Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 391: Except me, all dead

As for Chen Lang's mind reading ......... emmmmm!

This is the most desperate for Chen Lang.

检测 It has been tested in previous lives. Even if mind reading has restrictions that can only be used on its own, it is still one of the advanced abilities.

So it is impossible for him to give birth to new abilities in 99%.

This is why his previous life completely gave up the dream of becoming a genetic warrior, and the reason for the dream to be completely shattered.

There is always a way out?

No, this is a dead end.

Is just a little better than the top ability owner. It is impossible for people to awaken new abilities, and he is 1% likely to awaken new abilities.

What is the difference between 1% and zero?

In Chen Lang's opinion, there is no difference, because he sees through, is numb, and completely cold.

Because mind-reading in the previous life is a high-level ability, there is only a 1% chance of awakening the new ability, and therefore he did not follow the path of genetic warrior in his previous life.

This life is even more remarkable. The double mind-reading technique of super divine skill, Nima, has become a top level directly. I do n’t know to what extent, but the energy associated with it is a thousand times that of previous mind-reading.

Is this a chicken?

还 It is more top-level than top-level capabilities, and there is no hint of hope to awaken new capabilities.

"I didn't expect that mind reading could be used in this way."

Suddenly, when Chen Lang was completely desperate, deep inside, a voice sounded.

That's my own voice.

Chen Lang stunned.

"Who are you?" Chen Lang could not help asking.

"You are Chen Lang, so am I. I received the message from your heart. I did not expect that you actually went back in time."

声音 That voice sounded again, and along with that voice, there was a picture blending into Chen Lang's mind.

It was a bright starry sky.

Radon is completely different from the solar system.

庞大 A huge star shines in the stars, and there are thousands of planets orbiting the stars.

数千 Thousands of stars regularly orbit the stars.

This is ... Nova?

浪 Chen Lang was shocked. What is a new star? It is a new home for human beings in the future. After a hundred years, humans have once again found a galaxy suitable for human habitation in the universe.

In this galaxy, there are tens of thousands of stars orbiting stars. In order to transform this new home, humans have used star annihilation weapons to destroy up to 70% of them, in order to remove the hidden danger of too many stars in the stars.

Later, humans transformed them with technology and transformed all the remaining 3,000 stars into habitable planets similar to Earth.

Moreover, outside the new galaxy, humans have transformed hundreds of giant stars into defensive bases.

This is the home of humanity in the future, the land guarded by the entire earth civilization in previous lives, and the place where the earth civilization died out.

Why does this picture appear in my mind?


Oh no!

浪 Chen Lang suddenly felt shocked, because the picture was constantly changing, from the galaxy to the stars, until the situation inside the stars appeared in front of Chen Lang.

The lights are still bright, but the streets on these stars are deserted.

There are large and advanced cities in front of Chen Lang, and any of those large cities can carry the lives of tens of millions of people.

But now ... it's empty.

Although the energy system is not damaged and the lights are still shining, the interior of the city is already covered with dust.

I occasionally saw weeds growing in some gardens and spider webs in the streets.

This is ... the picture after the death of mankind?

A series of pictures constantly appeared in front of Chen Lang, and then disappeared. In the end, the picture was fixed at No. 9377 Xinhang Avenue, Jiangcheng District, Tiandu Xinghua District.

This is a villa with a retro style, which is similar to the Dijiang Garden where Chen Lang currently lives, but it is a little different.

For example, decoration, such as some technology products outside the villa.

and many more.

小型 On the platform on the side of the villa, there is a small speed car parked on the platform. At this time, the original bright paint on the small speed car is also permeated with a layer of dust.

The villa seems to be left unattended for a long time. The lawn in the yard has been covered with weeds. Even the persimmon tree planted on the side of the yard is crooked. Under the tree, the ripe persimmons fall down and flow to the ground. Many ants are working hard.

This is ... the home of the future!

Chen Lang's eyes became red for a while.

Tianduxing is one of the stars controlled by the Federation. The name of Tianduxing comes from a universe mother ship codenamed Tiandu in the era of escape.

The time of escape is the most miserable time on earth.

At that time, it was not many years since the Earth had just entered the Xinghe era, and most of the science and technology mastered were used inside the stars, and there were no powerful weapons of interstellar warfare.

I can say that no matter where he flees, once he encounters another civilization, he is the object of being bullied.

The Tiantian Cosmic mothership, the mothership originally under the federation that was originally affiliated with Huaxia, chose to draw away the alien fleet in order to continue the earth's civilization in the era of fleeing, thus completely losing the news.

Tiandu is a hero. Millions of humans who live on it are heroes. Tens of thousands of space battleships that follow Tiandu are also heroes.

In honor of heroes, many stars are named after humans when they find a new home.

为了 In order to guide the global integration, the federal regulations stipulate that each star must be of mixed races, not all people from a certain country in the old times.

So what kind of division is there?

The Huahua District was the place where the Chinese people lived in the old times. There are dozens of big cities in this area ~ ~ Jiangcheng is one of them.

Xinjiang Avenue in Qijiang City is inhabited by many people from Hangzhou.

浪 Chen Lang lived at 9377 Xinhang Avenue with his parents Chen and Chen. This is a federally allocated house.

Here, Chen Lang has lived for more than ten years.

After being reborn, Chen Lang really did not expect that he could see this place again.

For a moment, he flushed his eyes.

"This is the picture I saw after returning from Wenxing last month."

Another Chen Lang's voice sounded slowly, he said, "No, all is gone. Three hundred billion compatriots are all dead."

"Why didn't you die?"

Chen Lang could not help but speak.

"You should ask, why are we not dead!"

There seemed to be extreme madness in that voice, saying: "I was also looking for an answer. At that moment, everyone disappeared, all died, and no corpse or clothes were left.

Direct human evaporation, do you understand?

I looked at them with my own eyes and myself, gradually turning to ashes.

But I live again, I do n’t know why, I live, when I wake up, everyone is gone, only I am alive.

I spent several months studying crazy and finally being able to crack a simple spacecraft for outings. .

I returned to Tiandu Xing in that spacecraft, and even searched for many stars along the way, all gone.

More than just Wenxing, all the planets, the new home of humanity on the entire planet, 300 billion people, except myself, are all dead. "

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