Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 559: Gene Warrior Academy

The Moon, the eastern part of the Moon City.

New element experimental manufacturing base.

浪 Chen Lang stepped off the speeding car and led Xiao Xiaoai and Liu towards the interior of the experimental base.

He didn't specifically go to watch the return of the Yaguang battleship.

The return of the Yaguangsui battleship has spread throughout the world in the past two days. In fact, the Yaguangsui battleship was not too far away from the earth two days ago. The reason why the two days are suffering is because of deceleration.

减速 Use the distance from the sun to the earth to slow down. After the deceleration is complete, it will rotate around the earth a few times to gradually slow down before entering the moon.

Those are what happened these two days.

At this time, in the new element experimental base, President Li, Morgan, and some leaders have already arrived.

After Chen Lang arrived, everyone quickly greeted.

Shake hands.


Twenty years have passed, and everyone is impressed.

At this time, over the moon, under the full live coverage of media reporters, the ten sub-light warships that had originally traveled to the asteroid slowly landed.

The number of them has not changed.

Is still ten ships.

After all, the materials used to make warships capable of flying at sub-light speeds are rare, even if there are some on the moon, or the remains of prehistoric civilization.

And there wasn't on that asteroid.

For the past two years, almost a year and a half have been on the road, when going slowly, because the distance is far enough, and when returning, it is fast, because the asteroid is also moving towards the earth.

Two years.

In fact, it has been just over a year since humans arrived at the asteroid.

In a little more than a year, the robots and sub-brains on the sub-light warships operated at full power, and now many large-scale bases have been established on the asteroids.

I can say that everything is moving in a good direction.

接下来 Next, after the first batch of sub-light warships unloaded, they will set off again for the asteroid.


In the following period, the subsequent sub-light warships to asteroids will continue to return, constantly transporting resources back.

When he returned.

They will also carry more machinery and robots to the asteroid.

On both sides, new elements that are urgently needed by the earth will be transported over the asteroids, and machinery and robots that are urgently needed on the asteroids will be constantly transported over.

Because two years have passed.

Now the asteroid is closer than half the distance from the original, and the speed of the sub-light warships will be faster and faster.

At the same time.

In the next time, the industrial base on the asteroid will also develop faster and faster.

Asteroids do not need to arrange any Skynets, because the purpose of intercepting asteroids is to resources on the asteroids, not that humans will migrate to asteroids in the future.

and so.

You do n’t even need a light-speed engine that is ‘with light and dust’ to be installed on an asteroid.

上 Go straight to the ordinary planetary engine to slow down and adjust.

Judging from the industrial scale of today's asteroids, it is not far away from manufacturing planetary engines. Moreover, as the industrial base becomes larger and larger, the manufacturing productivity is getting stronger and stronger. Coming faster.

It is almost two years before the planet strikes the earth.


At least, in the calculation of the ball, it is enough.

As long as you follow the plan, there will be no major accidents in the past two years, and when the asteroid is almost one month away from the earth, the planetary engine will be started to slow down.

At the same time, it took half a year to guide the asteroid to decelerate along the course of the earth until it stopped completely near the earth after the deceleration was completed.

"The development of the brain also requires energy from the human body."

In the experimental manufacturing base, Chen Lang led the crowd as he walked and said, "According to my plan, the new elements transported back by the sub-light warship will continue to produce biochips.

You can think of the biochip as a small piece of meat with large nails. Of course, it is very thin, which is almost as thick as the meat roll that you eat when you eat hot pot.

Because of new elements.

We can program in this kind of meat. As an information memory, it is gradually implanted under the surface layer of the back of the human brain, and after natural digestion by the body, the intelligent programs in the biochip will gradually be integrated into the human brain. Second consciousness.

因为 Because the second consciousness is an intelligent program, the human's main consciousness and the second consciousness can realize perfect conversion and communication. In this process, as long as the consciousness transmitter is connected, the person can realize the consciousness into the virtual network.

This is the second world, the virtual world.

After two years, the virtual world has already been manufactured. What we need to do now is to create a biochip, and then popularize the entire population, so as to realize the brain evolution of the entire population.

In this process, the development and evolution of the brain has a demand for the energy of the human body. Even after the birth of the second consciousness, the brain will increase the required energy tenfold.

Although we don't need the people to have powerful power, like the current top genetic warriors, to tear the mech, but in order to prevent the people from affecting the body because of brain development, the next thing about genetic evolution must be on the agenda. .

My opinion is that the entire population will turn on genetic awakening. At this stage, the public will awaken superpowers. For the superpowers of the combat system, try to make them a member of the federal soldiers. For ordinary superpowers, I mean, No change, but in order to prevent problems, superpower management organizations are established around the world to comprehensively supervise the whole world. Once someone uses superpowers to make a mistake ~ ~ it is never light.

At the same time, super management organizations should also shoulder the responsibility of guiding people to develop and use super powers, and try their best to guide them.

But in education.

增加 In order to increase the future of the Federation in the face of alien civilization, my suggestion is to establish a Gene Warrior Academy based on the region. In the future, all battle sequences on Earth will be selected from the Gene Warrior Academy first.

What do you think? "

He said, Chen Lang looked at everyone.

After hearing the words, everyone raised their brows and fell into contemplation.

After thinking for a long time, everyone led by General Manager and Morgan nodded in agreement.

"I agree with this approach!"

President Li groaned and said, "After all, from the current point of view, even if we have established a federal army, it is meaningless, not only to support them, but also to fight without war, and even to see the external threats. .

After a long time, there will definitely be some problems.

Efforts are made even if nothing goes wrong.

It would be better to gather them together by establishing a centralized education model of colleges, which would allow them to receive ideological and combat education, and it would also save the federal resources and human and material resources to support them.

In general, it is the best choice to gather these people with the Gene Warrior Academy to train them under the condition of maintaining the original conditions, and let them develop in the absence of war. "

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