Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 513: Grand reception


On the Xinghe fighter, when Xiao Xia was about to reach the Eagle Capital, Xiao Xiaoai controlled the watch and got up.

This watch is a product inside Super God Technology, which is similar to a virtual mobile phone, but far surpasses the virtual mobile phone in terms of functionality and convenience.

Counterfeit watches can cost tens of thousands of hopes.

It is also a product that has not been released to the public and is unlikely to be available in the short term.

"Eagle is ready, and just got in touch with me. According to their suggestions, our fighter planes should preferably land at the Platinum Palace Square. When they do, they will be greeted at the scene, and at the same time there will be people from the Eagles watching the ceremony."


Chen Lang heard a little hesitation and said, "Is it so big? Is this comparable to a formal international visit?"

"It's more than a comparison!"

Xiao Xiaoai glanced at the small projection suspended from the watch in amazement and said, "They took out the golden carriage, and this face is too big, right?"

"What's the difference?" Chen Lang said suddenly: "If I remember correctly, haven't many people sat in the golden carriage?"


Xiao Xiaoai shook his head and said, "There are many types of carriages for the imperial family. They are used for the royal wedding, used to participate in some important opening ceremonies, and some symbolic important items such as the crown. The carriage used to receive leaders of different countries is different. It ’s just a matter of seeing people serving dishes. Among them, the best carriage is the official Australian gift to the Queen Queen of Australia, the Royal Australian carriage! ”

Speaking of it, Xiao Xiaoai paused slightly and took a strange glance at Chen Lang, saying, "Do you know what this carriage is? This is a real gold carriage. Its name is a golden carriage, which is made of gold-plated wood and is 5.5 meters long. It weighs more than three tons and requires six horses to pull. It is decorated with more than 400 pieces of gold foil. The material used to make the carriage includes more than 100 cultural relics and precious wood. The outside world calls it a luxurious palace on wheels.

Basically, this carriage was used by the King of Eagles during the coronation ceremony, and it is also the most luxurious carriage in the world.

Globally, except for the King of the Eagles, only a few people have ever traveled. "

"It seems that they are really face-saving."

Chen Lang could not help but smile.

Is this for face?

Xiao Xiaoai was speechless.

After a while, the fighter gradually slowed down and began to decline. At the window, Chen Lang could see that the Platinum Plaza below was already under martial law. Except for the densely populated people around the week or holding small flags or ribbons to cheer, the central area had been Empty.

The fighter plane slowly dropped.

After landing, the dedicated reception staff stepped forward respectfully, waiting for the fighter to open the hatch.

The golden carriage was parked next to it.

Chen Lang and Xiao Xiaoai stepped off the fighter plane together, the reception staff saluted, and then motioned to Chen Lang to ride a golden carriage.

Chen Lang smiled and walked forward.

Another receptionist stepped forward and opened the carriage door. However, to the surprise of all, Chen Lang did not get in the car for the first time, but turned to look at Xiao Xiaoai and stretched out his hand.

Xiao Xiaoai froze.

The people around me were stunned.

"What are you doing?" Chen Lang laughed. "Everyone else takes his wife in the car. Do you want to watch your boss and I emit a strong single dog smell in front of people all over the world?"

"This ... no, it's inappropriate." Xiao Xiaoai shook her head.

"How can there be so much attention!"

Chen Lang grabbed Xiao Xiaoyi's hand and pulled her to the carriage together.

Xiao Xiaoai was stiff all the way, and Chen Lang was numbly pulled into the carriage.

The receptionist was apparently choked.

The scene was silent for a few seconds. There seemed to be instructions from the high-level hawk in his headset. He responded quickly and approached Chen Lang to close the door.

Then the carriage began to move slowly.

Passing the public viewing area, the people gave face, many people shouted and cheered loudly.

Chen Lang smiled and waved.

When they arrived outside the Platinum Palace, another waiter stepped forward and opened the door, and the two got out of the car.

Chen Lang still did not let go of Xiao Xiaoai's hand, stepped on the red carpet step by step, and slowly walked into the Platinum Palace.

Inside the Platinum Palace, members of the royal family headed by the queen of eagles and town officials headed by the eagle of eagles welcomed them with a smile.

The two sides shook hands, and then, under the leadership of the eagle queen, the crowd went towards the inside.

It's over here.

People from the media left in succession, and it was not possible for them to shoot next to it.

In a brilliant room.

Everyone sat down.

Chen Lang took the lead to express his thanks, and smiled: "But I didn't expect it. I just intentionally came to see it and visited the Great Eagle Museum, but it bothered you so much."

"this is necessary."

The Queen Eagle showed a kind smile and said, "Consultant Chen Lang is a great man, and it is more beneficial to this world than anyone in this world. No matter how grand the reception is, Consul Chen Lang is able to bear it. of."

Speaking of this, Queen Eagle said curiously, "It's just that I'm a little curious. Before that, I thought that it was very likely that General Manager Chen Lang came here because of some cultural relics that Huaxia once lost, and I even arranged these cultural relics I packaged it, and you can give it all to Hope Island after you leave, but then I think about it carefully. This is not right. If you really only do this, you should not run Just a trip? "

"It's something that is not easy to disclose."

Chen Lang raised his eyebrows, looked around at everyone, and then solemnly said: "This matter may be related to the future of our human beings, and whether we can leave the solar system with the earth before the sun is destroyed.

I'm not in a position to say specific things. This involves something more serious than the sun's destruction. We still have some time to prepare for and fight for the sun's crisis.

But when I come this time, if something happens, there will be an accident. For us humans, the entire human community, and even the earth, everything may be destroyed in an instant. "

Everyone at the scene shuddered in their hearts ~ ~ The crisis of sun destruction? Someone's expression was wrong.

This is unknown.

But very few of these people at the scene are not aware of the matter.

After being whispered by others, they all showed shocked expressions.

Those who knew the sun's destruction crisis heard Chen Lang's words, and their faces suddenly changed.

More serious than the sun destruction crisis?

how can that be? On Earth, in the Eagle State, is there such a thing?

"Crystal skull!"

Chen Lang solemnly said, "This is the purpose of this visit."

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