Back home again.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar villa in front of him, Chen Lang could not help but smile.

Two years.

Coupled with the previous time, careful calculations, moving from Huaxia to Hope Island, now it has to be calculated for three years.

If it was in the past and moved for three years, people have already adapted to their new living environment, and even for three years, they can be called 'hometowns' for big cities.

But these three years.

Chen Lang actually lived in his home for a very short time.

Lin Lin always had no more than half a month to add up, so standing at the door of his home, Chen Lang always had a feeling that he was still just moving.

It was a touch of strangeness.

"Coming back so soon?"

When Dad Chen went out, he suddenly saw Chen Lang at the door, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

In recent years, they have also become accustomed to life where Chen Lang is away from home all year round.

"I haven't done any research recently, I'm dealing with some affairs, and it's very likely that I won't do research any more than a month ago. I just returned from the moon."

Chen Lang came forward with a smile.

Dad Chen glanced at Chen Lang in surprise, then nodded, and said, "Okay, your sister just came back from Huaxia. Now that you are back, go and see her."

Chen Lang nodded slightly.

younger sister.

A strange name, Chen Lang had no younger sister at all.

But because of the wings he instigated in this life, he has given him one more sister.

The younger sister's name was taken by Chen Lang. Her name was Chen Wei, and her nickname was Xi. No one knew what the real meaning of Chen Lang's name for his sister was, but no one could fault it.

Even Dad Chen and Dad Chen nodded in agreement and were very satisfied with the name.

After all, with Chen Lang's current status, although Chen Lang is very low-key at home, but still low-key, he is also one of human leaders.

Chen Lang's name, in the eyes of recent people, is a kind of guardianship against him. With Chen Lang's status, his name is bound to favor this little girl in the future. As long as he is petted, that is No one in the civilization of the earth can pose the slightest threat to Chen Yan.

From an outsider's point of view, Chen Lang's name is, in sensible terms, the whole human society's recognition of this newborn girl, and in superstition, this is invaluable.

When Chen Huan was born, Chen Lang was in retreat for more than half a year. After getting the news, he ran out as soon as possible.

That was Chen Lang's first exit.

When the second exit, the little girl had full moon wine, and Chen Lang ran out again.

Third time, fourth time, fifth time.

Until this time out.

Except this time, it can be said that the other times are related to that little girl.

Now, that little girl is one and a half years old.

For this little girl, whether it is Chen Da or Chen Ma, or San Ye, Wu Ye, Lao Liu, Xiao Xiao Ai, all of them are adored.

I didn't see it when I ate at home a few days ago because the little girl was taken back to Huaxia to acknowledge her ancestors by the third and fifth ancestors.

Just coming back today, Chen Lang felt a little surprised.

Follow Dad Chen into the villa.

A little doll that looks very delicate, like a porcelain doll, is sitting on the sofa in a small dress watching the virtual projection picture.

There are no animations or toys in the projection screen, and there are no cartoons for baby education.

In the picture is a science fiction movie.

Soft sci-fi genre is a disaster film that has appeared frequently in the past two years.

Because the sun is about to be destroyed, many directors in the entertainment industry have liked to shoot this type in the past two years, and this type has become a type that people are very happy to see.

In the picture, a woman wearing a battle armor is standing in the cosmic starry sky, punching out with one hand, a horrible suffocation carrying countless dazzling rays of explosive explosion, growing bigger and bigger, until the tens of thousands of opposite The battleships are all destroyed.

After the destruction, those rays did not disappear, but returned to the woman's hands.

If you look closely, it is actually a weapon.

It's comparable to the strength of a sixth-tier strongman.

Chen Lang felt the same, feeling that his forehead was covered with black lines.

The brain holes of these directors are matched with today's intelligent special effects. It's hard to say, the effects can't be real any more, only the plot is a bit mentally handicapped.

"I have been reborn to this age in the undefeated East. What I seek is supreme strength. No one can threaten me!"

In the projection picture, the woman said something that made Chen Lang dumbfounded.

Lying down.

Martial arts + science fiction?

Or rebirth stream?


At this moment, a tender voice returned to Chen Lang's eyes.

The baby doll on the sofa had already taken off, and Chen Lang quickly reached out to catch it.

"You look at you look!"

When Dad Chen saw this, he couldn't help but whisper: "I said that such a young child shouldn't engage in any genetic repair and evolution. It's only like this at the age of one and a half years. Will it still be?

And then.

Mother Chen washed the fruits and walked out. After seeing Chen Lang, she couldn't help but light up. She put the fruit plate on the table and pulled Chen Lang to sit down.

"Don't listen to your father's bullshit. He is just because his wisdom is growing too fast, so he can't find the feeling of being a dad, and that's all right all day."

Chen Lang heard a bitter smile.

However, it was helpless to look at Dad Chen.

Children are raised from a young age, this is the basic situation of future generations.

After the baby is born, he will be injected with a gene repair agent, which can avoid the problem of young children's low immunity and easy to get sick. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. Com also promotes better development for young children.

At the same time, if the genetic evolution agent is injected again, young children can achieve the evolutionary transformation of their genes in childhood, which can also be called a new human.

Perfect gene owner, perfect evolutionary.

But this is not without ‘disadvantages’.

The disadvantage is that this will cause the child to develop too quickly, resulting in early wisdom, and can adapt to life and language and the environment at a very young age, so that early there is wisdom that is not weaker than the age of four or five. .


When children are four or five years old, their wisdom is basically no less than that of middle school students in the past. After ten years old, they are even more intelligent than adults.

Except for the incomprehensible aspects of human affairs, basically there are no shortcomings.

This is early wisdom, and it is also the ‘disadvantage’ of genetic evolution.

Although Chen Ye is only one and a half years old, but wisdom is no less than that of five or six-year-old children, and her physical fitness is far better than that of ordinary adults. Strong, until the teens have the normal genetic evolutionary power to lift the car with one hand.

This is why Dad Chen and Dad Chen did not oppose and obstruct the three grandpas and five grandpas to take her back to Huaxia alone. The current child is really different from the past.

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