Crystal skull!

Looking inside Shenshan, Chen Lang sat in a tub full of biological energy, and couldn't help closing his eyes.

Information about the crystal skull kept appearing in his mind. Starting

As he gradually gained recognition from people all over the world, God's second consciousness was no longer blocked, and it could be said that he was reading at will.

Naturally, there is information about this.

Crystal skulls are also called 'singing skulls', 'speaking skulls' and so on. In legend, there are 52 in total, but in fact, they have been thoroughly studied by scientists in later generations.

Not to mention all the skulls that have been found in the past, almost all of them are fake. After various experiments, they all fell apart. Only the real one, no matter how the experiment was performed, was intact.

Because of its hardness and authenticity, the human federation chose to collect it.

In this era, there are ancient legends. In ancient times, there were 13 crystal skulls. They could speak and sing. These crystal skulls contained secret information about the origin and death of human beings, which could help humanity to solve the mystery of life in the universe.

And it is also said that people must find the skull before December 21 of the 12th year. That day is the end of the Mayan calendar which has been circulated for 5126 years. Unless 13 skulls are placed together in the correct order, the earth will fly away. Axis.

Only by doing so can the supernatural power of the skull save the earth.

Chen Lang has always scoffed at this statement, even dismissed it. After all, it is now 2025, and it has been more than ten years, which is a complete joke. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

Hundreds of years have passed in the afterlife, but isn't the crystal skull a broken skull?

But now, after the narration of Chen Lang in the future.

浪 The more Chen Lang thinks, the more Nima feels wrong.

This Nima is outrageous.

传说 There may be many unbelievable things in this legend, such as time, but some things are strangely similar.


的 Secret information on human origin and death.

Although it was not found in the crystal skull, it was discovered by human beings, but does it have a weird similarity?

There is still.

Doomsday theory.

Without using the supernatural power of the skull, the earth would fly off the axis.

This Nima.

Although time is not right, isn't the earth flying off the axis? Moreover, humans actively flew away after they artificially created the planetary engine.

But in supernatural powers.

The foggy area of ​​the starry sea when humans left the solar system directly crossed the solar system and completed the detachment directly.

Isn't this supernatural power?

The more I thought, the more outrageous Chen Chen couldn't help but open his eyes instantly.

After searching the data in the crystal of civilization with the second consciousness of the brain, Chen Lang quickly found the specific location of the only real crystal skull in this era.

Eagle Empire Museum!


浪 Chen Lang could not help but frowned after seeing the information.

If he remembers it correctly, this museum should have been announced in 2005. It is said that the crystal skull is fake? It is said that it is a masterpiece of modern European jewellers, and they also said that after scanning the crystal skull with an electronic scanning microscope, the results showed that the uneven scratches that should be left on the crystal skull were not found during the manual grinding. It was found that the clean arcs left by the modern wheel.

From this conclusion, all crystal skulls are carved by modern gemstone wheels using industrial diamonds and polished by modern machinery?

What are you kidding?

Even if it is modern, it was a matter of tens or hundreds of years ago, right?

哪个 When did the technology go to great lengths to make this?

Then just a few hundred pounds for selling out?

Break out Nima's outrageous joke.

This is definitely done deliberately to conceal something, and it is not only at that time, even if it is the identification carried out by the Great Eagle Empire Museum, I am afraid there is a lot of tricky.

"Ball, contact the Eagle Country, I will visit the Eagle Country after I leave the country, and inform them that I will go to the Eagle Empire Museum to buy some cultural relics."

"Yes, master!"

The shuttlecock complied with the order.

And now.

Eagle country, the Prime Minister was aggressive, looked at the email in front of the question mark, hesitated for a moment, and then visited the Queen of Eagles.

The Queen Queen also looked surprised, saying: "It is said that the rich Chinese have a hobby for collecting lost cultural relics around the world. Does Chen Lang think so, and is ready to buy back all the Chinese cultural relics in our Great Eagle Empire Museum?"

"It's possible."

The Prime Minister was also a little uncertain, saying: "It seems that there is no other possibility than this, then ... shall we sell?"

"What do you want to do without selling?"

The Queen Eagle sighed and said, "These things are originally from China. Now that Chen Lang is on the rise, Super God Technology is almost the strongest force in the world. Global companies and countries have to find ways to buy some from Super God Technology. technology.

At this time, these should have been sent by us first.

I now let Chen Lang run for a visit in person, but it seems that we are a bit stingy.

Let ’s do this. Arrange for the top reception for Chen Lang. At the same time, all the Chinese cultural relics in the Great Eagle Empire Museum are ready. Do n’t show them. After Chen Lang comes, pack them directly for him. "

"What's the price?" The Prime Minister hesitated.

"Are you crazy?"

The eagle queen was surprised and said, "Do you dare to collect this money? Do you want to be added to the blacklist of Super God Technology?"

"Bai give?" The Prime Minister was surprised ~ ~ Bai give! "

The eagle queen nodded and said with deep eyes: "Some things are valuable, but some things are priceless. It is better not to collect money when these things are collected. If you do n’t, Chen Lang only needs to remember us a little bit. Well, the subsequent benefits are much better than asking for money directly.

Similarly, you have to understand that cultural relics are actually of little value except for researching and proving some things. "

"I understand."

The prime minister nodded, and then led away.

Uh .........

Looking inside Shenshan.

Chen Lang closed his eyes and began to evolve.

有着 He has great detailed information on how to evolve, and has also studied it for almost a year, so there will be no mistakes.

As the biological dark energy core in the body continuously devours the biological energy in the bath barrel, Chen Lang's biological dark energy core has gradually begun to grow. If the biological dark energy core in the beginning is like a part of the body, now Is gradually separated.

With a constant influx of energy.

暗 The dark core of the creature continuously devours and feeds back to the body. This feedback starts at the genetic level.

Genes, cells, bones, blood, muscles, skin, and more.

Layer by layer, began to transform.


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