Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 308: The birth of ancient technology

Time passed and three days passed.

Super God Technology still seems to be immersed in the atmosphere of defeat. These days, it is very low-key, and no news has spread, which has disappointed the major media.

But three days later, on the Hals Islands, the founding ceremony of Ge and Spear was finally held.

Global Live!

People from the major media parties were present, and even countries such as Miguo didn't know what cooperation He and Spear had secretly reached, and even rejected the suspected dispatched representatives to participate in the ceremony.

Netizens around the world are paying attention, and even Chen Lang is lying in the villa of Dijiangyuan, leaning on the sofa and watching the projection.

Next to him, Xiao Xiaoai and Liu were also sitting on the side, and everyone had just gathered for a meal in the villa of Chen Lang.

No way, now Super God Technology needs to continue the ‘defeated’ atmosphere. A group of executives ran outside to eat and drink, which was obviously a bit excessive.

Drinking the cola that Xiao Xiaoai handed over, Chen Lang couldn't help chuckling and looked at the virtual projection and said: "These old boys are really rude, after all, they are the founding of the country, so just make such a booth casually. Isn't it a joke? "

"How normal!"

Liu Yi laughed with a hand: "In the case of the Hals Islands, the ship can't come in. If you want to go in, you can only use a small motor cargo ship. Even if you have a batch of super batteries, it has just started, after all, how much can you prepare in three days Stuff? It's pretty good to be able to flat out such a large area. "

As soon as this remark was made, the others in the room couldn't help laughing.

In the picture, a flat area like a square, a temporary steel frame canopy helps journalists and representatives to shelter from rain.

It's not that tall, it can even be said that on the podium, a few people are holding a microphone and talking about the founding of the country.

The media below is also broadcasting the shooter, but the picture is not very stable due to the magnetic field of the Hals Islands.

Thanks to Chen Lang's shot, if there wasn't that shot, then the magnetic field at that time, even if Ge and Spear wanted to establish a country, there was no way.

Not to mention live broadcast equipment, I am afraid that not all microphones are useless.

"Our organization is the first person to discover the Hals Islands, and the first to transform the Hals Islands. We have the right to zhu of the Hals Islands. Here, we announce that starting today The establishment of a commercial country of Ge and Spear, and the establishment of an institution to rule the country, are both ancient technology groups.

What is a business country?


Why is it called Ancient Technology Group?


Which subsidiaries will our ancient technology group belong to?

... "

Wei Wuyou talked eloquently on the podium. Global journalists took pictures crazy. They wanted to interview Wei Wuyou, but had no chance.

As Wei Wuyou finished his speech, a senior man named Ge and Spear, who did not know his name, stood up. As the host, he began to announce the appointment of Ge and Spear's business nation.

"From today, Ge and Spear Commercial States are established. The governing King of Ge and Spear Commercial States is Queen Zhang Meilu. Tagore is appointed commander of Ge and Spear Commercial States. Xius is the Minister of Justice of Ge and Spear Commercial States. Chairman of the Technology Group, Chen Wang as the CEO of Ancient Technology Group ... "

The appointment ceremony was also held.

Subsequently, the Queen's ascension ceremony, the ancient technology group establishment ceremony, etc.

It lasted all morning.

After all the ceremonies were over, the business nation of Ge and Spear was formally established.

Representatives from various countries sent their blessings and then left, and the major media also began their own interview time.

Several people in the villa of Dijiangyuan were also impressed.

Xiao Xiaoai was a little aggressive and said, "We went out shopping together a while ago. In a few days, Meilu has become a queen?"

"She is worthless!"

Chen Lang smiled: "In the country of commerce, the chairman is worth the money. In one sentence, the leader is Wei Wuyou, then Zhang Meilu and others, the ruling queen, who is in charge of the Z rule, and Ge and Spear can What Z rule? Mao doesn't have any, so she's a name, she's empty.

The commander of Jun and the Minister of Justice are also the same. Ge and Spears are commercial nations and it is impossible to fight against others. So this junior commander is plainly engaged in training and specializes in training talents for commercial nations. Based on business, most of the talents cultivated have to be given priority to Ancient Technology Group.

Judiciary is also, as far as the Harts Islands is concerned, is there a Mao judiciary? They are all their own, and no one dares to do things in the hometown of Ge and Spear, so it is also an empty shell.

As for the bottom line, it is Wei Wuyou who decides. "

"It's also amazing."

Xiao Xiaoai said with emotion: "Just like your men want to be emperors, this is something that women dare to think about when they dream."

"If you like it, you will pretend to betray two years later, go to Go and Spear, and then let Zhang Meilu rotate with you!"

Chen Lang said with black lines.

Xiao Xiaoai was speechless, shook his head, and said, "Forget it, Sister Meilu has the momentum, I don't."

As soon as this word came out, everyone nodded.

In normal times, Zhang Meilu did not show up, but when she was the queen in the projection, the momentum suddenly rose, and it was completely different from the past.

But at this point, everyone is very impressed. This ordinary person goes up and is not nervous yet?

Only Chen Lang was speechless.

Zhang Meiluya was originally a spy agent. Is this all professional?

Shaking his head, Chen Lang said, "Do n’t gossiping, you are ready to go, it ’s time to go back, believe me, the media will come to you soon, and the public opinion on the Internet will be guided. If you are found all in I'm drinking here, then you just wait to be sprayed. "


Everyone froze.

Sure enough, at this moment, Zhang Meilu was interviewed. As the chairman, Wei Wuyou, who is actually the leader of Ge and Spear, stood up.

The media did not have time to speak, he was the first to throw a burst of news.

"The technology of our Ge and Spear comes from prehistoric civilizations, so we named the company Ancient Technology. Our past goal was to build an ideal country where everyone is equal and truly free.

Our goals have not changed.

However, we decided that we are going to change this process, and we see our future in Super God Technology.

Therefore, we have carried out reforms, we have established a commercial nation, and we have also established the ancient technology group.

I know you would like to ask me about being a spy at SuperGod.

What I want to say is that we are not wrong. What is wrong is Super God Technology ~ ~ Why do we go to be spies? Because Super God Technology uses powerful network technology to steal our technology.

Special metal!

Three-level super characteristic alloy!

As you can see, the Xinghe fighter, the Xinghe warship, and even the land reclamation project of Super God Technology. Their combat robots are all made of three-level characteristic alloys.

This technology is actually ours, which we have unearthed from prehistoric civilizations. They stole our technology, so for investigation, we will enter Super God Technology as a spy.

We ca n’t just sit back and watch our technology being used by a thief, so as compensation for our past mistakes, as revenge on Super God Technology, and more as a support for the global technology industry and a faster and better development for all mankind With the support of development, we have decided to disclose the manufacturing method of the three-level super characteristic alloy! Free worldwide license, free for everyone to use!

Believe me, Super God Technology is a thief. In the future, it will be the age of ancient technology and the age of three super alloys! "

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