Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 505: Chen Lang was arrested in the future

了 Have hitchhiked?

What are you kidding?

Chen Lang has all the memories of his future before the destruction of civilization. He naturally knows the terrible universe.

Who will let you hitchhiking?

Moreover, in the future, driving by yourself is between hope. It is the creation of the highest technology of human civilization, and it can definitely be said to be the core item of advanced civilization.

Have you got this thing and still hitchhiking?

Not even that.

Only the new galaxy where the previous earth was, it is far away from the civilization of the gods, and it is counted in millions of light years.

Even if it is hoping to make continuous space jumps between hopes, it will take three or four years. What kind of car can reach the sacred civilization in just six months?

"What about hope?"

Chen Lang's tone suddenly became heavy.

"It's the fare."

Chen Lang's tone will remain indifferent in the future.

"Are you crazy?" Chen Lang couldn't help angrily: "That is the supreme product of human beings, and it is the only inheritance of human beings. If you take it as a fare, then the time and space in which you live, the earth ’s human beings really broke the heritage. "

"Don't you break?"

In the future, Chen Lang's tone became more and more indifferent, he said lightly: "The entire universe is only one Earthman. No, the entire universe is no longer Earthman. I am no longer Earthman."

"What do you mean?" Chen Lang frowned.

"I was caught up."

In the future, Chen Lang suddenly collapsed, and gritted his teeth, saying: "The **** is civilization, Moilei! The child of the night goddess is the third goddess of destiny, the true god."

"What the **** is going on?" Chen Lang asked quickly.

"You ca n’t believe that a living person can cross the universe like a spaceship, jumping one space at a time, and she just caught me in a few steps."

Chen Lang's voice was trembling in the future, saying: "She is the goddess who controls destiny. Although it is only the third goddess of destiny long before the civilization of Kaos, but I do n’t even dare let you see her face because I There is a hunch, even if it transcends time and space, once you see her face, she or you in her time and space will definitely be able to feel it.

She caught up with me, I chose to surrender without any hesitation, and gave her hope in between, and even myself became her servant. Now that I am no longer human, she seems to hate destroying our civilization. Tanatos, she did not kill me, and even transformed me, transforming me into a **** warrior.

I do n’t have any of the Earth ’s genes now. Do you know how it feels? Empty, although I have mastered the power that I can't imagine, but this power can't fill the feeling that I lost.

Even, I can feel that my feelings and emotions are receding. In her words, emotions are the weaknesses of soldiers, and ruthless soldiers are qualified soldiers.

I don't know how long I can hold on.

I am now in Kaos, which is now the Olympian theological civilization, and I live with her in a supreme temple.

Before I am assimilated, I will try my best to help you.

But this time will definitely not be long, you ... Be sure to cheer! "

Chen Lang was silent.

At this moment, Chen Lang didn't know how he should reply.

I was arrested.

Also, it is a **** himself.

女 Goddess of destiny, this kind of deity is by no means an ordinary deity that can counter it. The power possessed by this deity is absolutely horrible, which can be seen from the step by step mentioned by Chen Lang in the future.

"Hear me out."

At this time, Chen Lang spoke again in the future.

"First, according to the information I have discovered so far, the divine civilization is not as simple as we think. The divine civilization has mastered the rule of space. I do n’t know how they master it, nor do they know the technology or the gods they use. , But there is no doubt that they have mastered the space. The entire theological civilization is in a one-dimensional space. The entire space is very large. It is an indescribable continent, just like the heavens in mythology. I think that those The level of spiritual civilization and spiritual civilization should be in the space that they have created. ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

的 The dark energy contained in this space is incredible. It is said that there are countless gaps in the entire space that are devouring the dark energy of the universe at all times. This is a natural dark energy gathering place.

的 Life here is a genetic warrior. As you grow up and practice, you can reach a very strong point, similar to the fifth to sixth-level genetic warriors.

At the same time, people who have the blood of the gods have greater potential. They claim to be demigods and often have the strength of the eighth or ninth stage.

God-based civilization is too terrible. They call the universe ‘world’. Of course, it ’s not the term, it ’s their language, but the meaning is similar. "

Having said that, Chen Lang paused slightly in the future, and said, "Second, they destroyed our earth ’s civilization for two reasons. One is that they have done genetic experiments on the earth and created races, but None of these races pleased them, so they destroyed all prehistoric civilizations.

我们 We humans are a race born naturally after they leave.

The birth of combined with the genes that destroyed civilization for generations has the potential of almost terror.

They have found a solution to their problems long ago, so in their opinion, we should not exist, even if it exists, we should not leave the solar system, it should be destroyed with the solar system.

In addition, there is another reason because we move something that should not be moved, godhead.

Magical civilization is not sovereign. Magical civilization is a testing ground for major theological civilizations. It is similar to the earth. According to the information I have received, even the theological civilizations do not know where the gods come from. The gods come to conceive a civilization, so as to test whether there can be a person who can master the gods and tap the potential of the gods.

But unfortunately, the experiments were unsuccessful for millions of years. They continued to destroy the old civilization and continued the experiment with the new civilization. The magic civilization is one of the experimental bodies, and our earth happened to hit it and even plunder it. godhead. First https: // https: //

It's all in their control. They give up the magic civilization regardless of asking, and regard our earth as the next experimental body. For this reason, they even let us go.

But unfortunately, we used the godhead as an information store, and eventually we did not dig out the true use of the godhead. They ... thought that our experimental field had failed, so it destroyed the earth.

Isn't it funny?

地球 Countless years ago, the earth of prehistoric civilization was an experimental field. Countless years later, we became an experimental body again. "


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