Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 407: Capable man


After hearing the news, Zhao Tingyun also drove from Xinghe Aerospace next door.


浪 Chen Lang smiled slightly, and then asked, "Are you ready to prepare?"


Zhao Tingyun heard a little thought and said, "According to our discussion, when the ceremony is held, there will be 12 Xinghe battleships and 240 Xinghe fighters. Color smoke and the like are also ready, but now the warships and fighters are in Waiting for the lacquer, so you need the boss to decide on the national flag of the new country earlier. "

"It's decided."

Chen Lang turned to look at Xiao Xiaoai.

Xiao Xiaoai said quickly: "Just now, President Liu has already let the people in the technical department start to produce, and at the same time, he has also made the ball intelligently produced. Now he is comparing them. Choose one of the two, and soon we can decide which one to choose. . "

"Ball, the comparison chart is projected, let me see."

Chen Lang took out his virtual phone and said.

Two flags are projected on the virtual mobile phone, both of which are gold labels on a red background. The red base map is imprinted with the logo of Super God Technology, which is the **** pattern surrounding the runes.

The shuttlecock ball is made more delicate and very simulation. The golden logo is located in the center of the red base.

The second world technicians are different. The location is similar to the Chinese flag. It is located in the front and upper position. At the same time, the logo is not so emulated, it is more concise, and it looks softer. It's so sharp.

"Choose this one made by man."

Chen Lang gave a decision after a little thought, saying, "This one looks more comfortable, and it's not too good to simulate."

Why is simulation too good?

Xiao Xiaoai and Zhao Tingyun were slightly puzzled, but Chen Lang did not explain.

"It's so decided."

浪 Chen Lang looked at Zhao Tingyun and said, "I now let the ball select the pattern, and the fighters and warships will all be returned to the furnace for printing. Are you going to watch it or make fun here?"

"It's here."

Zhao Tingyun laughed: "The ability of the ball is undoubted. It is definitely not necessary for me to paint anything. It is not easy to see you once. I'll take a look here."

浪 Chen Lang nodded slightly.

At this moment, Zhao Kai came quickly and said to Chen Lang in a low voice, "I'm ready."

"Well, let's go!"

浪 Chen Lang reached out to indicate, and then strode toward the podium.

主席 This rostrum is very large. It is a place where 3,000 students learn in the open air on the playground. It is also a place for experts and ball projection teaching.

After Chen Lang stepped onto the podium, the entire playground was silent. The 3,000 students, experts, and Xiao Xiaoai Zhao Tingyun sat on the ground.


浪 Chen Lang walked to the microphone and solemnly said: "You are all security guards at will. Before that, I'm afraid no one had thought that you would become an astronaut?

You may have doubts about yourself, or you may have been incredible.

But now you are about to graduate.

You may also feel that after studying for a month, are you really qualified to be an astronaut?

Can He really take over this heavy task?

Trust me!

You can!

Educate you as the world's top astronauts and aerospace experts, as well as artificial intelligence to better and deeper, and even more future teaching.

You have far surpassed astronauts in any country in the world.

You are not only the first batch of people who have obtained diplomas from the Super God Space Center, but they will also lead the whole era and the entire aerospace system.

This afternoon, that is, a few hours later, there will be three hundred soldiers from our Huaxia joining you as the second batch of astronauts to receive training.

Subsequently, we will open the Super God Aerospace Academy to the Island of Hope, becoming the most advanced astronaut training school in the world.

你们 And you are their seniors.

In the future, you will be the envy of everyone, because you are shouldering the future of humanity, because you are shouldering the future of the space industry, and you are also shouldering the hope of mankind entering the galaxy era.

Don't doubt yourself.

We Chaoshen Technology is the world's largest enterprise, and if you pass our assessment, it will also be the most powerful, comprehensive and outstanding astronaut.

The times are different.

In the future, the profession of astronauts will be as universal as doctors and teachers of the old age, and will be universal in the whole world.

Believe in yourself.

At the same time, also believe me, believe in our super God technology.

Twenty-three days later is the time when our super-shen technology establishes a super-shen business nation. At that time, you will become the only readers of our super-shen technology in front of global people.

Because we are a commercial nation, we have no army or navy, the only thing we have is you, and you are the army in another sense.

You can call it the Air Force, but in fact, you are a brand new service, the Space Force.

Our Super God technology will never launch a battle on earth and within human beings, so we also do not need the army and navy. The only thing we need is you.

You are not yet mature.

But I believe that each of you in the future will be the greatest soldier in the world. You will face an unknown starry sky ~ ~ You will guide the era of the explosion of human resources, and the battle will be It is alien life and alien civilization.

The advent of a new era will certainly mean that there is a guide.

你们 You are the guides of the new era. You have gone to space. The people of the world and the nations of the world have seen the resources of space. The entire era has entered the Xinghe era.

Hello everyone!

I believe you can do it.

The company will provide you with the best warships, the best fighting and defensive devices, so that you can enjoy the world's top-level, even the world's most advanced technology that countries dare not imagine.

In short, the company does everything for your rear.

The king prince will be a prime minister, would you rather be kind?

He is born equal, and no one is superior.

The profession does not distinguish between high and low, but people with ability should do greater things and shoulder more responsibilities.

You can be a member of Super God Technology, then I believe none of you is waste.

That being the case, I can't let you be a security guard to eat and die.

Astronaut, are you willing to take it? Are you afraid? "

In the end, Chen Lang roared almost.

At this moment, as Zhao Kai ordered, the three thousand astronauts collectively took off the transparent helmet and shouted, "We are willing, we are not afraid !!!".

At this moment, the sound trembled and the momentum was surging.

Twenty-three astronauts, even Xiao Xiaoai, Zhao Tingyun, as well as those experts and retired astronauts, all became heated.

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