Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 449: Subtle change

[What does BioGene Technology bring to us? ]

Some news directly opened the discussion mode.

Below, hundreds of thousands of people participated in the discussion.

Workplace Iron Lady V: "It has been half a year. After the injection of the gene repair agent, it has been more than half a year now. Like what Langshen said, it is immune to 99% of diseases. On overtime # 哭 # 哭 #Cry! "

Like 183+ million, reply 27+ million, forward 7+ million.


Cute Kitty V: "I have read a report before that a research center has researched gene repair agents, and studies have shown that genetically perfect human lifespan will double, reaching 120-180 years as Langshen said. between.

What I want to say is that breakthroughs in bio-gene technology have allowed us humans to live longer and have better bodies. Other than that, my grandma lying in bed is better than young people's health, and it used to take turns at home. Take care, but now? She started to take care of me in turn.

The only pity is that the gene repair agent appeared too late. If it can be two years earlier, my grandpa ... oh.

Anyway, thanks to Langshen, who used to see spraying gods often, but now I haven't seen them for a long time.

This shows that everyone is conscientious. Without Langshen, there is no our present.

Langshen is said to be the greatest person in the world. "

Like 181+ million, reply 77+ million, repost 33+ million.


I am a brick V: "Seeing this topic, I didn't know how to reply for a while.

I felt a lot in my heart.

It has been more than ten years since I started working in my hometown, and almost all industries have worked, but because of lack of culture, I have suffered a lot.

Make money?

If you ca n’t make any money, you ’re making money for your body.

First, I worked on the construction site, because I had lung disease in the smoke all the year round, and I saved more than 200,000 and spent all my energy.

Later, with the help of a friend, I got an electric car for takeaway and just saved some money. In addition to the accident, I broke a leg.

The driver was gone.

The money was spent again, and the legs were not good.

Later I was fortunate to catch up with the first batch of injections of gene repair drugs. Now my legs are better and my body is much stronger than before.

According to a friend's introduction, I am now working in a goldsmithing studio in the magic world. I have good luck. I have lost a few small items and now I have saved some money.

Thank you Langshen!

In addition to the normal work of drawing money every day, I am also conducting nine compulsory education studies at the same time.

My head is a bit stupid, but I believe that I can.

Wave God gives us the opportunity to change our destiny.

I don't want to miss it again.

120-180 years of life, although I am now in my 30s, but I think I am still very young.

Since young, there is still a chance to come back.

Thanks to Langshen, it changed me and the fate of millions of people. "

Like 180+ million, reply 68+ play, repost 40+ million.


Various replies, various discussions, and densely appeared below the news topic.

Some got replies that resonated with people's mood, quickly got likes and replies, and even retweeted.

For a while, this news topic was on fire.

And other news also learned from everything, and began to broadcast topically.

[Super God Technology Biogene Technology lasted half a year, and then released new products, genetic evolution agents, and evolved genes on the basis of perfect genes. At present, Hope Island has begun to sell, and hope that island citizens can get injection opportunities for free.

And all over the world will start to sell gradually, the basic price is 3,000 hope coins (total 9000 Chinese currency), but because the partners need profits, the price may be slightly higher, how do you think about this? ]

Uralah Hahaha V: "It is normal for the price of Chaoshen's products to be higher.

However, Chaoshen's products are necessary for everyone, and they are significant in quality and meaning.

Super God Technology is always different from normal enterprises. If other companies are to make wealth, Super God Technology is to change the world.

There is no doubt that Chaoshen Technology's products are expensive, but there is no doubt that Chaoshen Technology's products are more valuable than any enterprise's products!

The price is relatively speaking.

Buying a mobile phone costs 10,000 yuan. Is it expensive? expensive.

Because it is 10,000 yuan, it seems expensive.

But 10,000 yuan, buy a genetic evolution medicine, so as to have a longer life and physical strength, is it expensive?

Not expensive!

Maybe some people think it's expensive. After all, you are so rich in Super God Technology. Why not sell it cheaper?

But what I want to say is, why?

Isn't this price cheap enough?

If Chaoshen Technology is really in order to make money, then he can sell as much as possible. Once the sale is limited, relying on this effect, a pharmaceutical sells tens of millions of dollars. I believe that some people are willing to buy it.

From the birth of Super God Technology to now, we can be regarded as a step by step Super God Technology from a game company into the world's first enterprise.

This time is short and short, just one year.

However, anyone who has deeply studied Super God Technology understands one thing, Super God Technology is selling technology at a low price.

Whether it's technology, products, etc.

Chaoshen Technology has been selling for a low price.

If Chaoshen Technology really wanted to make money, he would have been able to complete everything he is doing that half a year ago.

Therefore, Chaoshen Technology is not selling technology or selling products. These are secondary. What they are really doing is changing the whole world.

Because of the emergence of Super God Technology, the entire world has been changing subtly.

All products of Super God Technology are worth buying.

Buy one and buy one, and never lose.

The gene evolution potion 3000 hopes for a coin. Compared with the gene repair potion which was previously called free and welfare, the price of UU reading book is slightly different.

But I believe that Langshen must have considered it carefully. At this price, the rich can afford it, the civilians can afford it, but the poor cannot afford it.

Does Langshen look down on the poor?

No, Langshen looks down on those who are delicious and lazy.

I believe that the price set by Langshen is an incentive for the whole people.

New era, new opportunity, new beginning.

Hard work, you can have everything. And if you don't work hard, you will eventually be eliminated and become the bottommost dreg of human beings. "

Like 228+ million, reply 48+ million, repost 22+ million.


I have a butterfly Hey V: "It doesn't look so much, don't look, just one word, Chaoshen Technology's products are bursting !!!!! What I buy, what I buy.

What about Langshen's products? Still considering? I'm really haha.

I ask you, are you stupid?

Every day, what do you think? "

Like 197+ million, reply 28+ million, forward 17+ million.


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