Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 357: Civil and military points

Liberal arts is mainly based on learning scientific knowledge, and gradually step by step or choose to leave employment, choose to specialize in a certain topic, or continue to study.

浪 What Chen Lang learned in the previous life was liberal arts.

There is no dissertation, and they are divided into nine levels, that is, nine federal compulsory education.

Unlike modern nine-year compulsory education, modern nine-year compulsory education focuses more on nine years, that is, no matter whether you study well or not, you will graduate after nine years, unless you are particularly poor, which leads to repetition. .

The Ninth Federal Compulsory Education is not for perfunctory, nor for forcibly instilling students' knowledge, so that the earth civilization has more talents.

Nine times of compulsory education regardless of time, anyone can sign up to participate in the study, divided into nine assessments.

The assessment is very strict.

Basically, unless you learn everything you learned this time, otherwise it will be impossible to pass the assessment.

浪 Chen Lang spent 57 years in his previous life and was only assessed eight times. He has not passed the assessment for the ninth time in eight years.

This is still with the help of the virtual world and the brain.

no way.

Although Zhi Zhi Nao is a second consciousness, it is more about transmitting data than transmitting it. The data transmission is simple, but it is difficult to integrate it.

Not to mention real practice.

Infused countless scientific knowledge into the human brain, at most it is to get something similar to a computer hard disk, you ask him what he will give the answer after searching his own brain, but can not really use it.

The data is too complicated, too much, all piled up. Do you search for an hour of data, then research for a while, and then search for an hour of data?

I finally found out that I didn't have it in my head. Download it on the spot?

What a joke.

Therefore, Chen Lang only experienced 57 years of horror. Even now, I feel stressed.

Liberal arts is more difficult than martial arts and difficult to learn.

The martial arts is also more difficult than the liberal arts.

There are five majors in liberal arts, basic materials science, biological genetics, energy and energy sciences, intelligent science and technology, and mechanical industry.

These five college subjects are subdivided into many categories.

In nine compulsory education, students can choose to terminate their studies halfway, such as finishing three studies and going to work.

But it is different from modern culture.

In the future society, people who have graduated within three times can't even find a job when they go out. They can only eat at home and die, or enter the virtual world and move bricks to earn some hard money.

I can find a job within three to six times, but generally I am responsible for the maintenance and repair of some scientific and technological products in some enterprises, or even some small inventions, such as household products.

Those who graduated seven times can enter large enterprises to hold important positions, which is a watershed moment.

Students who have completed their studies within one to six times are all based on past and current knowledge.

More than seven times, I learned some cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge.

Once closed eight times, major companies, organizations, and even empires in the entire federation are welcome to join.

After I went, there was no future.

Nine times of graduation are different. After completing nine times of graduation, you can get the elite medal. It is a human elite. Even the federal township government welcomes the joining of such elites. The major empires can choose arbitrarily. After entering, they will be trained. You can join others ’research institutes.

In the past life, Chen Lang ran away nine times. After nine times, it was really a worry-free life.

But how difficult is it to close nine times?

No one in ten thousand people.

Either he doesn't have this brain, or he doesn't have the patience.

Chen Lang's 57 years of re-education almost drove him crazy.

Chen Lang's dad, Chen Ye, and Chen Lang signed up to study together, but it was only in the same class in the first few years, and the follow-up was not able to keep up with the backwardness.

While Chen Lang was receiving his ninth compulsory education study, Dad Chen still broke his head for the sixth assessment.

I have a good mind or endurance in studying liberal arts.

爸 Chen Chen belongs to the type without mind.

浪 Chen Lang is a type with ordinary brain and good endurance.

The genius among real geniuses is born with high IQ, large brain capacity, and extremely flexible brains. This kind of person thinks about liberal arts every year and graduates in nine years. That is the real realization of nine-year compulsory education.

But ordinary people, 50 years is a standard, and it is normal to complete in about 50 years.

I have a bad head, 80 to 100 years.

For more than a hundred years, sorry, the federal town government thinks you are not worthy of training.

Of course, no one can really persist for a hundred years.

The few who can persist for decades like Chen Lang are few.

Chen Lang, if there was no war of punishment in the past life, he would probably have to graduate in a year or two, that is to say, he belongs to a slightly lower level among ordinary people.

For those who study liberal arts, the nine compulsory education is just the beginning. It is not worthy to be called a scientist during the study period. After graduation, you really choose your research direction according to your preferences and the level of welfare provided by the other party. This is the beginning of a scientist.

The road of scientific research is endless. Although there is no exam, when the federal evaluation of the scientist's grade, your result is your assessment.

人工智能 Evaluated by artificial intelligence, the more research results you have, the more research you participate in, the more honors you get, the more contributions you make to humans, and the grades of scientists are naturally different.

And this level cannot be ignored by anyone.

The rank of the scientist is doomed to your treatment.

No matter where you work, whether it is the major empires, organizations, forces, companies, you will be given different levels of treatment, benefits, and salary according to your scientist level.

Even the importance that human society attaches to you, the number of your bodyguards ~ ~ your status, etc. are all related to this.

This is a liberal arts course that anyone can take. As long as you are willing to learn and have enough patience, the difference between you and others is at most time.

Geniuses and ordinary people want to learn faster than perhaps in the early stage, but researching such things does not distinguish between geniuses and ordinary people.

As long as you have patience, there is hope.

Compared to Liberal Arts and Liberal Arts, the requirements for talent are much higher.

No matter how much time you spend in Liberal Arts, as long as you finish nine times, you will be treated fairly.

Wu Wuke is different.



The martial arts department trains warriors, gene warriors are a discipline, and mech warriors are a discipline. In addition, there is a discipline of operator.

Gene Warrior is undoubtedly the most talented, most resourceful, and most difficult subject in this discipline, but also the most promising discipline in the later period.

Mech fighters are second, because in addition to the high-end mech sometimes launching some tasks, need to enter no signal or earth civilization coverage requires artificial control, many ordinary mechs have achieved intelligent control.

Mecha warriors need different talents from genetic warriors. Gene warriors are talents to see the awakening, while mech warriors are to see the flexibility of the brain, the response of consciousness and so on. .

There is a controller.

The controller is the least promising and recognized.

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