Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 547: Changes in 2 years

"Let's hang out with me!"

Chen Lang spoke, then took the lead to walk outside Dijiangyuan.

Standing outside the Dijiang Garden, Chen Lang couldn't help but look at things like goose eggs. These goose eggs were lined up and parked in the original parking space.

It's about the same size as a car a few years ago.

Xiao Xiao Ai took the lead to walk to the edge of a snow-white goose egg, reached out and patted the goose egg, and the goose egg bloomed with a bluish blue light, then the middle position separated, revealing the appearance inside.

Front and back rows of face-to-face sofa seats, a table in the middle, and some materials and books on the table.

Xiao Xiao Ai first walked in and sat down, then waved to Chen Lang and said, "Go."


What the **** is this?

愣 Chen Lang 愣 God, after a moment, he suddenly came to his senses, lying down.

Is this a speeding car?

Have you reached such a level?

In this life, it really is different from the previous life.

The speeding cars in the previous life were practical, not accidental. Except for a very small number of people, they would be modified. After all, that period was a big construction period, and the pure steel color was the mainstream color during that period. favourite colour.

Instead of this life, not only did he make genetic shrimp for eating, he even took this flying car in different directions.

Ride into the speeding car.

Xiao Xiaoai looked at the surprised Chen Lang and couldn't help but explain with a smile, saying, "This is the mainstream top speed car at present, oval, like the goose egg, using an anti-gravity device and a miniature engine, with a built-in Intelligent, after the ball's main intelligence has established a route, it will fly automatically, completely abandoning manual driving.

外壳 The outer shell of this speeder uses the new type of glass we used in the lunar isolation zone, and there is a layer of light-shield glass on the inner layer.

You can choose to adjust the appearance color and the like, even the patterns and patterns, and you can change it at will.

Speed ​​can't catch up with Xinghe fighter.

But at full speed, it is much faster than previous passenger aircraft.

I think it is the mainstream transportation of the island we hope.

Of course.

This is the top speed car. In addition to this, there are other grades. The lowest level only needs more than 10,000 hope coins to buy one, but the appearance is different. Only the top speed car uses anti-gravity technology. This is the oval shape.

How to say ... Although the two years have not been long, the Federation has been established, the major business groups have gone all out to guide the global development towards salvation, and the major enterprises have also cooperated. In the past two years, the world has changed quite big. "

Speaking of it, Xiao Xiaoai took a look at the virtual mobile phone in Chen Lang's hand and said, "For example, this virtual mobile phone in the hands of your boss, when it came out, it was rated as a product of the era, and it is said to never change the battery. It can be used better. year.

But in fact?

I was eliminated a year and a half ago, and now the mainstream is the virtual bracelet and analog headset. "

He said, Xiao Xiaoai held out her hand and wore a bracelet on both of her wrists. The material of the bracelet was very good, imitating the skin.

She shakes her hand slightly, and both rings appear iris at the same time.

A projection appeared on the desktop. The source of the projection was the two bracelets on her hand, and no matter how she shook, or even clicked or typed in the projection, the projection on the desktop did not change at all.

Very stable!

She stretched out her hand and stroked the long hair around her ears, revealing a small earphone that stayed on the ear. The earphone was fitted to the ear, and there were no earplugs.

"Dual ring plus headphones, this constitutes the most standard working mode."

Xiao Xiaoai opened her mouth and explained: "The headset simulates sound for communication, positioning the projection direction and position at the same time, the two-handed ring will project the screen, and even simulate human-computer interaction due to the movement of the hand.

This bracelet is compatible with mobile phones, computers, cameras, watches, etc.

Functions of various digital products.

I think it is the mainstream digital product now.

Except for some players who play the magic world at home, they need to set up a set of virtual equipment and body-sensing clothes at home. Normally, regardless of work, study, game, and communication, they can be carried out directly with a bracelet. "

"It's interesting."

浪 Chen Lang nodded slightly.

Whether it is a speeding car or a bracelet, the technology contained in it is not high. At least for Chen Lang, these are gadgets.

But gadgets belong to gadgets and can be made like this, which is enough to explain the current state of technology.

People are embracing new technology, using new technology, and developing new technology.

Technology has completely changed people's life and work.

怎么 "Why so busy?"

Flying car just flew out of the area where Wangshen Mountain is located. Suddenly, the lively scene appeared in front of Chen Lang.

人 People come and go on the street.

Occasional laughter and fun.

It seemed that people in Kushiro were not under pressure, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

The speeding car slowly landed and stopped at the speeding point on the side of the road.

Chen Lang could not help asking.

At this time, Xiao Xiaoai had opened the door.

"Of course it is lively." Xiao Xiaoai laughed: "The establishment of an automatic global federation has lifted the restrictions between countries and restricted the people's freedom. We hope that the island will be closed except in certain areas. It's open.

Hope Island is a global technology center and a wealth center. After all, there are so many wealthy people in the world. Of course, besides that, it is also a trend and cultural center. So for the outside world, Hope Island is one of the tourist mecca.

As robots gradually replaced the labor force in the past two years, liberating human hands from all over the world, everyone was idle, playing, adventuring, even entertaining, etc., flourishing.

The same is true for tourism ~ ~ In addition to traveling to other planets, there are many people playing on the upper reaches of the earth. Many people used to dream of traveling around the world easily, and we hope that the island is the first place to travel around the world. One stop or the last stop. "

"It's the same, it's my fuss."

浪 Chen Lang heard the words could not help but smiled.

Then, I was about to get out of the car door. After thinking about it, Chen Lang struck the car and said, "Ball, real-time simulation changes my appearance."

"Yes, master!"

The sound of the ball hit the ball.

Then there seemed to be light flickering in the air.

Jain is a projection covering the entire island of hope, and it is a new use of light by human beings.

浪 Chen Lang's face changed instantly, and she looked a lot younger and greener. She could not see what she looked like before.

Xiao Xiao Ai was in place, and then tentatively said, "Ball, do you simulate it for me?"

The sound dropped.

Her appearance also changed.

"This is too amazing, right?" Xiao Xiaoai took out a small mirror and looked at his face, unable to help but marvel.

"It's just a small thing." Chen Lang shook his head and smiled. "Actually, it was simulated in real time. You reach out and touch it, you know, but the light covers a layer of projection on your face, like a mask that cannot be touched.

The sloppy eyes are the perception of light, and it is too simple to deceive the eyes. "

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