Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 451: Unexpected situation



All the people who got the news were shocked, but the shock was only a small part, and it was more aggressive.

What a joke about Nima?


Do you tease me?

Laozi talks to you about technology and makes you a spy. Why do you come back and tell me that the other party is digging a dragon?

I killed your grandson!

Uh .........

However, when some photos appeared in the hands of countries, all countries did not speak.

Is there a dragon?

前 What kind of civilization is prehistoric, and what did it go through in prehistoric times?

Countries send representatives to ancient technology to apply for participation in excavations.

But there was no response. After many applications, Ancient Technology directly stated publicly that it was impossible.

Countries are angry.

I wanted to do it, but I was afraid that I could not defeat the ancient technology. Later, the countries sent representatives to find Super God Technology.

After Chen Lang got the news, everyone was aggressive.

是 What is this operation?

Will all countries join hands with SuperScience and Technology against ancient science and technology? Are you crazy? Do I start my own business?

Rejected simply, at the same time, it shows that there are indeed relics of prehistoric civilization in the deep ocean, but the difficulty of excavation is greater than that of the moon. Now Super God Technology is fully digging the moon, and can't take any action against ancient technology.

At the same time, persuade all countries to focus on the moon, not to lose too much, and lose watermelon and sesame.

The nations remained silent for a few days, and then a galaxy battleship rose into the sky and flew out of the earth.

The major companies followed closely behind.

The era of comprehensive human spaceflight is coming!

Uh .........

Time flashed.

A few months passed.

The new year is coming. Since its establishment, Super God Technology has ushered in the second new year.

On the New Year's Day, Hope Island hosted a major event, which not only celebrated for the whole people, but also invited the families of the staff working in Hope Island and the families of the students.

Hope Island exceeded 3 million for the first time.

Twenty-three million people have brought the island of hope into an unprecedented prosperity.

After the New Year has passed, I hope that the island will return to calm again. During this period, the Magic World also held the second Tianjiao competition and the fair competition.

The winning team received even more generous rewards.

随着 With the passage of time, the moon is no longer a secret in front of human beings.

背面 On the back of the moon, all countries and major enterprises are digging frantically. Even the poorest enterprises have their own small fleets and isolation zones.

Large ones, such as Chaoshen Technology, directly occupy a large area, with tens of thousands of galaxies and millions of robots in action.

Even most of the isolated areas are connected, forming a living area on the moon.

Moreover, Super God Technology has sold some robot technologies to other countries, and countries now have their own robots.

But there is no doubt that, even with this technology, no one dares to make robots in large quantities to fight humans instead of humans.

Originally, all major experts are extremely opposed to this, believing that the popularity of robots will inevitably lead to human outbreak of war.

After Po Ke had the robot, countries had to admit that even if they wanted it, there was no such possibility.

As long as artificial intelligence is in the hands of Chen Lang for a day, robots can only be used for work, not for combat, when Chen Lang does not allow it.

Such a large-scale excavation took five months. Finally, Chaoshen technology is still a few kilometers away, and it is about to completely dig through the moon's meteorite layer.

Other countries and major companies, after learning the technology of Chaoshen Technology, have now tapped almost half the distance.

And this speed is still accelerating.

I believe that in a few months, this is the moment when countries and companies around the world will usher in harvest.

This day.

Chen Lang and Zhao Tingyun were discussing the matter of lunar excavation.

The news came from Wu Wei.

"problem occurs!"

Everyone, including Chen Lang, couldn't help but stand up in shock after seeing the specific information.

"how can that be?"

Liu looked at the photos in the material with one hand and said incredibly.

That is a monster that is as big as a high-rise building. The monster is 100 meters tall, with a very thick waist, and it has a tail.

Is this a water bear in the deep sea?

how is this possible?

Lao Shui bears are generally only about ten meters, how can there be a behemoth of 100 meters?

Chen Chen looked at the photo in shock.

The background of the photo is an ocean with a submarine about to be silent suspended above the ocean.

The submarine has been completely divided into two. The submarine made of special metal up to two meters thick has been torn apart in two.

"So what happened?"

Chen Lang looked at Wei Wuyou, a virtual projection, and stood next to Wei Wuyou, including Chen Wang, Zhang Meilu, Ge Yu, and Spear.

The faces of these people are ugly at this moment.

"The giant's body!"

Wu Wei's face was extremely ugly, saying, "Boss, do you remember what Ge told you about the ancient giants of the Hals Islands when you came to the Hals Islands?"

"Of course I remember!"

浪 Chen Lang frowned and said, "According to what you said at the beginning, it was 13,000 meters into the bottom of the sea after exploding the mountain. What happened? It has something to do with the giant's body?"


Wei Wei said with no worries: "Two months ago, after the submarine was fully manufactured, we planned to catch the giant carcass at the same time that we were fishing for water bears.

But something went wrong in the middle.

We inadvertently put the bodies of the two water bears and giants captured together and prepared to transport them together.

But the water bears bit the giant's body. We thought at the time that even if the giant's body was a nuclear bomb, it might not be able to hurt the slightest, so we didn't care.

But who knows that the two water bears suddenly became violent. They tore a cage made of special metal and ran away with the giant's body.

This is what happened the day before yesterday ~ ~ We thought that it was just an emergency and we didn't notify the boss of you, but something happened later.

The submarine we sent to search was attacked by the fierce water bear beast. Three of them were destroyed on the bottom of the sea and one escaped.

But on the sea, it was chased up by a water bear and teared directly.

In the past few days, we have lost hundreds of evolvers, and even destroyed four with our submarines.

Now I'm not worried about these. I worry about whether these water bears will go ashore.

They don't know why, because of the corpse of the ancient giant, it mutated, and its size soared tenfold, even dozens of times.

This beast, if it comes ashore, it will be a disaster! "

"Ball ball, fully start satellite and global sea surveillance, and always monitor. Be sure to report as soon as the water bear appears."

Chen Lang was too lazy to criticize Wei Wuyou and others.

既然 Now that things have happened, they need to be resolved.

The sudden change of the Xiongshui Bear Beast became like this, and no one knows what they will do next.

If it's still under the sea, it's nothing.

I, like Wei Wuyou said, was afraid they would go ashore.

That is a monster that can resist even a nuclear bomb. If we land ashore, humans have no resistance. A metropolis on the edge of the ocean will be destroyed in the hands of this monster within three days.

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