Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 31: Catastrophe, Hirate

"It seems that the second world is not as simple as it is on the surface."

Zhang Mulan suddenly said, "For now, there should be a small team behind the second world. This team provides game development and software and hardware transformation, and has key technologies."

"But unfortunately, we can't find it."

雄 Zhao Xiong laughed and said dullly.

The Second World does not recognize this team.

Even Chen Lang openly declared that he had developed the entire magical world himself.

But who believes?

If it was a page tour at the beginning, it ’s okay to say, but later terminal games, and now more than 50 G clients, were developed by one person?

I'm afraid it won't take me a lifetime.

But there is no way, Chen Lang denies that they can't find it, then it can only be regarded as that team does not exist.

"Oh, let's go!"

雄 Zhao Xiong sighed and said, "If you lose, you lose. The rise of the magic world is already unstoppable. Next, let's do our own thing, and leave the rest to the big brothers."

Zhang Mulan nodded slightly, and then walked into the conference room with Zhao Xiong.

The Carnival of Players not only invited hundreds of related industry media, but also invited many game anchors, and conducted it in a live broadcast mode. The live broadcast platform is the CC of a fish and pig factory held by Goose Factory. .

终 After all, there are **** players in the domestic classic games.

These players are no matter what super classic games you have, I will play this game that I like.

But again, all the insistence is not enough attraction.

够 Is the attraction of the magic world enough? enough.

So many **** players are a little shaken, they all opened the live broadcast platform and watched this online game player carnival event in person.

He wanted to find a reason for them to continue.

这个 And this reason has emerged.

"All right, here is the introduction about the carnival. Here, I can also give you a message.

As far as I know, no matter whether it is the Goose Factory or us, a new game mode will be launched, that is, a mode in which millions of players are online in the same area. As for previous old games added to this mode, whether to open the new area directly or to the old area Convergence, this is the problem of planning, you can focus on the news. "

Zhao Xiong finished his speech with confidence and then stepped down from the podium.

Suddenly, the media nearby surged up.

"Mr. Zhao, may I ask if the technology of millions of players in the same area broke through on your own or bought from the Second World?"

"General Manager Zhao, as far as I know, there is no Internet company in China except the Second World to master this technology ..."

The media talked a lot, and Zhao Xiong was helpless, but the news could be revealed, but the specific information could not be said.

I finally got out of the crowd, Zhao Xiong stroked his tie and walked to the backstage.

Yuan Yuan is in the villa of the second world company headquarters of Modu.

浪 Chen Lang smiled off the live broadcast page with a smile.

The following shows the talents of some anchors, but there is no need to watch them.

"Boss, we have won!"

Liu sat next to him with a complex expression, feeling that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

As a member of this industry, I can win the goose factory and pig factory once, which is something worth boasting for a lifetime.

This live broadcast can see a lot of things, especially the last words that Zhao Xiong said, it is clear that the bosses of the goose factory and pig factory are going to come to Chen Lang to talk in person.

They put on this attitude, and even let Zhao Xiong release the news, which means that he is telling Chen Lang that you must master this technique.

话 Our words have already been released, and it is certainly impossible to say a word to players and the media, so your technology must be taken out anyway.

This is a threat and a concession.

Let you take the initiative, you come to ask the price, we are bleeding, this is a concession.

公布 Announcing that such services will be provided before the technology is mastered, this is a threat to be obtained at all costs.

I am also the confidence of the two Internet giants.

"Not a win, at best a tie!"

Chen Lang heard a few thoughts and said, "The magic world is still in our hands. This is a win. The technology has to be taken out. This is a loss. But at the same time when you come out with the technology, you can open your mouth and ask for a satisfactory price. Say we win a little bit. "


Liu Liu stared at Chen Lang with wide eyes.

What are you talking about, boss?

The two giants, the Luan Goose Factory and the Pig Factory, have bowed their heads. Is your win by rubbing them against the ground?

Chen Lang smiled slightly and turned to leave.

He never thought of blocking his technology, and then selfishly stealing the efforts of countless people in the future to earn wealth with technology.

归 Returning from later generations, no one knows what the future world looks like than Chen Lang.

Saving money is not as important as you think.

In the era of peace, everyone is pursuing wealth, power, and status, but in troubled times, survival is the first.

浪 Chen Lang doesn't think he is a smart person ~ ~ After all, he received reeducation for 57 full years before he graduated.

What I have learned is still the most basic.

Alas, money is in stages.

When in poverty, money is used for living, living, and living.

At the time of Xiaokang, money was used to maintain happiness and stability.

When Xiao Fu was rich, money was his confidence and face.

When he was rich, money was power and status.

When you are rich, money is responsibility and pressure.

Wealthy riches serve the world, from ancient times to the present, but no one has escaped this fate of being rich.

This is not just the general trend, nor is it the desire of the people, but also a spiritual pursuit of transcendence.

Wealth is taken from the people, and ultimately it should be used from the people.

The circulation of wealth has had a good or bad impact, but in the final analysis, the circulation of wealth has promoted the development of human society and the advancement of science and technology.

People are better off and their material life is satisfied. This alone is enough to make up for any disadvantages caused by the circulation of wealth.

of course!

Chen Lang only looks a little clearer than others, but in fact, he can only be regarded as a poor man when he is reborn, even if he has created the magic world and the second world. Now he is at least the rich stage No one is rich.

Now Chen Lang doesn't think about those superfluous at all. He thinks that the significance of his rebirth should be to promote the progress of human society and civilization.

技术 And only technical words, this is just empty talk.

So he needs wealth. The wealth of a rich country can be enough to promote the development of the entire social system and allow everyone to follow his wealth.

因此 Therefore, as long as the price paid by others is sufficient, as long as he can ensure his own safety, Chen Lang does not mind sharing technology.

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