Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 523: Yu Yue Long Men


画面 When people talk, the picture does not end.

The earth in this picture seems to be aware of the future sun destruction crisis. The entire earth has moved, and a series of terrifying planetary engines have been created. The technology contained in this picture is more important than the engines produced by the countries in the previous picture. Terror is more than ten times more than that.

地球 After the earth got out of orbit, it ran in the universe at a very fast speed, that speed was terrifying.

Even after the earth has been far away from its original orbit, the signs of sun destruction have just appeared.

Countless people are relieved to see this picture.


The result is very desperate.

地球 Immediately after Earth fled from the inner galaxy of the solar system, the sun was destroyed, infinitely expanded, and exploded. In the big bang, the sun rapidly contracted and became a white dwarf.

The explosion destroyed the inner galaxy, which was almost the entire solar system.

Even the outer galaxies have not escaped the fate of being affected. The area where the earth is located has been cleaned up instantly, and even the earth has disappeared.

In the desolate and lonely universe, only some of the interiors have been destroyed, but the warships and spaceships created by the overcast alloy still existing in the outer shell are still suspended in the universe.

Everything is over.

Earth, after all, did not escape the end of destruction.

首都 The capital of the Eagle Country.

People in half a city looked dullly at the projection in the sky.

The street is silent.

The people who had originally spoken were speechless at this time.

Outside the Great Eagle Museum, the queen looked pale at these pictures. Next to her, several members of the royal family and some town officials also had incredible expressions.

Chen only Chen Lang.

At this time, Chen Lang's complexion was the most complicated.

虽然 Although he did not know the specific situation of the projection, he could vaguely guess that it must be related to the crystal skull, because he can predict the future, and to his knowledge, only crystal skulls are available.

The crystal skull definitely has strange abilities. This is not a prediction of the future. After all, if it can be predicted, the previous two pictures will not appear. Moreover, Chen Lang has begun to understand the speed of light and dust. Development and manufacturing of engine's force field.

Chen Lang believes that as long as the development of the three gravity fields is completed, the earth has the hope of escaping, and it will never be destroyed as shown in the picture.

Relatively speaking.

This kind of picture is more a scan of the earth's information by the crystal skull, and then calculated in conjunction with what will happen in the future.

别 Do not say this calculation is a crystal skull, even a ball can do it.

Although the Crystal Skull has certain abilities, it is clear that this ability is not too exaggerated, or that its ability is not perfect yet, and it is still in a weak period. First https: // https: //

Otherwise, there will not be a triple screen.

"Is this our future?"

Suddenly the Queen turned her head to look at Chen Lang, her eyes faintly eager.

She longed for Chen Lang to give a negative answer.

Because this future is too scary.

Even, the third picture is relatively scarier than the second, and the second picture is scarier than the first.

After all, if there is no hope, you naturally don't need to say it. Like the first picture, it will be destroyed directly, and the whole earth will die in an instant without any pain.

Compared with the first, the second picture is despair. Human civilization has spent years in despair. Although despair has not given up hope, the end result is still despair.

The scariest thing is the third picture.

The emergence of Chaoshen Technology has given the world hope, but the ultimate hope has not escaped the end of destruction.

怎样 What kind of pain is this?

"Earth, this will never perish!"

浪 Chen Lang heard that he solemnly spoke, as if he was guaranteeing someone.

After speaking, Chen Lang hesitated slightly, then sighed, and said, "It's just that the picture now appears in front of so many people and can't be concealed. Next, for the future of humankind, and for us all to live, There should also be some changes in this world. "

"Is the Federation?"

After hearing the words, the queen thought for a moment, and then smiled indifferently: "Then establish a federation. Since this is destined to be the future, then I think no matter who it is, we have to face the reality.

Besides, our royal family has no control over those powers. It has more symbolic significance. Perhaps, after the establishment of the federation, we will go further. After all, once the global integration, we can still stand on top of the world except for the federation. It should be the major families that hold resources and wealth around the world, right?

We are royalty after all, aren't we? "New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

Chen Lang glanced at the queen unexpectedly, and had to say that the woman who had mastered the royal family for decades, her eyes and wrists, and even her mind, had nothing to say.

I was like she said.

浪 Chen Lang knows better than anyone, and it was the same in previous lives. Once the global integration and the establishment of a federal system, then in addition to the federation, those who really have power and wealth are those big families, big businesses, and big financial groups.

They may have been subject to state management before, but in the new era, as long as they follow the path guided by the federal government, they are independent individuals.

This is the moment for a top company to truly become a dragon.

It was the most difficult thing in the past to make the fish jump from the dragon gate. In addition to Chaoshen Technology, no company has ever been able to jump out of the dragon gate to successfully transform the dragon.

But after the establishment of the federation, the leaping dragon gate will become a very simple thing. As long as you can go down the river, follow the trend, and have your own products, you can defeat your opponents, then you will have the entire planet The market ~ ~ In previous lives, too many pillars of human civilization and those empires in the future all rose after the establishment of the Federation.

This is an opportunity for those who engage in business, an unprecedented opportunity.

Whether you want to become a big company or a great company depends on your choice in this opportunity.

"I think in this new era, if you seize the opportunity, you may not be able to restore the ancestor's glory!"

浪 Chen Lang smiled slightly, and then continued: "Let ’s go, since things have spread throughout the city, then it will radiate the whole world. Let us resolve the issues at hand as soon as possible, and you will have time to maintain the stability of the city."

After hearing the words, the Queen Queen and the town hall personnel were shocked, and then nodded. The guards quickly stepped forward to open the road.

Inside the museum.

At this point, thousands of tourists have surrounded the area where the crystal skull is located.

A group of old professors and experts are sitting on the ground dumb.

For the ordinary people, the picture just guessed as a movie, but for them, it was a shock and shock from the soul.

"Langshen, it's Langshen, I'll just say, it must be a virtual movie."

"Yeah, hurry up, get out of here, here comes the Wave God!"


With the appearance of Chen Lang and others, tourists at the scene made way.


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