Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 388: new course

After a while, half a month passed.

In the past half a month, the country can be described as turbulent.

First, major universities and middle schools in China posted a list of people who participated in the opposition plan, and then special teachers at each school gathered these people together for education and counselling.

When the two phases are applied together, these students who are not perfect in three perspectives have suddenly become one of the supporters of education reform.

The atmosphere on the Internet changed suddenly, public opinion completely disappeared, and the major media once again started to publicize education reform.

At the same time, the major Internet companies have also vigorously promoted Penguin, Wang Yi, Qian Du, etc.

The propaganda departments of the various super-shenzhen subsidiaries have also publicly supported them.

Domestic scholars and experts have become more active, and they continue to promote these things one by one.

国会 On the third day, the parliament hall convened again.

This time the conference was a national business conference led by the National Assembly. During the conference, President Li commented on domestic business and analyzed the prospects of domestic business.

At the same time, there was a proposal in the meeting that no one thought of. A business man proposed that the employment standards of major companies increase the level of compulsory education nine times.

He also called on all major enterprises in the country to organize employees for re-education and learning.

With Liu's hand, Sun Tianhong, Lin Bei, Wang Chen, Xiao Ma Ge, Lao Lei and many other business leaders took the lead in responding to the call.

For domestic enterprises, grassroots employees must study for two hours a day. The intelligent system will record the learning and whether they are serious. Those who complete the standard will get 100% of the salary.

Study time exceeds 110% for three hours and 120% for four hours.

At the same time, the company stipulates that the promotion standard for future employees will be increased by nine compulsory assessments. Under the same standard, those with more assessments will be given priority for promotion.

In addition, major companies have also made plans for recruiting new employees. Everyone is the same. To enter the workers of major enterprises, undergraduates must pass 4 assessments and graduate students must pass 5 assessments.

Etc., etc.

A series of new regulations quickly spread throughout the country with the end of the conference, news media broke out, and employees of major companies broke out.

Everyone is hard to imagine.

I was even incredible.

I still study?

What are you kidding?

How many years have we worked?


But when they learned that the two-hour study time was within the working hours, they all lost their voice for a while.

The normal work from nine to five, except for one hour of lunch and lunch, is seven hours of work, that is to say, only five hours of work are needed in the future, and the remaining two hours are used for study.

How about overtime?

员工 The first thing that employees of major corporations got when they got the news was think of this problem.

随后 But then, major companies held internal high-level meetings.

The employees at the specific meeting did not know what they said, but what they do know is that after the meeting, the senior management of the company will either look pale or bewildered, or look embarrassed.

Someone asked for it, but there was no news. The only news that came out was that the company decided to enter the intelligent mechanized office as soon as possible. At that time, many employees might be laid off.


The employees naturally did not know that those high-level internal meetings were talking about the end of the world. When they heard that they were going to cut staff, they did not complain one by one.

Work for work, work overtime, learn to learn.

This situation lasted for several days.

During this period, domestic news media have been paying attention to this period, even foreign media.

People in the media are very confused.

Fortunately in China, the big guys in the media have also learned about the doomsday, but this is not the case abroad.

Foreign media have used the incredible, incredible, God, oh my god, to describe changes in domestic companies.

A few days later, in addition to kindergartens, schools of all sizes, middle schools, high schools, junior colleges, undergraduate colleges, and so on.

All started selling virtual equipment at the same time, and announced the formal suspension of classes. The whole school held a virtual campus teacher administrator vote.

后 After the voting is over, it is closed.

The school announced that the virtual campus will be officially launched one week later, with only half a day classes in the morning, starting at eight in the morning, one hour of moral lessons, one hour of thought classes, and two hours of activity classes.

Afternoon time is intelligent one-to-one teaching, students can study at home or take classes with teachers in the virtual campus.

These things shocked the whole country.

Students and parents across the country are all aggressive. They know that the education reform is so fierce, but they know it, but they never expected to come so fast.

What are you kidding?

After the reform was completed, even the test was not conducted, and it became popular all over the country?

Moreover, compared with the previous thought, this course seems to be simpler?

After all, see what classes this is.

False morality? thought? That's it.

How about activity classes?

一 节 There is one activity class every day, which lasts two hours without saying, but you see what the **** is this schedule?

For example, for elementary school students.

Monday activity class: art appreciation and learning.

活动 Tuesday activity class: Fighting skills learning.

活动 Wednesday activity class: Virtual outdoor sports.

活动 Thursday Activity Class: Science Experiments.

活动 Friday Activity Class: The Practical Workout of the Magic World ~ ~ Weekend weekend!

What the hell?

Even if elementary school students learn art and play outdoor sports, then primary science experiments can be regarded as training scientific research spirit.

But what the **** is fighting art and the magic world?

One is to teach students to fight, the other is to open a group of elementary students to play games openly?


This must be a ghost of Super God Technology, right?

After all, since the implementation of electronic ID cards, minors have to play games with their parents, or they can only play for two hours a day.

It's all fixed.

Now I have a course specially for children to play games. This Nima is really a ghost of game operation.

For a while, the Internet was boiling and the media was boiling, and even some foreign media were following the wind.

However, the wind has not blown this time, and public opinion has not yet formed.

大 The big names in the domestic education industry have stepped forward and started to stand up for new education methods, and popularize and explain the new education methods.

After several days of explanation and persuasion, finally, as the students' first virtual campus class is about to begin, public opinion is gone.

家长 National parents and those who eat melon are all waiting.

They are waiting for the result of the first class. Once the result fails, it is the time to start spraying.

And at the same time. .

的 The spies and agents of various countries have also compiled complete information about the changes in the education method. These materials have directly entered the offices of the helmsmen of various countries.

"Huaxia, this is another step ahead."

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