Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 444: I want to fight one more!

Hope Island West Business District.

Central area of ​​the first business park.

A business service center consisting of several buildings. At this time, a group of business leaders and representatives from various countries from around the world are living here.

In the cafeteria under the hospitality hotel, Lao Ma and Lao Lei were eating and traveling.

There are many small groups similar to them all over the restaurant.

These people include Chinese and foreigners, but the number of foreigners accounts for the vast majority.

"Although the prospects of the aerospace industry are good, if there are too many people in it, it will be difficult to divide the benefits.

I heard that more than 700 groups have purchased the space technology of Langer this time. If this stall is not set up in the end, it will be a major blow to the global economy. . "

Lao Ding took the knife and fork to taste the restaurant's top steak in the world, slowly said.

"You're wrong. As long as Langer is willing to come up with technology, it will be difficult for this market to crash."

"I don't talk about the prehistoric relics of the moon. Just the sun destroys the crisis, and the planet hits the earth. For both of these, the aerospace industry must develop.

Moreover, the emergence of Langeer has made people all over the world see the hope of human migration to an alien planet. This is the dream of all humankind.

As long as you see the signs, that country is the one who cares about it, and you won't be left behind.

You think, aren't those small countries particularly poor? It seems that even the people in the country cannot afford to eat.


This time when buying space technology, which country is behind?

Regardless of being a big country or a small country, each of them has a firm attitude.

Just to buy.

You also have to buy iron when you sell it.

Big countries want to save money, so unite to lower prices, but what about smaller countries? Even if the price is down, it is difficult for them to come up with it.

But did they give up? No!

Because mastering aerospace technology also means mastering an infinite future. Once sufficient resources and opportunities have been found on an alien planet, these small countries may not be able to turn around.

For the time being, the global situation is fixed. If a small country wants to turn around, it will be difficult, but the starry sky is different. If you are lucky, you will turn around once and you will be the top big country.

Outside of this time, do you look at those companies? Not to mention really rich consortia and world-class big companies, are those ordinary companies, aren't they also a group of people united to buy technology?


It was also an opportunity that they saw this time. They felt that this was a rare opportunity. It was an opportunity for all humanity to step on the same starting line.

The advantage of a big country is at most that there are more fleets and more people, but the starry sky is too large, such an advantage is almost non-existent.

That company doesn't want to reap a benefit from this opportunity?

What other company does not want to be like ancient technology and super-shen technology?

In the past, the goal of a businessman was to build a global enterprise, a world-class enterprise, and even a monopoly like Microsoft.

But now it's different.

With super **** technology and ancient technology ahead, everyone's ambitions have grown.

Starry sky, but once you get out of the earth and into the starry sky, once you seize the opportunity to develop a wave, it is the third commercial country.

Even in the future, after mankind has passed the disaster of annihilation, that is the empire.

An empire in the stars. "

Having said that, my little brother drank tea again.

Aside, a few people laughed when they heard it.

This is not the first time that they have discussed such matters, nor are they the first to discuss them. As long as they are capable nationwide and globally, who doesn't think so?

Why did so many people apply for technology after Chen Lang said he was willing to give global technical support?

The reason is here.

Maybe they dare not think of themselves as Super God Technology. After all, the core of Super God Technology is Chen Lang. Everyone understands that Chen Lang, a scientific genius that can never be seen for many years, can be called the **** of technology. Wave, how can it be so easy?

So, they want to be ancient technology.

Compared with the continuous innovation of Super God Technology, ancient technology has reached the point where it can keep pace with Super God Technology purely by relying on the technology acquired by prehistoric civilization.

At least in the eyes of people around the world, this is the case.

So, when they learned that there are relics of prehistoric civilization on the moon, they went crazy.

Groups of three or five, collect money, buy technology.


Not enough money?

It is good to say that the entire chamber of commerce together, everyone cooperates to establish an aerospace enterprise, and then divides the shares according to the amount of money paid.

In this way, funds are collected to purchase technology to develop the aerospace industry.

Try to dig a big cake that will make them fat in this unprecedented opportunity.

This is the universal perception.

Everyone believes that as long as this opportunity is seized, the worst can also increase their body mass.

Those who do not catch it are destined to be eliminated by the times.

"I'm ready to resign."

Suddenly, when everyone was thinking with a smile, the old horse suddenly spoke, and it suddenly shocked everyone.

"What's the matter, you?" Lao Lei couldn't help but wonder, "You have become the senior management of Chaoshen Technology, or you are in charge of the money. Chaoseng Bank has at least 20 trillion assets, right? It is an object that is admired by people all over the world. You resigned? Why did you resign? "

"Yeah, what's going on? Is it something that Langer has done that you can't accept?" Xiaoma couldn't help wondering.

Several others also looked at the old horse.

"I want to fight again!"

The old horse stirred his coffee and looked up and said with a smile: "You have injected the gene repair medicine. Why don't you say anything to your body? Langgeer said the life expectancy is 120-180 years, definitely not bragging."

"We know that," the old man said inexplicably.

"It's been half a year ~ ~ Many companies and organizations have researched gene repair agents, and this kind of thing to increase human lifespan does exist. Because of the perfection of genes, human lifespan growth is normal, but What does it have to do with your resignation? "Old Cao couldn't help but wonder.

"Super God Technology also has a genetic agent."

The old horse looked around and saw that no one noticed, and whispered, "The genetic evolution agent, the person who injected this agent, the genes will start to evolve. Not only does the physical strength increase at the same speed as Captain Mi, but also the life span Double the growth.

In other words, after injecting this medicine, the average life expectancy can reach about 300 years. "

"Really fake? Brother Lang has a new product so soon?"

My little puppet was a little embarrassed.


Lao Ma shook his fist and said, "I have already injected it. The employees of Super God Technology have injected it. Because of the confidentiality of the product, I have not said it to the outside. Opened.

Once it is open, it is the time when this medicine is announced. I do n’t know the external price, but Langge said that it is provided free of charge to the inside and is a civic welfare. You can also inject it at that time.

With a life span of 300 years, my current age is only a teenager level, so I want to fight again. "

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