Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 310: Burst of mind

The whitewashing plan was successfully completed, followed by a period of great development.

Both Ge Yu spear and Super God Technology have all fallen into a busy development period.

The new establishment of Ge and Spear naturally requires development, and countries have long been unhappy with Super God Technology. Ge and Spear have lower attitudes and are willing to cooperate fairly. It is not as black as Super God Technology, a bottle of genes. Repair potion sells special 2000 dollars.

Ge and Spear took the lead to come up with a gene repair agent and sold it for $ 1,000.

Almost in a short day, a large number of countries have placed orders with Ge and Spear.

The number of orders far exceeded the previous orders placed by countries such as the Mi country to Chaoshen Technology, and the funds involved were far more than the previous Chaoshen technology.

After all, the total number of these countries is far more than that of several countries such as the State of Mifa.

The news was not announced until the transaction was successful.

Rice country, goose, country, country, country, country, country, and other countries are desperate. How long has it been for Nima? The net loss is half.

Before Chen Lang was a monopoly, the price Chen Lang said.

Now Ge and Spear have also come up with gene repair agents. Although countries such as Rice are angry, there is no reason to trouble others. After all, they are not a company.

This incident naturally passed to Chen Lang's ears, and even countries such as Riceland complained to Chen Lang for a while.

Chen Lang pretended to hear the anger of the incident, and then explained to the countries such as Rice to revenge and spear. The countries were uncomfortable and naturally willing.

Subsequently, Chen Lang Weibo publicly stated that Ge and Spear had stolen Chaoshen's gene repair reagent technology and stolen extremely precious raw materials. This incident caused Chaoshen to suffer heavy losses.

In view of this, Chaoshen Technology decided to completely abandon its interest in this technology, sell it at a loss, and $ 100 for a gene repair agent.

Of course, in the countries where Ge and Spear have cooperated, Chaoshen Technology will never contact again.

It hasn't been long for countries like Japan and the cold country to hear the news, and they feel sad.

And those developing countries or backward countries, and even some extremely poor countries, such as Africa, are happy, and have placed orders for super repair technology.

Although several developed countries, such as Riceland, still felt the pain of the meat very much, but watching the countries of Japan and other countries ate such a big loss, they suddenly became more beautiful.

Huh, it's cheaper. We buy gene repair drugs twice, right?

now what?

Lost ten times, do you feel bad?

Has the mentality burst?

Hahahahahaha! !! !! !!

However, countries such as the State of Rice did not think about it. They bought it at a loss of twenty times. Of course, it may be thought of, but everyone did not mention it, so that it was more uncomfortable, so they collectively ignored this reality.

In this wave, countries have mixed feelings, some scolded Ge and spear, and some scolded Super God Technology.

But there is no doubt that for the people of all countries, they are not uncomfortable. Instead, they began to praise Ge Yumao and Super God Technology.

After the matter was settled, Chen Lang quietly made a video call to Wei Wuyou. The two looked at each other and said nothing.


A month and a half passed.

Super God Technology has been established for almost nine months.

Ge and Spear also officially entered the right track, with branches in various countries, and even openly doing business with countries.

On this day, Xiao Ma brought a person who surprised Chen Lang in the Second World Office.

"General Chen, some fish live Chen Dajie!"

A slightly fat middle-aged man laughed and was somewhat restrained.


Chen Lang got up and took the two of them to the sofa, waved and let them sit down.

Chen Lang also sat down, and Xiao Xiaoai brought tea quickly.

After drinking a cup of tea, Chen Lang looked at Xiao Ma and wondered, "Why are you here, Brother? You also bring President Chen, is there anything important?"

"That's not true!"

My little brother smiled and sipped his tea and said, "It happened that Hangzhou City hosted an Internet finance conference, and Chen Dajie and I met. Didn't you give us a lot of money when you bought our shares? It does n’t make much sense to keep the money. It ’s simply used to buy shares. Now 80% of a fish ’s shares are penguins. Penguin is a controlling shareholder. He ’s also a man. I heard him say he wants Visiting you, thinking about nothing, just brought him over. "

That's it!

Chen Lang nodded slightly, then wondered: "The Internet Finance Conference? Is it still being held in Hangzhou? I didn't invite me, I am also a member of the Internet company."


Pony's mouth twitched and said silently: "Although this kind of conference is of a national nature and is officially organized, it can't afford to be a big man like you. You don't see what level you are, let alone more Going further, even if you are on this scale, who dare to invite you, except for the United Nations H conference. "


Chen Lang was so sweaty, and then he came back. It turned out that he didn't invite himself.

However, if you think about it, it is estimated that hundreds of billions of dollars will be involved in any financial conference or the like. It is indeed impossible to get into your own eyes.

"What about President Chen?" Chen Lang looked curiously at Chen Dajie and asked, "General President Chen should not just simply want to visit me, is there anything?"

When Chen Dajie asked Chen Lang at this time, he asked himself not to be annoyed. On the contrary, he was somewhat flattered and said, "In front of President Chen, I can't afford to call him President."

"Say something!" Chen Lang rolled his eyes.

Chen Dajie smiled bitterly and said, "That's the case. With the magic world spreading all over the world, although it only operates in China ~ ~, the global attention to the magic world is very large. For now, foreign countries Although many of the netizens have not played the magic world, but because they watch the live broadcast every day, their understanding of the magic world is no less than that of domestic players.

And some of our big anchor live broadcast rooms have matching translations, but I personally think that this is a development opportunity for a certain fish of ours, and also an opportunity to officially enter the country and face the world, so I would like to ask, Can that kind of real-time translation function be introduced to our server to realize global voice real-time translation? "


Chen Lang raised her eyebrows slightly, then looked at Xiao Ma, and said, "Is my own?"

Little Pony reluctantly nodded: "Our own."

"It's easy to talk about your own." Chen Lang grinned and said, "Penguins also have sub-intelligence, just connect directly to give and receive instructions. You don't need to come to me in this matter, just look for pony brother."

Chen Dajie froze.

My little brother was also surprised, and wondered: "A secondary intelligence?"

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