Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 465: Tough forging

"This temperature is too scary."

Thousands and thousands of degrees jumped up, it took almost less than a minute, and the temperature in the entire huge plant had reached more than 6000 degrees.

If it is normal steel, the general melting point is about 1500 degrees, that is, even at this temperature, even the steel has melted.

This is not the temperature in the smelting furnace, it is just the high temperature leaked out when the smelting furnace is opened.

In a smelting furnace, this temperature is only the temperature of the furnace, and even the smelting furnace has not been turned on.

Once the melting furnace is turned on, the internal temperature will rise tenfold.

What is this concept?

In the spacesuit, whether it is Chen Lang, Liu Yishou, or Sun Tianhong, they can clearly feel that the spacesuit they are wearing is reaching the limit.

After all, spacesuits are not all made of three-level super-characteristic metals, or they have other materials.

Although those materials have been treated with high temperature resistance, the temperature is too high.

You know, even the temperature on the surface of the moon is just over 5,500 degrees.

After the smelting furnace was opened, the temperature of the entire plant exceeded the temperature on the surface of the sun.

"Although this is because we are right next to the melting furnace, but the temperature is too terrible, right?"

Liu shook his hands.

Sun Tianhong was also a little numb, but after all, he knew better than Liu, and said, "This smelting furnace is the only high-temperature smelting furnace built by fusion technology in the world. High-temperature insulation materials have been running fusion reactors for furnace maintenance since they were established. This is only ordinary temperature. After the materials enter, the fusion reactors are officially turned on with full power! "

Hum! !! !!

At this moment, the mechanical device under the foot was activated, and the Tai Yin alloy tip was transported into the melting furnace like a conveyor belt.

The smelting furnace closed slowly and returned to its egg-like shape again after a few minutes.

"Can tertiary supercharacter metals withstand this temperature?"

Liu couldn't help asking.

Speaking of this, Liu Yishou suddenly said again: "It is also a puppet, can withstand a nuclear bomb explosion, the temperature is higher, but this temperature is indeed no problem."

Sun Tianhong glanced at him and said, "Are you stupid?"

"Huh?" Liu looked at Sun Tianhong with one hand.

Sun Tianhong said: "The temperature is not equal to the heat. When the nuclear bomb explodes, the central temperature can reach tens of millions of degrees of the sun's core in an instant, but that is only an instant.

The instantaneous temperature of the flint of the lighter was thousands, did it burn you?

When I took off my sweater, the voltage was still tens of thousands of volts. Did you die?

The problem lies primarily in sustainability. "


At this time, Chen Lang also nodded and said, "You will soon become genetic warriors. Powerful genetic warriors can hardly resist nuclear bombs, but you throw them into the sun, and they will burn into **** every minute.

A moment's temperature doesn't make much sense.

The main reason why the third-level super-characteristic alloy can resist the explosion of the nuclear bomb is that the instantaneous high temperature of the nuclear bomb, although terrible, cannot be melted away instantly without the persistence.

Our particle beam weapon and laser energy weapon are the same theory.

Can we make the kind of weapon with the core temperature of the sun? Yes, but the materials don't allow it. We don't have any materials that can withstand that temperature.

The temperature of a particle beam weapon is only over 300,000 degrees. The reason why it can be compared with a nuclear bomb is mainly because of its sustainability.

Because of sustainability, the high temperature of more than 300,000 degrees is more terrible than the tens of millions of degrees of the instant of the nuclear bomb.

However, even so, the devices on the Galaxy fighter cannot be used for a long time.

Particle beam weapons, the longest duration is only 3-5 seconds.

Can fire, stop, cool, fire, stop, cool, and so on.

However, it cannot be continuously launched. Otherwise, it will cause damage to the device if it exceeds three seconds, and it will be melted and scrapped if it exceeds five seconds. "

Having said that, Chen Lang turned his head to look at the melting furnace again.

"This smelting furnace shell is made of three-level super-characteristic metal, including the entire plant, so it can withstand the temperature of the smelting furnace in the unopened state.

However, once it is turned on, the temperature inside it exceeds 100,000 degrees, which is based on the principles of technology such as fusion reactors and particle beams. Although this temperature can barely burn out the malleable point of the Tai Yin alloy, if it is a three-level super With special alloys, the entire furnace will soon melt.

So, now you understand why there is a layer of insulation material in it?

Although the melting point of the three-level super-characteristic alloy is much higher than that of steel, reaching 32800 °, it is still far worse than this high temperature. "

Then, Chen Lang took off the space suit.

After the fusion reaction smelting furnace was closed, the high temperature in the plant continued to drop. With the exclusion of the plant, it was only a few minutes, but the temperature at this time had dropped to less than one Baidu.

After another moment, Liu Yishou and Sun Tianhong also took off the spacesuit.

The three men stepped onto the mechanical elevator, and then walked outside under the load of the mechanical elevator.

Out of the factory building, Liu turned his head to look at the behemoth.

A factory building like a mountain is really shocking.

When people stand and look up, they feel that they are smaller than the ants.

"It took more than 200 billion yuan to build the factory building for self-use and self-use. Now look at it, it is really worth the price!"

Liu Yi couldn't help feeling.

Chen Lang said with a smile, but said helplessly: "The technology base is limited, so the investment is so much. This is still our own production and use. At the current price of three-level super-featured metals, if other people want to make this kind of plant, they must invest at least. Trillion, dollars! "

Speaking of which, even Chen Lang was a little emotional.

If it is later generations, the melting furnace of any large enterprise can melt the alloy.

But in this era ~ ~ This contains the world's top technology, investing in unimaginable melting furnaces, but can only burn out the forging point of the Tai Yin alloy.

What a gap?

It's like steel, with a melting point of more than 1500 degrees, but if it burns red, it only takes a few Baidu.

The same is true for Tai Yin.

In particular, the Tai Yin alloy itself is cold.

Want to melt Tai Yin alloy, at least 300,000 degrees of sustainable high temperature.

This high temperature, although the particle beam can reach it, is short-lived, and it is impossible to maintain this high temperature.

Even if the forging furnace made of three-level super-characteristic metal has perfect insulation materials, the high-temperature pores at the lowest temperature will melt the external three-level super-characteristic metal in an instant.

The stove has melted, so how to forge a hair?


Use all insulation materials, sealed and smelted?


You're afraid you don't want to make a fusion nuclear bomb on Hope Island.

This is fusion, not fission. Once it explodes, let alone hope for the island, for fear that not all the cities around the Pacific Rim will be flooded by the tsunami.

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