Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 537: Technology transfer

"What are you going to do next?"

Chen Lang asked in his heart.

The rescuer Chen Lang smiled and said, "If you asked me what I should do next, I would be very confused, but now it is different. I found that if people are incapable, then there is no one at all. Take care.

But when you have the ability and capital, countless people will flock to you.

Now it is not only the Ge and Spear organizations, but also the entire underground world, as well as some hidden consortiums, forces, organizations all over the world are contacting me. They said they are willing to provide me with all help.

And when I told them that I would rule the world, they nodded in the first moment, and now the whole world has been detonated by me. On the bright side, the issue of ticketing has caused global shock and heated discussion.

In private and undercurrent, I have arranged Ge and Spear and those organizations to make those technology products you gave me, fighters, laser energy weapons, satellites and radar systems that exceed several levels of the world, and even interception systems.

In addition, I am now learning to program intelligent life.

Once the intelligent life is born, I guess it won't be long, at most half a year, I can really rule the world. "


Chen Lang was speechless.

I was even a little speechless.

After he was reborn, he didn't think about it this way. It was simple and rude, and saved time and effort. He swept across the world and banned the world as a master. He forcibly distorted the development of the entire world with his own will and took the whole world to another direction. one direction.


This is not without its hidden dangers.

Compared with the peaceful settlement of the federal government such as Chen Lang now, the way of saver Chen Lang will leave hidden dangers in the future. Chen Lang is playing with minds and wants people to return to their hearts.

The rescuer Chen Lang played with violence.

Forced suppression.

The two are fundamentally different. A peaceful settlement can last long. And the kind of violent suppression, once the people below have the opportunity to turn over, it definitely does not mind overthrowing the whole world again.

虽然 "Although there are hidden dangers, if the force is always paramount, then you are still worried about the hidden danger of a fart."

Chen Lang couldn't help whispering.

To be honest, he is envious of the rescuer Chen Lang, who has his own scientific and technological support and the military support of future Avengers Chen Lang.

That's why he can do this.

It is impossible to change to someone else.

For example, Chen Lang. If Chen Lang did this in the beginning, he would definitely die without knowing how to die. After all, at that time, Chen Lang, the future Avenger, had not been contacted, let alone Chen Lang, the future Avenger, was not dead, Become a servant, but a servant of the gods, with great power.

If it had been known for a long time, Chen Lang would not have known so many things.

I said it was false to not envy.

However, it has reached such a degree that it is impossible and meaningless to change direction. It is also the rule of the world to peacefully rule the world.

Compared to the rescuer Chen Lang, he is now considered to have completed his task and is comfortable.

After all, no matter how fast Chen Lang the rescuer, it will take time.

And on my own side, the initial layout has been completed, and the earth is now home to all peoples, and we are working together to spend the crisis together.

"Be careful!"

After thinking for a while, Chen Lang said: "They come with their interests, and naturally they will also go with their interests. In other respects, you don't have to worry too much, but you must pay attention to your personal safety issues.

After all, the strength of the future Avengers Chen Lang is not directly given to you, it is only lent to you, and he may not need it any time, and you will have to return it at that time.

Don't be dropped a nuclear bomb on your forehead at any time.

If that happens, Da Luo Jinxian won't be able to save you. "

"Do not worry!"

The saver Chen Lang nodded and said, "I am you, you are me, and I think you know better than me. We are exactly the same in terms of caution.

I'm not stupid, naturally I know what those people are running for.

这些 These people, except Ge and Spear really want to open up a new world, others are for the benefit, they don't care if I lose or win.

For them.

They are right for me.

If I lose, they divide up the technology I left behind and even got handed gene evolution technology from me. At that time, they will still be countries that dare not easily offend. They will still be uncrowned kings hidden in the dark of the world.

如果 And if I win, they can walk directly from behind the scenes to the front desk and become a high-weight member of the future empire, thus becoming more powerful.

我 I understand them all.

They are playing games that are impossible to lose.

But believe me, I will never make a joke of my own life. You and the future we have given me so much support. If I lose, then I am not Chen Lang, and I am not worthy of you. member.

I will win, and I will win beautifully. "

"I believe you!"

浪 Chen Lang heard a moment of silence, then gave a smile and said, "Yes, worrying about you is actually the same as worrying about me, so I don't have to worry about it, I believe you. But you have to cheer.

I have completed global unification here, and now formally banned the original national system and changed it to the global civilized human federal system.

Alas, not only did I become the federal boss.

Yesterday even directly resigned from the position of federal boss and gave intelligent life.

Now, I am the true uncrowned king of the whole world.

Come on, it's best to catch up with me, I will pass some of the technologies and techniques sorted out by the ball to you, and you accept it. "

Uh .........

time flies.

Transferring technical information is not that simple.

Although it is a concentric state ~ ~, Chen Lang has a second conscious mind to help memory, but Chen Lang, the rescuer, does not.

Therefore, Chen Lang can only give him a little transmission.

Is like recitation.

四 It has been four or five hours after the transfer of data and technology.

I cut off the contact with him.

Subsequently, Chen Lang contacted the future Avengers Chen Lang.

"It's been a long time since I contacted you. How are you now?"

浪 Chen Lang asked with a complex mood.

He is different from the rescuer Chen Lang.

Although they are all themselves, they only exist in different space and time, but Chen Lang has very complicated emotions in his heart.

浪 Avenger Chen Lang is the continuation of Chen Lang's rebirth.

Carries too many emotions and memories of Chen Lang.

Every way that the avenger Chen Lang took, it stands to reason that if Chen Lang is not reborn, that is the way Chen Lang will soon take.

So, looking at the experience of the Avengers Chen Lang, Chen Lang felt that it was the future self.

Sad? anger? Empathy?

I have it.

But it's more a desire for strength and a resentment against ourselves.

If I am strong enough, can I change history?

If the earth is strong enough, can we go a different way?

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