Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 403: Relocation, shocking the world

An hour later, countries around the world held public press conferences in the name of world peace and the future destiny of mankind. They asked Chen Lang and Chaoshen Technology why they sold their weapons to Huaxia.

At the time of the public's attention, Chaoshen Technology also moved.

Chen Lang publicly replied on Weibo: "Three days later, Super God Technology officially moved, and Super God Technology's headquarters in the Pacific officially began operation. This time, China God-related fighters and equipment were given by Super God Technology to be grateful and grateful for being in China. The help I received during this period is also grateful to Huaxia, the land that gave birth to us.

This time it was purely a gift. It was not within the scope of the transaction. Chaoshen Technology had not received any money.

So this is not against the agreement, and there is no word of promise.

In addition, one week later, on September 24, we will establish Super God Technology ’s new headquarters in Super God Technology ’s new headquarters, and establish a Super God Business Country. All those who have helped us with Super God Technology will When invited, all our partners will also be invited. In addition, we will publicly donate 100,000 tickets to participate in the world to witness the birth of Chaoshen Business Country! "


At this moment, after Chen Lang spoke.

At home and abroad, both the media and the netizens who watch lively on the Internet, eating the melons, are all silent.

This moment is silent.

No one spoke.

Everyone stared at Chen Lang's speech blankly. For this result, they never thought of it.

"What the hell?"

"Chaoshen Technology is this going to run? Langshen is this going to leave China?"


The earliest outbreak was in the country, and the countless people who were eating melon couldn't sit still. One by one suddenly came to their senses, and all of them later joined the review.

On Weibo, Chen Lang's Weibo instant response number exceeded five million.

And this number is still refreshing rapidly at a rate of several thousand per second.

If it was n’t for Weibo ’s official industry, which is also part of Chaoshen Technology, the server had also been replaced, and the data was processed with secondary intelligence. I am afraid that this wave will crash directly.

Too many replies, too fast, countless netizens are crazy.

"Why, Langshen? Langshen, we all support you, all of your brains. Why are you leaving China?"

"Yeah, we need a reason. Who made you feel wronged? Let's face it together!"

"I want to know, is this already planned by Chaoshen Technology, or is it planned to do so temporarily?"

"Langshen, please, although we have a lot of deficiencies in our country, we are the most united. I have been abroad, and only those who have gone abroad will know how well we are.

Moreover, gold nests and silver nests are not as good as their own dog nests. We all support you, and we use every product produced by your company.

We have dozens of large groups, each of which is a million people, we all play the magic world, all have super glasses, all have projection equipment, and even include smart homes, etc. We do n’t have any of the same products from your company There is no support.

I beg you to stay! "

"Dog traitor, this land raised you, and finally raised you, now you are going to get out of it."


"Animals are better than animals. Why didn't you see that you were this kind of person?"

"Langshen? Hehe! Are you worth it?"


For a time, all kinds of rumors were flying, and the Internet was full of news that Chaoshen Technology was about to leave China. In just a few minutes, it directly topped the hot search list.

The whole country lost its voice.

Countless people are incredible.

Friends, colleagues, couples, family.

Throughout the country, the news spread from ten to one hundred, and the news swept the country at an extremely fast speed.

In a short period of time, no one around the country knew it.


The simple three words make people all over the country confused. They really don't understand why Chen Lang did this.

Having developed so well in Huaxia, why suddenly move to the Pacific to build your own country? And, is this reliable?

Isn't that the Pacific Ocean reclamation project just to build a trading manufacturing channel that radiates to the world?

Why did this happen?

And at a time when everyone in the country feels incredible and feels incredible.

All foreign countries' questions about Super God Technology have disappeared.

The temporary press conferences were all dissolved.

Relevant personnel from various countries urgently applied for a visit to Huaxia, and those in power in various countries even directly called Super God Technology.

Including rice.

All countries also feel that the opportunity has come, and it seems that this is most likely that Huaxia forced the Super God Technology to take out weapons and equipment for them, which led to the Super God Technology's detachment.

The call didn't get through.

Because Chen Lang would not answer such calls, Xiao Xiaoai and others did not know what to say, so it was better not to answer.

As a result of this inconsistency, countries once again made public statements.

Miguo: "Freedom of business and freedom of human rights. We insist that only freedom can make the market more prosperous, can the economy be more stable, and enterprises can grow.

Here, we welcome the joining of Chaoshen Technology on behalf of the people and the people of the whole country. To this end, we have formulated up to 128 preferential strategies, including providing a free city-scale area for the development of Chaoshen technology, including permanent exemption tax.........! "

Eagle Country: "........."

Country of origin: ".........."


As many as a dozen countries, whether they have the strength or the lack of confidence ~ ~ all spoke at this moment.

They are not afraid of Chinese revenge, because in their view, those who have super-shen technology have the world and possess the technology of super-shen technology, then they have the confidence to be invincible to the world.

Even though they are likely to be a small country.

After their news was issued, domestic netizens were even more anxious. In their view, this is the temptation of red fruit fruit.

They went madly to persuade Chen Lang's Weibo.

Even those who sprayed Chen Lang discovered at this time that it turned out that Chaoshen Technology had reached this point.

Those who have super God technology have the world.

Whoever receives the technical support of Super God Technology will have the strength and confidence to sweep the world.

At this moment, not only domestic netizens, but even the global Internet are transmitting the news.

After the people of the world experienced the initial incredibleness, when they researched the information in depth, they discovered that this is not a joke or a joke, but it is real.

That is at this moment.

Domestically, the official media spoke out.

In the parliament hall, Elder Wang held a press conference to officially read the decision at the national level.

Also officially announced this time, completely shocked the world!

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