Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 459: Press conference in progress

What did we do wrong?

Xiao Xiaoai's counterattack forced everyone in the audience to ask.


What did SuperShen Technology do wrong? Why does everyone blame Chaoshen Technology, and all have to come out and give an explanation to an explanation?

On what grounds?

It wouldn't matter if it was really done by others, but now, there is no evidence that it is done by Super God Technology.

Well, come back.

If there is no evidence, they will have to explain, and on their own inference, they will give an explanation.

Proactive help or wrong? On what grounds?

For a time, including those netizens who watched the news live, they were all aggressive.

Even those in power who are concerned about this matter are still stuck in place.

"This little girl, why didn't you see that it was so sharp-tongued before? And this is too much, right? Brother Lang is completely shameless?"

Huaxia, Wang Lao could not help looking at the live broadcast and smiled.

The general manager next to him heard a grin and said, "This makes people look unfathomable. They sit in their positions to manage their affairs. Let's not talk about a person's ability. As long as he sits in a position, his thoughts will naturally It has changed, even if there is no ability, it gradually develops. As for the brother Lang ... with his current reputation, how can he brag about it, it is estimated that as long as he is not an acquaintance, everyone will believe it? "

"I don't know if it has anything to do with Brother Lang."

Wang Lao didn't answer the words, but sighed, and said with some worries: "You also saw that kind of beast, it was too scary. The particle beam weapon Langer was also sold to us, and we also experimented. It is comparable to the power of a nuclear explosion.

Even this weapon cannot hurt the appearance of this monster. Once such monsters appear in large numbers, it will be an unprecedented disaster for this world.

If it appears in the sea, the desert, the Gobi Desert, it can still be bombed with a large equivalent nuclear bomb.

But in case it appears in the city, then we are really powerless. "

Mr. Li clearly understood this principle, and the scene became silent for a while.


In the end, President Li opened his mouth and said, "Lang Geer is a miracle creator. I believe he will also do miracles this time. Moreover, we should focus on those cities along the Pacific Ocean in China. Prepare. Once a monster appears, immediately dispatch Starship battleships and fighters to dispatch. At the same time, arrange jun teams in major coastal cities. If problems occur, rescue and evacuation as soon as possible. "

"That's the truth!"



In the presidential palace, the president walked back and forth in the office. After a short while, he couldn't help asking his subordinates: "How? What do those experts say?"

The subordinates on the side heard the data and looked at the data. After a while, they smiled bitterly: "After analysis from various parties, once such monsters appear in our coastal cities, we have no power to resist.

Do you remember a movie from a long time ago, Mr. President?

The Pacific Rim is about a parallel cosmic breakthrough point in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Subsequently, the giant monster creature rose from the ocean, first destroying Guijin Mountain and all surrounding cities.

The situation is very similar now, but the difference from the movie is that, first of all, we cannot determine the source of the monster, and secondly, the monster that appears is more terrible than in the movie.

The monsters in the movie can also be destroyed with nuclear bombs, and according to our data, we can't fight against such monsters unless we use a large amount of nuclear weapons of destruction level.

Super God Technology can indeed fight, but there is no doubt that Super God Technology uses particle beam weapons, and we do not have this technology.

Globally, all over the world, only Super God Technology and Huaxia possess such weapons.

Once such monsters appear in the coastal cities of the country, we have no choice but to confess our lives or wait for the rescue of Super God Technology. "


The president slammed angrily on the table.

"Did we just watch like this?"

Then, the president turned his head, looked at his subordinates, and said, "Give me to contact the nations. We must have the power to guard ourselves. The particle beam weapon of Super God Technology. We must get it.

We don't need technology, but we have to buy the finished product.

Because only the power in our hands can protect our homeland! "

"Yes! Mr. President."


On this day, people all over the world are talking about the monster.

At the same time, because Super God Technology finally held a press conference, there are also countless people watching the news live.

When they heard Xiao Xiaoai's speech.

At this moment, countless people were silent.

"Yeah, we shouldn't blame someone this way, and we shouldn't ask others for an argument like this, before we have any evidence.

"Doubt is the biggest original sin. We used our own speculation to force Langlang to give us an explanation.

But what did Langshen do wrong?

Langshen has always been working to change the world and to make this world better.

We see everything that Super God Technology does.

What qualifications do we have to doubt such a person and such a business? "

"I apologize!"

"I apologize too!"

"We are waiting for evidence, and at the same time, we also hope that Super God Technology can announce what you know, because this kind of global disaster is likely to be affected and we have the right to know."


On the Internet, the wind direction changed directly, public opinion disappeared, and everyone was quietly waiting for an answer.

Xiao Xiaoai did not let them down.

On Hope Island, at the scene of the press conference, when all the media were silent, Xiao Xiaoai continued to speak.

"You all!"

Xiao Xiaoai looked at the crowd with a cold face and said, "In the first moment of the incident, we dug into the cause, and we found the general direction and the corresponding answer.

This creature is suspected to be a water bear beast ~ ~ A water bear beast is a creature with the same ancestor as a water bear worm in the prehistoric civilization.

This kind of organisms have strong recovery ability, survivability, and, because of living in the deep sea, they constantly swallow the genes of other organisms to transform themselves, eventually adapting to the environment of the deep sea, even at a pressure of tens of thousands of tons per cm To live freely in the environment.

It can be said that the water bear animal has been discovered and studied by us long ago. Our chief, Mr. Chen Lang, believes that the water bear animal is the key to the future of our human research to live in the universe without wearing a space suit.

They will eventually be thoroughly researched by us and mass-produced genetic drugs that can strengthen human genes.

However, according to our research, the largest water bear beast is just over ten meters, far less than one-tenth the size of the monster that now appears.

Therefore, there must be other problems.

Since this year, our Super God Technology has been digging the moon and has not detected the deep sea. Therefore, the cause of the mutation of the water bear beast has nothing to do with our Super God Technology. "

"Ancient technology!"

Suddenly, someone in the media below couldn't help losing his voice: "I see, it's ancient technology."


At this moment, everyone looked at him.

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