Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 542: I think you are the best

No right!

Kroto shook his head.

This is the primitive world of gods, and myself is a god. Even if this interesting slave in front of him wants to run away and revenge, there is no trace of hope.

after all.

Even if it needs more power, can it be compared with the gods?


He doesn't have any, even the slightest chance of resistance.

Therefore, he should really give up hope, accept the reality, there is no such thing as small calculations, and the strength is only to complete the obsession in his heart.


I must be so.

After all, this is the result of the guess of the smartest goddess in the world.

Thinking about this, Croto nodded, glanced at the Avengers Chen Lang with some sympathy, and said, "Since you plan to never leave the primitive **** world, then you can only be here with me. .

Don't say you anymore, although I am a god, but the days of gods are not easy, let's be friends. "

"it is good!"

浪 Avenger Chen Lang nodded, and then laughed: "Being a friend is fine, but I still want to say you."


Croto was surprised, and said, "Are you afraid that if I am not in this state that day, I am afraid that I do n’t have enough respect, so I am afraid that Atelopos or Lachesis will kill you? You do n’t have to worry, although you are a servant But God ’s slaves are also part of God ’s possession, unless you do something particularly disrespectful, otherwise they are not so careful. ”

Is that so?

Suddenly, the Avengers Chen Lang said very seriously: "The reason why I still want to say you is not simply because of respect, but because, I think now that we are going to be a companion, it is possible that you in the future, Will often hang on my heart.

In our earth, you are the combination of you and your heart, and in your heart you are. "

"Ah? Is that so?"

Croto covered his mouth, and the whole man was stupid.

She seems to have never experienced this kind of thing, her face flushed slightly, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

In a hurry, she waved her hand and a gorgeous light burst into the body of Chen Lang, the Avenger, and said, "This is the energy and method of unblocking. I have helped you unblock. Slowly cultivate. I'm in a hurry, see you next time. "

He said, the young girl Croto disappeared.

浪 Avenger Chen Lang evoked a sneer at the corner of his mouth and wanted to seduce his sister, the first time to leave a deep impression on the other side.

For better or worse.

As long as it doesn't die, that's enough.

I have a deep impression, and we have a future.

Then, what follows is to find a way to arouse her desire to explore.

Isn't she still curious about my past feelings after reading my memory?

Then ... please go to the pit!

After sneer, Avenger Chen Lang then turned back to the side of Boulder, continued to lie on Boulder, sinking into super powers, and began to contact Chen Lang.

Uh .........

这 "That's all I have just experienced. To be cautious, I blur the image of Croto. This should be the only thing I can help you with recently."

The voice of the Avenger sounded in Chen Lang's heart.

浪 Chen Lang quickly browsed through all the pictures and information, he felt in a moment and said, "Congratulations, the restrictions have been lifted. Although the future can only live in the original **** world, the power is not limited."

"What's the use of my strength?"

浪 Avenger Chen Lang said lightly: "This power is for you, I can bear everything, but I hope it will not be wasted in the end."

"I understand that we will prevail."

浪 Chen Lang heard solemnly promised.

Subsequently, Chen Lang read those pictures again, the more he saw the more shocked.

The human body contains the genes of the sacred civilization, but also contains more than one sacred civilization?

Although there has been speculation in the past life, it has not been confirmed after all.

Is now confirmed.

Finally, I was able to explain some problems that could not be explained before.

Why is it that the Earthlings will awaken superpowers after awakening?

Because of God's gene.

And because of too many genes in God, the superpowers of human awakening are different, and contain all kinds of abilities in the universe.

and also.

The old **** covenant, the new **** world, is similar to the Olympus in the future.

Etc., etc.

Although these messages have no practical significance for the current Chen Lang, they have great significance for the future of earth civilization.

Because the genes of the gods are in balance with each other, they cannot reveal their true appearance?

If you have only one **** gene, can you have the power of an eighth-order demigod in adulthood?

God's genetic degradation, evolution, etc.

的 All of this illustrates some issues.

If humans learn to self-exclude God's genes, does that mean that humans can selectively leave genes that are useful to themselves, and then eliminate useless genes, so that their strength is skyrocketing?

Is there a way to mix all the genes like the mixed genes of the Twelve Lords of Olympus to make them stronger?

I even said.

Will all human beings be let go of the divine civilization after removing all genes?

These are all things worth studying.

Alas, this also involves an unprecedented big secret.

前 In the prehistoric era, what kind of research was done in the solar system by the major theological civilizations?

I used to think it was a mystery of longevity.

But now it seems that the mystery of longevity is something that only humans have imagined. The avenger Chen Lang has gone to the divine civilization. It is unceremonious to say that in human eyes, the immortal life is almost impossible. does not matter.

Divine civilization cannot be researched in the solar system for immortality. Even if it is really researched for immortality, it is not possible to involve all the divine civilizations in the universe.

after all. UU Reading Book www.

Longevity does not die at this level, to be honest, it is simply not worth it!

The things that can enable the major theological civilizations to conduct joint research are certainly more important than the immortality.

It is very likely that such things as living too old, even prehistoric humans, are just the by-products of the research that the theological civilization really did. It is not worth mentioning to them, and it is an unprecedented development opportunity for the earth.

I think so.

浪 Chen Lang could not help but smile bitterly, the earth is really weak, or rather small.

神 For the civilization of the gods, the earth is not even as good as the ants who can only jump.


Once again, I seriously watched the picture transmitted by the Avengers Chen Lang, but looking at the final scene of the picture, Chen Lang could not help but be shocked.

"You want to 撩 God of Fate?"

浪 Chen Lang was really shocked, almost dumbfounded.

No way?

The future Avenger Chen Lang is also himself. Do he have such a big courage, and when he is a slave, he will still have to beat others. This is to turn over and become the master?

Is this really not afraid of death?

Is it true that the peony is dead and a ghost?

I would rather die than want to be a ghost girl?

Aunt selling batches, you are really great!

I think you are the best!

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