
Liu Yi returned, standing next to Chen Lang, watching the data listed in the ball and the projected picture, he couldn't help but said, "How can there be such a monster in this world?"


Wang Chen was also stunned, saying, "Self-adaptation, self-evolution? Doesn't it mean that anyone who can't kill it can make it stronger?"

"You think too much."

Chen Lang shook his head and said, "No matter what, you must abide by the conservation of energy. This monster can evolve entirely because its body contains a large amount of ancient giant genes and biological energy. Once they are exhausted, they naturally cannot continue to evolve Go on.

But the same, the more evolved the harder it is to fight, which is beyond doubt.

One head appeared before, and I think that this monster that has swallowed the ancient giant's gene should not have only one head, but what I didn't expect was that there were eleven heads in this second wave.

I guess this is not the limit. There are too many water bears in the depths of the ocean. What I am worried about now is how many water bears are lucky to eat the genes of ancient giants.

The ancient giant's gene activity is too strong and its evolutionary ability is too strong. Although the water bear can rely on stealing genes to self-evolve, it takes time.

Looking at it now, the genes of ancient giants must also contain super activity and self-evolution ability.

Therefore, the superposition of the two can form such a large monster in a short time. "

The crowd stopped talking, and after looking at each other, they didn't know what to say.

"Then we ...?"

Liu hesitated.

"Do not worry!"

Chen Lang waved his hand and said, "There is still a week left, when the giant mech can be dispatched, no matter how many water bears become monsters, they can cope.

Our main concern now is the time of the week.

In this way, all warships and fighters will be dispatched, and the world will be notified, and the world will be persuaded to suspend the lunar excavation plan, and the main combat power will be placed on the coastline to prevent monsters from landing a lot.

As long as this week, follow-up is simple. "


Liu Yi heard the words and turned away again.


[Again! !! !! Eleven monsters landed at the same time and attacked six cities in the Pacific Rim! ]

[live! New changes in monsters seem to produce wisdom! ]

[The rise of new species? The monster's evolution again, a scene of despair! ]

[Six cities, five of which have ancient science and technology compensation fighters for containment, and are waiting for the rescue of Chaoshen Technology. Then, Indy, what about your fighters? ]

[Sorrowful scene, two monsters raging wildly in the city, however, according to relevant personnel, the Indian fighter is still on the moon! ]


Global news shakes!

It can be said that after the monsters appeared last week, there were people's lives occupied by topics about monsters, and people in the media are also looking forward to this.

In the major coastal cities, people from the media are waiting.

The first time they appeared, they reported on them.

News about monsters once again dominated the headlines. In just a few minutes, the reappearance of monsters caught the attention of people around the world.

Of the six cities, five of them have fighter planes for containment. Although the monsters have landed, the fighter planes have not caused much damage to the cities.

Moreover, because robots are deployed along the coastline, although there were casualties and injuries, no deaths have occurred so far.

The people around the world have given their thumbs up and can't help but praise them.

This is the state machine.

Some countries are willing to do their best to protect the people, and even a disaster of this level will not lead to death.

This is strength.

But only Indian clay.

This wave of Indian clay has become a breaking point in the news, and the attention of most people in the world has shifted from other cities to Indian clay.

There are no fighters to restrain, although some robots evacuate and rescue people along the coastline, the monsters that can be free are too crazy.

They stepped into the city and went straight into the city from the coastline.

The building collapsed, the building was broken, countless broken glass and steel structures fell from the sky, and the entire area was screaming and crying.

boom! !! !!

Another building collapsed.

As one of the representative cities of Yinni, this wave can be described as a heavy loss.

"Why didn't anyone come to save us?"

"Where's our fighter?"

"Oh my god, all crazy!"

"Run away, the monster is coming soon."


People in the affected area were crying and screaming, escaping frantically, but the unreached area was also rumored, thinking that monsters would soon come over, one by one from the place where they live, on the street, on the road There are people everywhere, cars everywhere.

The car couldn't drive at all in this situation.

The road was full of flashing lights and screaming vehicles.

The crowd was fleeing.

Occasionally, someone was pushed down, someone was stomped, and someone was injured or killed by accident.

The crowd ran like crazy.

Hum! !! !!

At this moment, two huge battleships appeared in the sky, and behind the battleships were sixty Xinghe fighters.

boom! !! !!

The Star River fighter and the Star River battleship burst out with particle beam weapons at the same time, one after another, either lasers or beams of light descended from the sky, hitting two huge monsters.

"Well !!!"

The two monsters were in pain, roared upward, and then turned their heads at the Xinghe fighter and the Xinghe battleship.

They ran quickly, the buildings passing by collapsed, the land they stepped on was sunk, and the car was directly crushed into meatloaf. The monsters at both ends sprang up after accelerating.

After the events of last week, the Chinese party is obviously well prepared.

After the bombardment, the warplane and warship quickly withdrew back to the air ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to lead away the two monsters.

The monsters followed the warships and fighters. Although the warships and fighters could not hurt them, it was possible to give them pain.

They already have some low-level wisdom, naturally they want to destroy the fighters and warships first.

Just flying a kite like this, soon, the two monsters were once again introduced into the shallow water area and separated from the city.

call! !! !!

Looking at this scene like other cities, both the global people watching the live broadcast and the people living here are relieved.

"It's Huaxia's fighters and warships, with the Huaxia logo on it!"

"It's ridiculous that there are fighters and warships in their own homes, but in the end they have to rely on the help of others, and they don't know what the price is."

"It's all a matter of greed!"

"If it didn't happen this time, I'm afraid no one knows that the fighters compensated by ancient technology to protect coastal cities have been used for other purposes?

For a long time, no fighter plane appeared. It is clear that not only this city, but other cities around Yinni also have no Xinghe fighter plane.

Do they believe that there will be monsters or are they lucky? "

"Anyway, they have become a joke this time."

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