"He's right, Mr. Chen Lang, despite the price you offer, as long as there is a rebate, we can accept the most expensive price!"

Representative Mi Guo looked at Chen Lang with a smile and then said, "The money we made last time bought the castle and the luxury yacht. If Mr. Chen Lang had time, when would he come to us for a play, we would definitely let Chen Mr. Lang is having fun. "

Uh huh?

Chen Lang's forehead was covered with question marks.

Nyima, not only do you dare to sell the country, but dare to take the money with you?

Are the people in your country fools? Can't you see any strangeness?

The representative of Fa Guo seemed to be aware of Chen Lang's doubts. His gentleman smiled and said, "Mr. Chen Lang has no idea. We know the fan economy well. After returning to China, we pretended to be fundraising. Business, those who support us are also willing to pay for our pockets. Our business is so good that we even wash the money we got from you. "


You are really talented.

Chen Lang was speechless.

Then he shook his head and said, "Let's do it. The last time was a one percent return. This time it's just as good.

Your task is to buy virtual equipment on the surface, in fact, they should all be on the production line.

In this way, let me tell you about the preferential activities of the production line.

A set of 10 billion US dollars production line, buy ten get one free, buy twenty .........! "

When Chen Lang finished speaking, even a few representatives were stunned.

10 billion sets?

There are various promotions?

Buy 50 sets to get all the promotional gifts, but also get five more because of buying ten get one free?

55 production lines, automotive intelligent management system, Chaoshen primary industrial intelligent management system, urban intelligent management system, secondary intelligence?

My goodness!

This gift is too dark technology, right?

This gift is really calculated, and the actual value is far beyond the production line, right?

In other words, it seems that it is selling production lines, but in fact Chen Lang is selling gifts?


I'm so excited.

But the price is a bit expensive.

Several people silently calculated, not to be ignorant, startled.

If you want to take it all down, you need 500 billion U.S. dollars, which is 500 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to 3.5 trillion Chinese yuan.

And it's a country's price.

Last time, everyone bought about 7 trillion yuan of gene repair drugs together.

But this time, everyone adds up to the equivalent of 14 trillion Chinese yuan.

Can you apply for so much money?

Several representatives frowned.

At this time, Chen Lang said quietly: "One percent return!"

"That's it!"

Representatives from Rice said, "Although Congress and the President can decide this matter, as a member of Rice, I have the right to express my opinions, and I have a lot of fans. At that time, everyone will work together to promote this. Matter, Mr. President will definitely agree.

Mr. Chen Lang, give me three days and I'll get it done! "

"it is good!"

Chen Lang smiled and applauded, "It is worthy to be eligible for the next general election. If you do participate, I support you on behalf of Super God Technology!"

"Thank you!"

The representative of Miguo was excited. He was just thinking about it, but now Chen Lang spoke, he suddenly found that he was really possible.

Those who participate in the general elections in the United States must have the support of some vested interests. Often those people are consortia and large enterprises.

But compared with Chaoshen Technology, those consortia and big companies are a shame.

Super God Technology wants money and money, and technology has technology. As long as you focus on helping Super God Technology to make money, will not you make more money?

In addition, Chaoshen's products are not so expensive. After popularization, people's lives are better and everyone is convenient.

This is a good thing for the benefit of others.

As for what the Congress lost?

It's a matter of my fart. The country is not me. I have the ability to work at least two more times, and the money I get is real.

The more I think about it, the more beautiful I become, the representative of the rice country can't help but laugh out loud.

The representatives of several other countries looked enviously at the representatives of the Mi country, but their countries are different. It is not easy to be the boss.

Therefore, the representative of the State of Rice cannot be copied.

After envy and envy, they gritted their teeth and made forts to Chen Lang.

$ 500 billion.

Although a bit more, it is worth their adventure to fight.

After all, this is a one percent return. One hundred percent of $ 500 billion is $ 5 billion.

If you can get $ 5 billion, it's worth losing your job.

This is a wealth that other family members ca n’t make up for generations.

"My friends, before I came to China, I didn't know that there was such an interesting thing in the world. Trust me, I love it, so do you, and you will love it soon."

"One percent rebate, but that's a full five billion dollars. If I were to choose between this money and the presidency, no doubt I would choose this money?"

"Although our goose country is economically poor, but we sell 500 million U.S. dollars in pots and irons. Believe me, once this is done, we make money and make money, but this money is worthy of conscience.

Because we have made a difference to the goose nation, and brought about the disappearance of the economic rise. "

"Yes, in fact, if you let the entire country go virtual and intelligent, then 500 billion US dollars is definitely worth it.

Homeowners need to consider more than just the worth. They think more about the future impact, the global situation, and so on.

So they ca n’t do it simply, but we are different. Although we are for money, we have indirectly contributed to our country and the people.

We are compared with those who manage the family. Although we don't seem to be so tall, our contribution goes far beyond them.

Therefore, don't have any psychological burden, hold money, do business, and serve the country and the people! "

"Yes, we are for the people, for the country!"

"Everyone has selfishness. It is normal to have selfishness, but in the face of righteousness, I believe that you will all make the best choice.

Now, the best option is to take money to do business, the people's life is convenient, and the country develops faster.

As for whether those who play it will agree, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not important! "


After the representatives of the four major countries formally made a decision, they began to falter.

When they finished their speeches, the people who came with them were already excited and righteous, and all looked at them with the expression of swearing and following.

This is for the country and the people to do.

The reason for doing this is to avoid contamination with those dirty home rulers.

And there is money to take.

Everyone gets a $ 100 million benefit.

Why not do it?

Chapter 335 of the Latest Chapter of the Super God Technology Empire I Love It URL:

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