Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 351: Always remember

"This is ... aluminum powder?"

Suddenly, one of the big brothers couldn't help it.

He was in charge of the industrial sector. He had seen powdered aluminum produced by some aluminum factories and processing enterprises, and the powder in Chen Lang's hands was too similar.

Chen Lang heard a surprised look at him, then nodded, and said, "The garbage that we recycle will decompose into a powdery substance, and this powder is more fine than the powder from any processing plant. This powder is almost In the state of particles, the reason why it looks like dust is mainly because there are too many. "

He said, Chen Lang looked down at the truck, and he couldn't help but smile, and said, "Of course, this quantity refers to the comparison of powders produced by other factories under a fixed weight.

In fact, although there is a lot of this garbage, it does not produce much after decomposition, such as aluminum, which is less than half a car.

After the tritium is decomposed, various materials are stored separately. "

"This is too incredible."

Suddenly, one of the media couldn't help but ask, "General Manager Chen, with your company's strength, doesn't it mean that all garbage can perfectly decompose all kinds of raw materials of different types?"

of course!

Chen Langxin said something.

But the man wasn't finished, he became more and more excited, and said brightly in front of him: "That is to say, human resources can be used infinitely twice, three times, or even infinitely in the future? There is no shortage of resources? "

I have no shortage of it. After entering space, you will be dazzled by many resources.

Chen Lang muttered again in his heart.

But he couldn't say this, because the garbage collection and processing center was built by him to collect resources to build the headquarters. After it was really made public, the garbage has become a treasure since then. Who would send him garbage for free?

"Not so!"

Chen Lang reluctantly said: "If you want to decompose the garbage, you first need energy. In fact, not only will some materials be lost during the decomposition process, but also because the garbage itself has been depleted, and there are also energy consumption reasons. In terms of consumption and harvest, at present we can only achieve about 1: 1.12, that is, the unit value of consumption is 1, and the unit value of harvest is 1.12.

Removed the cost of consumption, in fact, the profit that can be harvested is 0.12.

how to say?

This is an industry that benefits the country and the people, and is conducive to the global environment. When it comes to making money, even if the world's garbage is transported for processing, it is at most tens of billions of dollars in revenue each year.

We spend hundreds of billions of dollars to manufacture this garbage collection and treatment center, relying on the world to achieve tens of billions of revenue, and it still takes several years to recover costs.

I think everyone is very profitable.

But what if each country has its own garbage collection and treatment center? That is evenly divided, and the annual profit is only a few hundred million yuan. It will take at least hundreds of years to recover the cost.

To be honest, when I did research, I inadvertently researched this thing, and then this thing can make a certain contribution to all humanity.

If it wasn't for him still having this value, you also know the profitability of our Super God Technology, we would not be able to do this kind of business.

I won't say how much money I can make, it's a waste of time. "


This kind of profit, I am afraid that only you can say it is a waste of time.

The corners of the mouth twitched.

However, thinking of the profitability of Chaoshen's major industries, they have to admit that Chen Lang is right.

When I thought of it, everyone couldn't help it.

One of the media reporters couldn't help but say, "General Chen, your contribution to the world is irreplaceable, and you will inevitably be remembered in this era."

"Thank you!"

Chen Lang smiled and nodded.

But he was a little guilty.

Nima never thought of it, and casually flickering actually had this effect. Others don't know, don't these masters of their own yet know?

I think so, Chen Lang couldn't help turning his head to look at Liu's first hand, but Chen Lang didn't expect that Liu's first hand turned out to be an expression of approval.

What the hell?

In the weekdays, aren't you guys behind me saying bad things about me? Didn't disdain me at this time?

Is it wrong?

However, Chen Lang never really thought about it in depth. Why did he still live well after doing so many things?

Why Huaxia can hold him? Why, although countries like Mi Guo sprayed his pit every day, every day he wished he would die, but no one really attacked him?

I just because his body is too strong.

Not to mention the advancement of science and technology for the entire human race, a single gene repair agent alone is already a matter of benefit to the entire people.

No matter how malicious people are, they have to identify with Chen Lang in their hearts, because it is Chen Lang's appearance that made them so.

Your skin and hair is from your parents.

Human beings have a special feeling for those who give birth to them, no matter what country or culture.

现代 Modern disease is a major global problem. No one in the world can pat his chest and say that he will not be troubled by the disease.

Too many and too many people have experienced the illness themselves, so for Chen Lang, these people have a complex emotion.

浪 Chen Lang has created a gene repair agent. For many people, Chen Lang is their reborn parent.

除此之外 Besides that, UU Reading www. There are other aspects of

Although Chen Lang is very diligent in doing things, no matter the country or the world, he loves and hates him.

I was so popular that he lost his job. It was so popular that he engaged in black technology but did not sell it outside China.

Each has its own reasons, and there are more reasons for qi.

But no matter how angry these people are, when they really take it seriously, they always defend Chen Lang.

This is the real golden body that Chen Lang has unknowingly shaped.

浪 For the vast majority of the people in the world, Chen Lang is a great man.

You can hate him for being angry with him, but you never want to kill him.

Even, Chen Lang has reached the point where he is now. Even jealousy will not happen to Chen Lang.

Jealousy is also a comparison, compared with Chen Lang? Forget it, that's God.

Qiu Fu? No no no, that's not the rich, it's the economic master of special.

In this case, although there are some words on the Internet that are not good for Chen Lang, no one will take it seriously.

Public opinion? No, that's a joke. .

Everyone knows that as long as Chen Lang does not die, unless the world starts a world war, no one or any force can overthrow Chen Lang and overthrow the super-shen technology.

Although it is only less than a year, Chaoshen Technology and Chen Lang have already surpassed the world and become a very special existence.

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