
What data?

Naturally it is about monster data. After the monster's second landing, countries around the world began to calculate some monster data.

Because the number of monsters this time is large, the data is more accurate.


Lin Bei, head of the Biogene Technology Group, said, "According to calculations made by all parties, the average monster height is 117 meters, of which the lowest is 94 meters and the highest is 139 meters.

However, monsters are different from us. Monsters are bent, so this calculation is actually not accurate.

In terms of weight, based on the footprints left at the scene and the weight we took when we captured, we calculated that the average weight of monsters is about 90,000 tons, that is, their muscle and bone density are very, very high, and the density of bones is Beyond all known substances.

At the same time, the density of even the muscles in the body is about the same as that of the third-level super-characteristic metal.

This is simply a violation of biology. "

Lin Bei was a little surprised when he said that, and then said, "There is time to calculate.

In this monster, we found a monster with the same DNA data as the monster that appeared last time, that is, the previous monster also appeared.

Their resilience is strong and they evolve quickly.

Within a week, he not only recovered completely, but even evolved again.

And that's not the point.

The key is that all monsters have evolved almost the same, that is, they will communicate, or that they have their own communication methods, one evolution, and the other evolution.

We suspect that the genes contained in the corpses of ancient giants have the ability to resemble quantum entanglement, and creatures of the same type can sense changes in other creatures.

In other words, they are scattered, but in fact they coexist.

Evolution at one end will cause other monsters to evolve at the same time.

This is incredible.

But he did happen.

If we can study this thoroughly, then we can have a major breakthrough in quantum entanglement technology. "

Chen Lang heard the words for a moment.

Then silent.

Quantum technology is also one of the technologies that have not been thoroughly eaten in future generations. Do you actually want to study quantum entanglement in monsters?

Just kidding.

In previous lives, human beings were not people who had not touched ordinary theological civilizations. It was a capability rather than quantum entanglement.

Similar to the ability to die.

Cells divide, genes are broken, and the flesh becomes dust, but there is still entanglement with each other. This entanglement is a manifestation of the flesh reaching a certain degree.

It's blood rebirth, and it's hundreds of millions of incarnations.

This is indeed a hint of quantum entanglement, but it is not really quantum entanglement.

"There is no need to work hard in this regard."

Chen Lang said, "The organism is a whole, there is induction between gene cells, ordinary people's induction is too weak, almost impossible to perceive, and the stronger you are, the stronger that induction will be.

When you reach a certain level, even if all the genetic cells are separated, you can perceive another part of yourself, even the changes in it, far away.

This is not unusual.

What I want to know now is when is the next monster landing. "

"It is also expected to be a week later!"

Lin Bei smiled bitterly and said: "According to our data, the monster is very vengeful. The first monster was injured, so after he had recovered and evolved, he called on his friends to avenge him.

And this time all of them were directly injured, and three of them were captured by us.

So we expect that at least one more monster will land in a week's time, and by that time, the monster will definitely have a new round of evolution. It is hard to say what evolution is.

But it is definitely more difficult to deal with. "

"one week?"

Chen Lang raised an eyebrow slightly and said, "If it is really a week, then don't worry about it. The sword made of Taiyin alloy will be released in a week. At that time, it will be much easier to deal with monsters."

Having said that, Chen Lang thought for a moment, and then said, "What about countries? What do they say about the one-week blockade proposed by us?"


Lin Bei opened his mouth and said, "Because of the Indien incident, countries now dare not underestimate monsters. They convened the fleet of the moon and believe that the sea blockade will soon be deployed.

However, countries are very puzzled. They asked us, saying that it is easy to block the week, but can we really find a way to deal with monsters one week later?

Now monsters have become the confession of all countries, especially countries in the Pacific Rim. Those coastal cities are even more disgusted with monsters. Now public opinion has caused some panic.

The economies of all countries have been affected. "

"Those are trivial matters. Don't worry about them. Tell them that there will be monsters landing in a week."

Then, Chen Lang thought about it, and said, "What about ancient technology? What did the old boy Wei Wuyou say? He wouldn't really shrink his head to be an ostrich because of the monster incident?"

"That's not true."

Xiao Xiaoai suddenly said, "I saw in the group yesterday that President Wei is now taking people to continue deep sea exploration. According to them, although things have happened, the task cannot be affected, they try to avoid monsters Continue to capture ordinary water bears, while also monitoring some monsters in the deep sea, trying to find the lost ancient giant carcasses. "

"This is the way!"

Chen Lang nodded and said: "If the body of the ancient giant can be found, it can avoid more monsters and the monsters' evolution. Tell him that I support him."


Xiao Ai Xiao nodded, she thought for a while, and said, "One more thing, because of the emergence of monsters, now I hope a lot of public opinion on the island. Although everyone is full of confidence in our super technology, they still can't bear I will worry about some issues ~ ~ For example, we hope that the island is in the Pacific Ocean. If there are a lot of monsters landing, can we stand it? "


Chen Lang said categorically: "If you don't say anything, just force the field defense shield. There are no monsters that can destroy it. It is a shield that can withstand bombing by hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs. The monster really came. As long as the shield is opened, no monster can climb up.

As for whether they will dig up from the bottom and climb through the foundation, I think this problem can also be ignored.

After all, outsiders don't know, but you know, I hope the island itself is a spaceship. We are now only at the top of the island.

It has not yet occupied a third of the size of the spacecraft.

Below, in seawater, the ship's hull is larger and uses more tertiary super-character metals.

Super-thick metals of this thickness, even if they want to dig, have to dig for at least a month.

And in a month, we have a hundred ways to kill them.

Promote my words, except for the temporary confidentiality of the spacecraft, there is no need to conceal it in terms of security. "


Xiao Xiaoai nodded.

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