Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 36: Longshou Manor

"Some trouble!"

Chen Lang looked at the distant Wang Ye and couldn't help but whisper to his chin and said to himself.

Xu Zhongyiyi Although he was not very proficient in plots and tricks because of the circumstances of the previous life, he still had some confidence in seeing people.

Obviously, Wang Ye is obviously a person with a strong self-esteem and a delusion of taking shortcuts, and this person is very confident and confident.

This kind of person is very self, they will feel that they are right for nothing, and this kind of person still belongs to the kind who will not give up easily.

I am frustrated at Chen Lang now, so he certainly won't just give up.

This kind of person will either think of another way and come back to face after rising, or go to extremes.

浪 Chen Lang feels that he sees people very accurately. He thinks that Wang Ye is definitely not as simple as taking the initiative to resign.

What do you want at this position?

In addition to his own status, I'm afraid he just wanted to go back and hit someone's face.

生命 "Life is the greatest miracle in the world, and no one is entitled to take away the lives of others. But living in a group, freedom is not, I hope you can go the right way."

浪 Chen Lang turned and slept closed.

However, Chen Lang did not sleep long.

At about noon, Liu hurriedly awakened Chen Lang from his sleep.

老板 "Boss? Boss? Here comes the goose plant."

Are you here?

浪 Chen Lang got up, took a quick wash, changed into a clean casual outfit, and followed Liu to walk downstairs.

The corner of Liu Yi's hand twitched slightly and whispered, "Boss, Zhang Mulan and a driver came from the goose factory. It should be taking you to a place, most likely a reception or the like. Right? "

"rest assured!"

浪 Chen Lang waved his hand, admitting: "I'm the devil who is the most beautiful. No matter what I wear, no one can grab my limelight."

Liu heard the sweat in his own hands. Is this afraid that others will steal your limelight? I'm afraid you are too popular!

"Hello, Miss Zhang!"

Chen Lang walked downstairs and saw Zhang Mulan standing in the living room waiting. She smiled and stepped forward and shook hands with Zhang Mulan.

Zhang Mulan took a deep look at Chen Lang, then nodded: "Hello President Chen, President Ma and President Ding set up a banquet at Longshou Manor, and specifically instructed me to invite you there."

"Let's go!"

浪 Chen Lang was also welcome, strode forward and waited outside the villa to open the door and sit in a Bentley.

The deluxe car is indeed a luxury car, and its internal space is comparable to the first class of an airplane.

However, Chen Lang was not surprised. The car topped out in the millions, and he would have even personally driven tens of billions of space battleships, let alone a car.

The car drove all the way and moved towards the sea.

Chen Lang of Longshou Manor has heard of it. It is located near the sea and is a neighbor to some expensive seaview villas in Modu. This is called Long Ting. It is a place where many rich businessmen in China discuss business. The clubhouse is just too high-end.

Later, because of some taboos, coupled with the fact that many big men did not like too much publicity, Long Ting changed its name to Longshou Manor.

但 Everyone in the manor who has a top-ranking membership card is the leader of a leading company in various industries.

As the car slowly drove over a deserted road, Chen Lang looked out the window and had to be sighed with the essence and strength of Longshou Manor.

公路 This road is exclusively for Longshou Manor.

The road is smooth, and both sides of the road are covered with maple trees. It is now more than November. Although it is not too cold, the maple leaves have turned red.

枫 Maple leaves are piled on the ground, and vehicles pass by, and maple leaves are slowly falling from the tree.

This is definitely a classic attraction.

"Mr. Chen has any requirements or taboos regarding accommodation and accommodation?" Zhang Mulan held a tablet computer and turned to Chen Lang to ask.

Chen Lang shook his head slightly and said, "Liangtian can't afford to eat three meals a day. The Guangsha mansion only sleeps on a three-foot bed. I don't have any taboos in terms of accommodation, but since it is out, let them take the best. come out."

Zhang Mulan's face was black.

还是 It was the first time she had met such a difficult host. In a sentence, it seemed that there was nothing to ask for, the best one, but for Longshou Manor, it was all the best. This was a requirement everywhere.

A strange glance at Chen Lang, Zhang Mulan responded to the customer service of Longshou Manor on the tablet.

Uh ...

In Longshou Manor, Xiao Ma could not help but be full of black lines, and vomited to the pig miller who was sitting and drinking tea at the side: "This kid really doesn't take himself as an outsider. It is best to speak. It would cost at least millions of dollars. "

"This is telling us that he is ready to speak with a lion, let us prepare!"

Mr. Ding always took a sip of tea, slowly shook his head, and wondered.

"Old man, put away your face." Xiao Ma said silently, "I have known for so many years, have been friends and opponents, who do you pretend to show?"


Lao Ding grinned, and he couldn't hold back. "It's not, I'm old, and my wife-in-law said that I'm still the same as a guy, no image."

Xiao Ma's mouth twitched, and he said again silently: "Who is the same as the old man? This forces you to keep it in front of the old horse next time. Tell me, how much money can your pig factory take out? "

"Hard to say!"

Lao Ding shook his head and groaned for a moment, saying, "The stock market has changed a lot in the past two years, and working capital companies need a certain amount of reserves. UU reading I can take out at most 10 billion yuan."

"Okay, I also take 10 billion!"

Brother Xiao Ma took the ceramic tea cup and drank it. "If he is willing to exchange shares or ask for assets, he can give him more."


The old man shook his head and said, "The boy is soft and hard, he doesn't eat, and he is obviously ambitious. He just waits to pit us. How can such a person be willing to buy fixed assets or shares? Why would he want to buy shares? Let the navy hack us? "

"In the past few years, the Internet industry has almost become solid. Rare dark horses have appeared. The second world cannot be underestimated. According to the evaluation of the magic world by the people below, the ambition of the second world is more than just a magic world. Ordinary games.

Presumably, you have also seen that the five regions are completely different maps. This is an opportunity to be merged. Continue to merge. Although he can rely on his technology to make millions of people online at the same time, the price paid is not small.

Second, after the integration, if you want to stabilize the major systems of this game, you need more than just manpower. Therefore, if you continue to integrate, there are only two results in the magic world.

For one thing, the system crashed. Like a shooting star, this classic game can only bloom for a short time.

Second, stability and balance. If he can really do it, any game on the market will no longer be the opponent of the magic world, and the magic world will really become the second world.

Do you think he will not see these two results? Therefore, I think he must still have a second hand, and the technology mastered by the Second World is more than just what he sees right now. "

平 The elder brother's bland voice made the old man serious.

Lao Ding was silent for a moment, suddenly looked up, and condensed: "Artificial intelligence?"

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