Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 353: Course changes

"The results of it?"

Chen Lang couldn't help but asked again, "What to do? Did they arrest them or just let them leave?"

For these three poor little brothers, Chen Lang feels sympathy.

The idea is good, and being willing to take action requires too much courage.

But unfortunately, they saw the wrong person and mistaken the keyboard man as a teammate.

So for their end, Chen Lang is very curious.

Not only was Chen Lang curious, but Liu couldn't help but be curious.

This kind of thing must be put to an end. If everyone can come this way, can't the business be done?

Therefore, although sympathetic to the three little brothers, Chen Lang and Liu paid more attention to the end of the three little foreigners.

Qiu Qiuwen replied: "They were arrested because of the crime of gathering people to disturb social order. According to laws and regulations, gathering people to disrupt social order, the plot is serious, making work, production, business and teaching, scientific research, and medical treatment impossible. Those who lose shall be sentenced to three to seven years imprisonment for the principal elements; others who actively participate shall be sentenced to three years or less, detained, controlled or deprived of political rights. "

"Three people also involved gathering?"

Liu was a little aggressive.

Xiao Xiaoai also looked at Chen Lang incredible.

They felt that this matter must have something to do with Chen Lang. After all, although there were eighty-three people, eighty of them were plain clothes. Just the three little foreigners really rushed into Tianhong Industry. Three How do individuals form a crowd?

Chen Lang shook his head, and was a little confused, saying, "I'll call Wang Lao to confirm it."

Then, Chen Lang picked up the phone.

After a while, Mr. Wang answered the phone.

"Hey? Brother Lang, what?"

"That gathering of people to disturb the social order is what you did? I wonder, if the words of three people do not constitute the word gathering of people?" Chen Lang couldn't help but go straight to the subject and asked.

Wang Lao laughed and said, "That's not easy. What did our comrades in plain clothes do in the past? They are members of the crowd, so the standard of conviction is not three people, but 83 people.

Besides, the charge is not exaggerated at all.

Your Tianhong Industry is a high-tech enterprise that integrates production and scientific research. Their behavior has affected the work and production of the enterprise, and in addition, they have instigated other people on the Internet to follow them together to make trouble, so There is nothing wrong with this charge.

Besides, we are already looking for light treatment in the face of international friends. You see, we have been sentenced to seven years in prison for the chief elements, that is, the three young foreigners.

But for other participants, we have stated that we will not pursue it.

Now this matter has spread all over the country and abroad. Even in the world, no one can gossip. Even they praise us for giving the other eighty people a chance to reform and say that our law is just and sympathetic. Heart. "



Chen Lang could not help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Isn't that compassion?

The three chief elements were sentenced to the highest sentence, and the other plainclothes disguised as their associates were not prosecuted.

Alas, I thought that letting plain clothes pass is to maintain the scene and prevent any trouble.

Feelings get rid of for a long time.

This routine is really one link after another, those three little brothers, this wave really feels what is called the iron fist from the society.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang!" Chen Lang said.

"What's so grateful!" Wang Lao laughed: "These are all things we should do, not to mention, this time thanks to the police version of the super glasses provided by Super God Technology, just because of the glasses, after Only after the police propagandized those who had thought carefully, otherwise, it would be more than just these three people to block your door.

These three little foreigners are completely fearless! "


Chen Lang was slightly ashamed.

I never imagined that the reason that those people really didn't dare to block their doors was because of super glasses.

But think about it, the police version and the military version of the super glasses are very powerful, and can directly scan the true identity of the parties.

Once recorded, this is the bottom of the case.

No wonder no one dared to go after the three little foreigners, just because they knew the consequences one by one.

"Yes, there is one more thing that needs to be told to you and ask for your opinion."

Suddenly, Wang Lao said, "After the popularization of gene repair drugs in China, people have basically completed gene repair, and their physical qualities are comparable to those of special forces in the past. Because of this situation, major countries have now made it clear Refused to play sports and events with us.

Moreover, not only our country, but globally, countries are now reducing sports.

Fortunately for football, the improvement of physical fitness will make the game more lively, but because of the advent of gene repair drugs, football is now also classified.

Different levels of physical fitness for different levels of competition, just like previous boxing matches.

Competitions such as basketball and badminton are now directly cancelled, and even they took the opportunity to cancel our table tennis.

Among the various sports, from the present point of view ~ ~ is the most lively fighting event, and it is also the most popular event in various countries, and it is the least affected by gene repair agents.

After recent discussions, we decided to make changes to compulsory education across the country, cancel previous physical education classes and English classes, and add combat classes and law classes. One is to make people gradually get used to the sudden increase in physique. Knowing the law and the law will not cause crimes or the like because of physical growth.

However, the main reason for this is genetic repair drugs. We decided to ask you after discussion. Do you have any suggestions or opinions? After all, this gene repair medicine is taken out of your hands. We do n’t know how many black technologies you have hidden. Asking your opinions will save us from doing nothing. "

Change course?

Has it finally started?

Chen Lang frowned, his eyes flashing.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

I still remember that the course changes in previous lives also started with huge breakthroughs in science and technology, which is an inevitable consequence of the development of science and technology.

After all, the course must follow the times, and if the times go too fast and the courses cannot keep up, it basically means that the scientific research staff is faulty.

Education is always the top priority.

From feudal society to today, the ups and downs of any country have begun with universal education.

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