, so what do other countries use to fight Ge and Spear?"

"It's a big deal. This is explosive news. Quick, fast, contact Chaoshen Technology, no no no, ask directly under Chen Lang's Weibo."


If the situation on the Starship battleship and the aircraft carrier can be said to have been won by Super God Technology, but the losses are a bit heavy, then with this missile going down, both the media and generals of various countries, even watching live Everyone murmured in their hearts, and they all realized the real situation.

Super God Technology lost.

Or, it can't be said that it has lost, after all, except for Super Robot Technology, there is no loss.

But there is no doubt that Super God Technology has retreated, and Ge and Spear still exist.

The intention is to know what anyone is willing to use their brains.

This means that from today, Ge and Spear officially entered the eyes of the world, officially becoming similar to Chaoshen Technology above global companies, and can exist with the national wrench wrist.


Help a ghost!

On the US aircraft carrier, the person in charge smiled bitterly, and thought of the secret gang and spear that the president said. Now looking at this situation, he still helps a fart.

If you help again, I am afraid that it is not Ge and Spear that can chase Super God Technology.

After a bitter smile, he turned to look at the colonel who hadn't covered his mouth before, saying nothing: "You're really lucky. If Super God Technology wins, you can go to the military court based on that sentence. Super God Technology lost, things are so big, I'm afraid no one will pursue you, go back. "


The colonel wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and left quickly.

At this time, with hundreds of media and numerous netizens pursuing questions, on Weibo, Chen Lang finally replied.

"I admit that I underestimated Ge and Spear, but believe me, Ge and Spear will not be long."

As soon as this statement was made, UU reading suddenly exploded on the Internet.


"Unexpectedly, Chaoshen Technology really lost."

"Unfortunately, I thought that the waves of God would sweep everything. After all, these robots, spacecraft, are so special.

I didn't expect to lose. The world is too crazy, right? Are all countries secretly hiding cards? "

"Yeah, a hidden organization is so powerful. What about the major countries?"

"Oh my god, the breaking news!"

"Langshen himself said he lost. How much strength does Ge and Spear hide?"

"Inconceivable, it can be said to be a hidden force for hundreds of years. It is too strong. If countries do not have hidden cards, then Ge and Spear are not better than most countries, right?


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