Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 368: Upscale atmosphere

In a hurry, a trio of fun was played by Li Jun into a sweet couple of Chen Lang and Xiao Xiaoai.

As for Li Jun himself?

Ha ha!


In order to keep a low profile, Chen Lang wore a hat and sunglasses.

Xiao Xiaoai was behind him, wearing a rather delicate sunglasses, his hair was loose, and it would not be recognized.

Like the couple, the two strode forward, and a short leg clawed forward.

Why not say it is the capital?

A taxi took place at the intersection, and it was three hours after Chen Lang and Xiao Xiaoai arrived at the gate of the Forbidden City.

It was the hottest three hours at noon.

Two men in military uniforms stood under the big sun, sweating continuously on their foreheads, and their faces were a little pale.

"I swear that I haven't stood serious in military positions for several years since I moved to civilian office."

One of them couldn't help but say hard.

The other person couldn't stop rubbing his sweat, and was a little aggressive, saying, "You're fine, I was a civilian from the beginning, a technical soldier. I have never stood in the military posture under the big sun, okay?"

"Why not come? It's been more than three hours."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since since it ’s normal for him to be late?"

"It's the same, it's just that we're bothered, oh my mother, but it's hot for me. Do you still have water? Give me a sip."

"No, otherwise, I'll wait, you go buy water?"

"Forget it, it's rare to see Langshen. In case I happened to buy water, he came, wouldn't it be a pity to die."

"That's the same, let's bear it. After seeing Langshen, let's talk about it, then you don't want to be chic or chic?"


During the discussion between the two, there were many tourists passing by, all of them looked at them in surprise.

Even the staff at the gate of the Forbidden City looked at them both aggressively.

These two, what's going on?

Is there any special mission that I have to stand here?

For three hours, motionless, the standard batch of military posture.

"Sorry, it's late!"

At this moment, Chen Lang's voice sounded behind them, and they turned their heads. Sure enough, Chen Lang wearing sunglasses had stretched out his hand with a smile.

Repeated confirmation, the two immediately became excited.


"Brother Chen!"


Chen Lang was a little surprised. He shouted a lot of gods, but basically everyone who yelled at Chen had already powdered his **** long ago.

Really did not expect that he has fans in the army?

"It's me. I'm sorry. We got a car. Who knows that Beijing is too blocked!"

Chen Lang explained.


"Yeah yeah!"

The expression of the two young fans looking at Chen Lang, who looked cold all over.

"Did something come?" Chen Lang asked.

"Brought it."

One of them hurriedly took out an officer certificate and handed it to Chen Lang, saying: "Wang Lao spoke a little high-end in the high-end atmosphere. I wonder if this thing is the same? The only difference may be the military rank, so I I'll give you a rank in the high-end atmosphere. "


Chen Lang glanced at each other in surprise, then opened the officer's card.


Are you kidding me?

Chen Lang suddenly turned black.

Number: Jingzi No. *.

Issuing authority: Division Z of the General Administration of the Space Force.

Date of issue .......... Validity .........!

Name: Chen Lang

Date of Birth ... Gender ...!

Hometown: Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Nationality: Han

Department: Space Command

These are fine.

It's just that the Space Army hasn't officially opened to the public yet. It seems a little bit childish and will definitely attract people's attention.

But this is not the point!

The key is in the next two lines.

Position: Deputy Chief Commander

Military rank: General


Do you dare to make a fake?

At my age, you have to be suspicious if you make a major general. How dare you get a general?

Lao Tzu is ready to act in a low-key manner, hat and sunglasses are ready, and then you stab Lao Tzu in the back?

Nima must not be seen as a monkey when you take it out?

"Come here, take out your officer ID."

Chen Lang gestured.

The man was a little hesitant, and then he took out his officer's card.

After Chen Lang took it, he took it apart, changed the photos of the two documents, and then handed the officer's officer's certificate.

"Well, you go into the Forbidden City. I'll see if you get caught!"


The man was aggressive.

Then with Chen Lang's gaze, he walked to the ticket office rather awkwardly.

Then, a voice sounded.

"Security, security, hold him, here's a fake officer ID, posing as a soldier!"

The younger sister who checked the ticket suddenly shouted together.

Later, several security guards approached him quickly.

"This is not fake!"

At the same time he was embarrassed, his face began to turn red.

At this point, he finally responded. After answering Wang Lao's phone call, he thought that Chen Lang was used to pretend to use it, so of course the higher the military rank, the better.

The results of it?

In the end, Nima Chen Lang actually wanted to enter the attractions for free.

Your uncle, how many trillions of assets do you lack?

"Also said it was not fake!"

The younger sister sneered and read the officer's card. She said, "Oh, you still have the same name as Langshen. It really ruins the reputation of Langshen. Do you deserve this name? Look at it, deputy chief of the space army Command, general rank.

Everyone is looking at him, at least in his thirties, and admiral?

The admiral will not talk about it. If you look at it again, the space army can be scary. Grandma, I have lived in Beijing for more than 20 years. This is the first time I heard that the space army. ? Maybe I was fooled by you. "


Chen Lang drew a corner of his mouth.

Then he said to another person: "Did you see him? He was suspected in his thirties. Do you think that I am a prosperous beauty, pretending to be a general, can I not be suspected?"

The man opened his mouth, UU read www.uukanshu. Com stood awkwardly in the place and whispered, "We thought you were always pretending to use it. Who would have thought that you were to save the ticket fee of one hundred dollars."

"Saving ticket fees?"

Chen Lang rolled his eyes and said, "It's a saving for Mao's ticket fee. It's not Wang Lao's old stuff. If you say something for free, you don't have to wait in line.

OK, get your brother out and hurry up, I'll buy the ticket myself. "

The man smiled awkwardly, then quickly stepped forward, went to the younger sister and whispered a few words, and then took out the documents to show that younger sister.

The younger sister clearly did not believe it, and there was no other way. The man pointed his finger at Chen Lang.

Chen Lang suddenly had a bad hunch.


The younger sister's eyes brightened, and she carefully stared at Chen Lang, shouting excitedly: "Langshen, it's Langshen!"

I wave you mmp, are you special!

Sure enough, they are two huge pits, but yours is really a genius, but by exposing my identity to save my comrades!

Chen Lang's face changed, and then Xiao Xiaoai's hand was run.

ps: Let ’s start with Chapter 10 and let our brothers run their throats, please subscribe! Ask for a reward! The exemption has just ended. Today's results are very important. Thank you all. After waking up, she continued to eruption, pure hand beating, and her hands were numb.

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