Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 345: Life robot test

This is really good news.

Sun Tianhong couldn't help but want to grit his teeth.

Of course, Chen Lang saw his thoughts and said with a smile: "You can rest assured. In a people-oriented way of thinking, we must first solve the problem of clothing, food, shelter, and transportation. Do you know why Xinghe Aerospace will give priority to construction? By then, you can If you choose to live on it, you can also choose to come back to work every day. Xinghe fighters will serve you as a bus. "


Sun Tianhong was relieved, but he couldn't help feeling a toothache.

The Star River fighter that every country wants, claiming to be the world's top air combat weapon, should be used as a bus.

That's ... it's so cool.

"I believe that it's not just me, including the senior management and some staff members in Tianhong Industry, who are all willing to work in the Pacific."

Sun Tianhong smiled like a idiot.

"OK, you just have to talk about it. You just need to be prepared. In addition, you will prepare tomorrow. I will let Xiao Xiaoai inform. The garbage collection and treatment center in Hailan Lane has been completed. Tomorrow The conference will be held in conjunction with the Hailang Province town government, and when you are all right, you will pass. "

"Good boss!"

Sun Tianhong nodded.

对 "By the way, the living robot will get me one. I'll go back later when I'm going to get a nanny for my parents."

Chen Lang said after thinking about it.

"I understand!"

Sun Tianhong smiled and said, "I tried it. The living robot we built is very comprehensive. Whether it ’s cooking, housework, laundry, shopping on the street, etc., it can be done easily. It can be said that Other than being a real living person, there is no difference from a real living person. "

He said, Sun Tianhong contacted the ball.

Within Tianhong Industry, Sun Tianhong has intelligent authority.

A few minutes later, an industrial robot drove a small transport vehicle to several people.

Then unloading.

After unpacking, a rather anime-style maid robot appeared in front of the three.

军 Li Jun curiously made a circle around the maid robot and was surprised.

Sun Tianhong stepped forward and knocked on the shoulder of the maid robot, saying: "Inside is a light metal material with special metal, and the outside is made of artificial plastic skin. It weighs about 45 kilograms and is 1.6 meters tall. It is a simulation Standard human form.

In addition, it is equipped with autonomous intelligence. Even if it is unable to connect to the network, its own intelligence can meet daily use. If it is connected to the network and has ball-assisted operations, it is more like a real person than a real person. "

浪 Chen Lang nodded and said, "The main thing is autonomous intelligence. After all, the ball needs to deal with too many things, but it is nothing for some robots. But once the life robot is officially released for the global market, does every one need the ball to control?

肯定 This is definitely not possible and unnecessary, and it is also suspected of the user's own privacy. After all, if the ball is controlled, it means that the user's daily life no matter what he does is recorded in the ball.

Therefore, autonomous intelligence is the main thing. "

"I know!"

Sun Tianhong nodded, but then he couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said, "Our Tiangong series products used in hardware are easy to meet the use of intelligence, and intelligence is blank intelligence. The boss you also said before, the intelligence provided is Inertial intelligence, inertial intelligence is to first form a habit according to the master, and gradually cooperate with the master perfectly.

So after our testing, this involved a problem.

If the user who purchased the living robot is a user who owns a virtual mobile phone and has developed his own inertial intelligence, they can connect the living robot to synchronize the inertia.

But if you are a user who has not used a virtual mobile phone and you are just getting started with inertial intelligence, then you are facing a completely blank inertial intelligence. "

"For example?" Chen Lang curiously.

"It's ... I can't say it well, let's go to the headquarters first, and you'll know if you try."

Sun Tianhong said helplessly.


Chen Lang was surprised, and then Li Jun drove, pulling them and a living robot, toward the headquarters building of Tianhong Industry.

After Wu arrived, Sun Tianhong got out of the car and turned on the living robot.

The light on the forehead of the living robot flickered slightly, then adjusted to his body and stood in front of Sun Tianhong.

"Welcome to use Tianhong Industrial's live robots produced by Chaoshen Technology, number S089786 is for you. Please choose to change the title?"

"No!" Sun Tianhong said.

"Yes, please choose whether to sync smart?"


"Yes, please choose ...!"

After about a minute of preliminary debugging, the living robot finally stopped asking, and now it is in the state of autonomous intelligence.

"Master, what service do you need?"

Because no adjustments or selections have been made, the voice of the blank robot is a bit electronic.

"I'm here or are you here?" Sun Tianhong looked at Chen Lang.

浪 Chen Lang frowned and said, "Since it is the problem you found, then you come, I also want to see where the problem lies."


Sun Tianhong nodded and said to the living robot: "My cigarette is finished, hey, just go to the store over there and buy me a pack of cigarettes. The manager knows what brand of cigarettes I smoke, remember to bargain ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Regardless of the original price, cut me in half. "

"Yes, master!"

In the eyes of the living robot is a recognition system. After receiving the instructions, it quickly ran towards the store.

商店 This store is a store within Tianhong Industry. Normal employees directly swipe their ID cards when they buy things. Chaoshen's account settlement system will automatically deduct them when paying wages.

The manager of this store is also an employee of Tianhong Industry. He is a middle-aged man. He obviously has seen a similar situation long ago and knows that it is a test. So he smiled and looked at the living robot running.

浪 Chen Lang followed, stood behind the robot and watched the robot perform.

"Hello, I want to buy cigarettes, the master said you know what brand of cigarettes he smokes."

"Oh, good!" The shop owner smiled, took out a pack of cigarettes from the counter and placed them in front of the robot, and said, "Thirty dollars."

十五 "Fifteen!" The robot said, bargaining.

"No, fifteen is too few, at least twenty!" The shop owner cooperated with the robot's performance.

十 "Ten pieces!" The robot spoke again.

"Xing Xing Xing, don't cut it, just 15 lines, right?" The owner laughed.

七 "Seven dollars and five!" The robot continued.

"You are too much. If you bargain so much, I might as well give you this pack for free."

"Two packs!"


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