Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 563: Intellectual brain, second consciousness

Morgan's response made Chen Lang laugh.

其他 While others responded similarly to Morgan, when Chen Lang began to invite them to continue implanting biochips, there was no exception, and they all stepped back a few steps.

I was really surprised by Liu Yi's sudden fall.

Chen Lang did not say in advance that the implantation of biochips would have such a reaction, and that the implanted instrument made of nanotechnology in the robot's hand also looked full of science and technology.

But it suddenly turned out to be really scary.

Originally, they felt that this technology, which had not been tested, suddenly came out and used it for them a bit awkwardly. This made them even more frightened.

However, some people are persuasive, and some are naturally challenging.

Several people led by Mr. Li, looked at each other, and then stood out one by one.

"Lang brother, I know that your kid won't fight unsure. Since you dare to take it out and give it to the old Liu, then there is definitely no problem, let me come next."

不错 "Yes, we can absolutely trust Chaoshen Technology and Langshen technology."

"I'm the first one, let me come first, I really want to feel what it feels like when people have a second consciousness."


For a while.

From the beginning no one dared to go up and grab, the scene changed instantly, Morgan and others looked at this scene hesitantly, and then they thought about it one or two and took a deep breath and stepped forward.

浪 Chen Lang nodded slightly to the robot.


The robot carried the instrument and began to implant them with biochips.

"You are now psychologically prepared, right? After the biochip is implanted, you will be unconscious because of the connection between the second consciousness of the brain and the neurons in the brain. This time is not long, and you can wake up in about three or four hours. And when you wake up, basically your second consciousness is born.

The rest is the running-in issue of the main consciousness and the second consciousness. This one does not need to be taught by others, and it gradually becomes harmonious. If you want to get faster, you can directly enter the magic world with consciousness. It will take a few hours. Allows you to fully grasp the second consciousness. "

Chen Lang said as he walked, watching as he watched everyone implant the biochip.

I soon.

It was only a few minutes. All of them accepted the implantation of the biochip, and they were all unconscious in the same way as Liu.

The robot placed them side by side on the test bench, and gave them a bed rest.

Chen Lang came to the next room with Xiao Xiaoai showing surprise.

sit down.

Later, Chen Lang lighted a cigarette and said, "Sit down, don't worry, nothing is happening now, except waiting for them to make the biochips.

The manufacture of biochips is not difficult to say, it is not easy to say, don't look at the experimental base so large, but it takes several hours for the new elements returned by the Yaguang battleship to be fully manufactured into biochips. "

Xiao Xiao Ai Wenyan sat down.

She couldn't help but asked curiously: "You have been talking about new elements, but what exactly is this element?"

Chen Lang heard a smile.

Explained: "It is a new substance that does not exist on the earth. This substance is active, just like a living creature, but it has no consciousness and is not a creature, so it can only be regarded as a substance.

The active substance is equivalent to a living brain, but internally unconscious, so we can copy our intelligent programs internally.

物质 And because of its similarity to electronic components, this substance can store intelligent programs. When intelligent programs and this substance are precisely manufactured, biochips are born.

The biochip can connect the human neurons, and gradually transfer the intelligent program into the human brain during the digestion process, thereby generating the human second consciousness, which is the intelligent brain.

The existence of the intelligent brain allows people to realize the connection with the machine under the condition of owning the human body. The intelligent brain is very important for us humans.

The emergence of the intelligent brain will completely get rid of the inherent human-computer communication operating system. After possessing the intelligent brain, people only need to wear an information transmitting and receiving instrument, and the natural can be integrated with any machinery.


拥有 After you have the intellectual brain, you can enter the virtual world we created to truly feel the charm of the virtual.

That is a brand new world. In the future, it will also be a new world for mankind, a second world, integrating virtual education, life, entertainment, training, communication, etc.

Again for example.

After you have the brain, if you want to program, or even write a large novel, you only need to think in your head. You do n’t need to type by hand or input voice. You can directly put things in your head. Transmit it.

Again for example.

If you want to control warships and mechas, if it is only manually operated or intelligently assisted man-machine exchange communication, then the delay in the middle is definitely a big problem.

I don't see much now.

But once in the universe, extremely fast battles, extremely fast speeds, and slightly slower reactions will cause big things.

At that time, no communication can complete the control of high-level mechs and battleships.

Only this way of conscious connection can.

This way you can achieve no delay, do whatever you want, and the battleship mech is controlled by your consciousness.

Even, in the future, with the continuous evolution of human beings and the continuous development of the human brain, the speed of human consciousness will be faster, and one thousand seconds can flash through thousands of thoughts ~ ~ Only in this way can the mecha be controlled perfectly.

After all, in addition to this method, even if the ball is simulated in person, the reaction speed cannot be so fast.

智 脑 is the source of high-end mecha.

Only the emergence of the intelligent brain can meet the requirements of high-order mech on human operation, and can make mech warriors not weaker than gene warriors in the first and middle stages. "

"Then ... can I implant a second conscious mind?"

Xiao Xiao Ai couldn't help but shine.

She doesn't care about other people. After all, as one of the high-level, she doesn't need to program, fight, or even drive a warship.

But as an Internet-addicted girl, she has a high interest in intellectual brains that can realize the real second world of human beings and fake real worlds.

浪 Chen Lang heard a silent smile.

Helplessly said: "Everyone will implant a biochip. What are you anxious about? Do you want to lie with the old men and wait?

Do n’t worry, the reason for them to go up first is to let them appreciate the importance of the second consciousness of the brain to humans. When you return at night, you will bring back a set of instruments and chips to let your life robot at home help you plant Just enter.

This is not technical. "


Xiao Xiao Ai smiled, didn't know what was thinking.

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