Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 565: Baoxing 99.7% of resources


After the crowd was quiet, Liu Yi stepped forward and asked, "Will you release the materials returned by the return of sub-light speed and the exploration of that asteroid?"

Chen Lang heard the words for a moment.

Then couldn't help asking: "Don't you make a decision to announce this to the public? Also, the return of the Yaguang battleship cannot be concealed. Now the major media have already reported to the outside world, why? Temporarily prepare again Change your mind? "

"Is such that."

After hearing this, Mr. Yuanli took a step forward and said with a bitter smile: "We were indeed going to announce it before, and even the time and plan were done. After all, it was considered that the return of the speed of light was an inspiration to the people.

In this new era, everyone needs such good news.

Before we came here, we thought about it again and thought that it was not appropriate to announce it for the time being. The return of Yaguangsu was nothing, not even the resources we brought back.

But there are too many resources on that asteroid, there is almost nothing useless, all kinds of materials, especially those we are in short supply, all have.

除此之外 In addition, according to calculations, the useful resources of that asteroid for our humans have reached 99.7% of that planet. You brother should know what this means? "

What does mean?

Chen Lang certainly knows.

Now is the time when robots fully replace humans, and even major business owners have delegated power to the ball. At this moment, if the business owners suddenly find the resources of this asteroid, then who is it? Not willing to let go of power like this.

There are some people who are tempted to think nothing.

I ’m afraid that someone has really acted. Everyone is empowered to save the world. This alone is enough to convince global business owners.

But as long as one person is mad for the benefit, many others must not sit idly by. Once there is something to learn, then the layout of this step is really over.

Everything is afraid of someone in their early days.


He even knew about the resources that the asteroid said about 99.7% of the entire planet.

If not, how can we call it Baoxing?

If not, how could high-level humans in previous life guess that someone had deliberately brought this asteroid over?

I just have too many resources.

In the past life, the earth's civilization has gone through hundreds of years and encountered endless stars on the way to flee, but never before has any star been able to contain various materials like a treasure star.

In the past life, high-level human beings even suspected that Baoxing was not a disaster at all. It was a resource star that was thrown over the earth by an alien civilization to help the development of the earth.

And this kind of resource star Chen Lang has also seen in previous lives.

This is not simply a star, it is better to say that it is an artificial planet.

In the universe, when higher civilizations excavate resources, they will use this method when transporting resources.

They first hollowed out a star, then took away all the useless things on the star, and then they tapped the entire galaxy's resources. After all the resources were gathered, they were all compressed together, relying on the star of the selected planet. The gravitation of the nuclear force forcibly creates an artificial planet.

Plutonium then accelerated in some way, throwing it back to its parent galaxy.

This kind of thing is very common in higher civilizations. Generally speaking, people with higher civilizations are stationed on this planet until the planet returns to the parent galaxy.

This is also to prevent being cut off halfway.

In previous lives, when senior humans doubted Baoxing, it was based on this. The only thing that left human seniors scratching their heads is that, in theory, this planet has a master, but on Baoxing, there is really nothing. There are no traces of alien civilization.

Don't mention the sign left, not even the creature's footprints.

Seeing that Chen Lang never spoke.

President Li went on to say, "Langer, in general, the new light elements and resources transported by the Yaguang warship can be said to the outside world. After all, we will soon disclose the second consciousness of the brain.

However, for the exploration of asteroids, we don't think it's better to make it public for the time being, just in case it affects the previous layout, and the second is that it will cause some public opinion after the incident is passed out. A panic.

After all, 99.7% of the resources account for it.

It's natural to say this, let alone people, ghosts don't believe it.

Even if we don't believe it, now we even doubt the origin of this planet.

Maybe maybe it will really cause us more trouble. "

I always sighed.

Chen Lang also came back to God at this time, he said lightly: "The thing at the press conference is naturally what you say. I will not take over the power of the Earth Confederation until the earth really flees.

In this way, since you don't find it convenient to disclose, don't disclose it for the time being. It's not too late to wait until we really digest all the resources.

At that time, the level of science and technology on the planet will rise to the next level, and after seeing the changes of the earth, it will naturally bring more confidence to the people.

And there is this thing you doubt.

Never mind where this planet comes from.

Do not think about what this planet will bring us.

Don't be polite ~ ~ Use it directly, how much resources we have swallowed, this is the key to our escape from the solar system, if at this time we are still in fear, then we are really saved.

Future the future and face it in the future.

At the moment of life and death, we have no other choice. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard what they said.

Then, one by one, the eyes bloomed.


It's time like this, what else do you care about?

I have nothing to worry about, let alone a resource star that is suspected of alien resources. Even if the aliens come in person, they must be washed and stewed for their own protection.

It's almost apocalyptic, and it's better to worry about these things than to worry about how to speed up the development of the earth.

"It's up to us."

The manager always took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

Beside him, Morgan nodded.

浪 Chen Lang smiled slightly and nodded: "Okay, you can do it, but the biochip must be popularized in the world in the shortest possible time. Do not care how difficult it is, and do your best.

真正 What we really lack is time. "

"I understand!"

Morgan nodded, solemnly said: "After we leave here for a while, we will immediately hold a press conference to announce the existence of intelligent brains to all human beings worldwide and the existence of biochips."

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