Temporary shelter for the moon.

浪 Chen Lang did not continue any research, any research is meaningless in this era.

Or, Chen Lang's research is meaningless.

The only thing he needs to study now is the three-gravity field of the light speed engine of ‘with light and dust’. As long as this research is completed, the others can be directly manufactured.

after all.

At present, the Grand General of the Federation is a ball, and Chen Lang has long transmitted all the technologies in this civilization to the ball. There are balls, and those technologies do not need to be studied by Chen Lang and will not be carried out by others. Research, but start manufacturing directly.

The shuttlecock masters the global machinery and industry. Today's earth can be said to be the ball.

浪 Chen Lang gives instructions, calculates the ball, and then manufactures it. This is why the earth industry has progressed so fast. No one can be faster than artificial intelligence.

There is a ball that controls the global industry. The global industry is like a rope that is collectively exerting force. It is for this reason that the moon will be excavated like this in just two years.

Equipped with the latest smart bracelet.

浪 Chen Lang opened the virtual projection system, and then read the topics he posted on the scientific research platform.

Tens of thousands of researchers participated in the discussion.

课题 For today's scientists, it can be said that like Tianshu, they are also learning while watching these theories, so no one dares to worry.

After reading the theoretical knowledge intently, countless scientists couldn't help but be shocked and shocked by Chen Lang.

never expected.

The Wave God has begun to study these things.


速 Speed ​​of light.

Synchronized with light.

Three gravity fields, light speed engines, etc.

The breadth of the knowledge involved and the comprehensiveness of the theories involved have shocked researchers worldwide.

以上 More than 80% of this knowledge is completely incomprehensible to them.


I ca n’t understand, I ca n’t understand. After looking at the theoretical knowledge, they have also given their ideas and brain holes, not to mention that these brain holes and ideas really have such a little meaning.

浪 Chen Langpai found out the meaningless responses, and calculated some unique brain holes and ideas.

Because it involves unknown science, the calculation speed of the ball is not fast.

It basically takes an hour or two to measure an idea and a brain hole.

Chen Lang is not in a hurry.

After finishing those things, I began to rest.

做 Doing research in Wangshen Mountain, how lonely is a person?


浪 Chen Lang also rarely rests. He only sleeps once a month or two, and every time he lays down when he can't keep up.

Fortunately, he has completed the second-order evolution of the gene. If it had not been done, he would have died suddenly from this workload.

I fell asleep.

I didn't wake up until noon the next day.

Chen Lang felt refreshed after a long absence.

完毕 After finishing washing, Chen Lang just walked out of the residence, and immediately hesitated because Xiao Xiaoai was waiting in the doorway at the moment. She was sitting on a chair in the doorway and processing some documents.

"Why don't you call me?"

Chen Lang could not help asking.

Xiao Xiao Ai looked up and said with a smile: "You rarely rest when you look at Mount Shenshan. Now that I have a chance to rest, how dare I disturb you."

"You don't know I'm resting?"

Chen Lang couldn't help it again.

Xiao Xiaoai gave a strange glance at Chen Lang and said, "I didn't expect that you would still snoring, do you know? When I arrived, you stood at the door. If I didn't stop them, they All going through the door.

噜 You are snoring loudly, people live next door and do not sleep well. "


Chen Lang blushed and forced to quibble: "Just snoring, what you said is like an earthquake. Although this is a casual temporary accommodation, this wall is no different from the earth. How is it possible to snoring? Will it affect others? "

Xiao Xiao Ai laughed without saying a word.

Chen Lang was also guilty.

This matter is really hard to say.

After all, there is a good saying, the gods fart, extraordinary.

The gene warrior has broken away from the boundaries of ordinary people. The gene warrior snored and felt nothing, but it was spread out, I am afraid that it is not even beaten by the voice of a ghost crying.

In addition, others have also evolved. The five senses are sharp and the hearing is greatly increased.

下 When the two are overlapped, ordinary people snoring will be heard, not to mention the gene soldiers snoring, for fear that it is not Xiao Xiaoai's mouth that the 'two people' who are going to break into the door really exist.

"Well, it's noon, I'll take you to dinner."

Xiao Xiao Ai stood up, put away all the projections around her, stood in front of Chen Lang, and stretched out her hands to arrange clothes for Chen Lang.

"Is there anything delicious about the moon?"

Chen Lang asked.

no way. ,

Chen Lang's thinking was still two years ago. At that time, the desolate batch of the moon, let alone delicious, it is good to find a bite.

Whatever it looks like now, the Moon City of the Moon has become another bustling city for humans outside the earth.

Following Xiao Xiaoai, the two came to a barbecue restaurant.

The decoration of the barbecue restaurant is not luxurious at all, but it looks very distinctive.

Reinforced walls are filled with an atmosphere of industry and iron.

Sitting under the light.

Chen Lang and Xiao Xiaoai ordered a set of one hundred and ninety-eight Hope Coins, and soon a waiter came by and stood by the two of them to start grilling meat for two people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 198 Hope currency is equivalent to 600 yuan of Chinese currency. The two of us have eaten so much, the price has risen so much. "

Chen Lang could not help but speak.

Xiao Xiaoai hadn't spoken yet, and the girl standing by to help with the barbecue couldn't help but said with a smile: "Uncle, this is Yuehua City, the moon, and the price is definitely higher than the earth.

If it is in those unmanned restaurants, the price is certainly not high and the taste will be better, after all, it is a food made by intelligent robots.

I'm just fine at first.

Everyone likes to eat in unmanned restaurants, and the artificial intelligence that Langshen said at the time of the Chef ’s Tournament has changed human life.

But after a long time, everyone is tired.

After all, robots cook delicious and return to delicious, but they make exactly the same things, eating once is a taste, eating a hundred times is a taste.

Everyone gets tired over time.

It ’s like eating in a cafeteria at school. In fact, cooking in many cafeterias is really delicious, but why do students run outside to eat? Just because I'm tired.

No matter how delicious the food is, it will become weary.

All the restaurants in our house are artificially processed, whether it is ingredients or barbecue, they are artificial.

So, one hundred and ninety-eight hope coins is really not expensive. "

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