Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 434: Announce moon secrets


Zhao Kai turned to look at Chen Lang.

Chen Lang nodded slightly, and then led the crowd to the front of the three thousand astronauts.

"Give me the intercom. Besides, Xu Zifeng, come here."

Chen Lang took the walkie-talkie from Zhao Kai's hand, then beckoned to let Xu Zifeng stand in front, and aimed the live camera at himself.

With a slight smile, Chen Lang said: "Many people are curious why we must insist on landing on the moon.

After all, in the eyes of many people, the moon landing is already a very common thing. Every country has ever visited the moon. With our super-scientific technology, the moon landing is nothing.

Here I explain to the world and to all who support us.

Other people land on the moon to explore, but our moon landing is not, we go to the moon to dig. "

Speaking of which, Chen Lang reached out and Xu Zifeng turned the camera in cooperation.

this moment.


The global shock, all watched the live broadcast was shocked.


how can that be?

"Yes, you read it right. Although it is crooked, there is no doubt that it is a pyramid, which is exactly the same as those on our planet."

Chen Lang's voice sounded again and said quietly, "Everyone knows that our super-shen technology and ancient technology are in a deadly relationship.

With our strength, I believe we will defeat ancient technology, but ancient technology also has a lot of technology.

After this period of development, they have no worse grasp of the details than we do.

A rash war will only leave a mess.

Therefore, we will not continue to fight on earth by force, so what we compete with becomes technology, technology, and research results.

To be honest, before that I knew about prehistoric civilization, but I never paid attention to it. After all, what is the significance of buried prehistoric civilization?

After all, they are losers, losers eliminated by nature.

But with the advent of ancient technology, I found that I was wrong. I underestimated prehistoric civilization too much. Prehistoric civilization will never be a disaster destroyed by nature.

They may be aliens, or they may be indigenous to the earth, but as the level of civilization continues to rise, they eventually leave the earth.

I tried every means to search, to find, to search for information on prehistoric civilization, to find the remains of prehistoric civilization.

But unfortunately.

I did not find it.

Later, I had a flash of light, and a sudden whimsy. Since I can't find it on the earth, why not go to the moon and see? After all, according to the level of ancient science and technology, if they really inherited from prehistoric civilization, then prehistoric civilization must have powerful technology, and it just makes sense to leave the remains on the earth?

is not it?

So I sent warships and robots to the moon.

On the moon, we found traces left by prehistoric civilizations, that is, these pyramids, these Stonehenges. "

Chen Lang pointed to those things and then said, "After confirming that the moon does indeed have relics left by prehistoric civilizations, we launched a lot of forces to probe the moon and conduct research.

Then we discovered something that shocked the world.

The prehistoric moon is not what it is now.

The prehistoric moon was an important stronghold of prehistoric civilization. They studied here and established an industrial system and a scientific and technological system here.

Even the biological energy that we need to make genetic medicine comes from the traces left by prehistoric civilization.

Those creatures with huge biological energy were all made by prehistoric civilization.

On the moon, there is the oldest version of this creature, and in this creature, we see the hope of human immortality.

Even on the relics left by prehistoric civilization, we also see the hope of human beings to advance from in-terrestrial civilization to extraterrestrial civilization.

But all this was buried.

After our exploration, these pyramids were only incomplete, they were only blown into space by an unknown big bang, and eventually landed on the surface of the moon.

And all that is buried is the meteorite.

Meteorites up to 90 km thick.

Under the 90-kilometer-thick meteorite is the true prehistoric surface of the moon, and the relics of prehistoric civilization are all on the prehistoric surface, that is, below the 90-kilometer meteorite.

So today we are here.

It took us 15 months to dig the moon's surface meteorite and dig through the 90-kilometer-thick meteorite to get the remains of prehistoric civilization.

We do not exclude outsiders to dig here. Relatively speaking, the strength of our super-scientific technology alone may be able to dig a hole large enough to start the excavation of prehistoric civilization.

However, the entire back of the moon, under the meteorites at a depth of 90 kilometers, are all ruins.

We can't finish digging.

Here, I sincerely invite global forces to look here and act. The 90-kilometer-deep underground buried our future. "


this moment.

Global shock, global shock.

Regardless of ordinary people, or those companies, forces, and even the country.

All Chen Lang's words buzzed at the shocked head.

90 kilometers deep underground, full of relics left by prehistoric civilization? Full of prehistoric technology?

In other words, as long as you dig, there will be gains?

Oh my God!

"I have a hunch that stocks will explode in all aerospace-related industries."

"Fuck, move bricks? How about Nima? Moon!"

"Within three days, all countries and major enterprises will be fully transformed by aerospace. These words of Langshen means that as long as they are dug down, there will be gains. If anyone does not participate, they may really be in this brand-new Times are eliminated. "

"Build an aerospace company!"

"Aerospace suits ~ ~ battleships, or ordinary fighters, as well as machinery capable of mining in the space environment, these are all developed as long as they are involved."

"Crazy, it's crazy. I just came here to watch a lively event, but you told me that the Xinghe era has begun?"

"Oh, it's crazy."

"It's 90 kilometers deep. It's easy to say, but how many companies can really dig?"

"Heroes emerge from the chaos. This is the time for the devil to dance. Look, countries will definitely participate. In addition, major companies around the world will certainly participate.

Once a company has acquired powerful technology on the moon, it can be like ancient technology and super-shen technology, so that it can surpass the world and become one of the protagonists in the new era. "

"That's the aerospace industry. How many companies can have the capital to play this industry?"


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