Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 577: Crystal skull mutated

"What? What happened?"

Xiao Xiaoai changed his clothes and walked in front of Chen Lang and asked curiously.

"Nothing serious!"

Chen Lang heard a smile and said, "It's the three gravity fields I studied. When I went out of the customs, didn't I follow your advice and put the theoretical knowledge on the scientific research platform?

Although no suitable theory and brain hole have been found under the monitoring of the ball these days, it is a new theory found on a science fiction literature website.

Although this theory is utopian, if it can be filled and perfected, it can be used instead of the original third gravity field. "


Xiao Xiaoai heard the words wrong and said, "A casual brain hole for writing novels? Is this reliable? Shouldn't you be very strict in science?"

"Strict fart!"

Chen Lang poked his lips and said, "Of the 100 black technologies, basically 80 are due to accidents. One word can describe that the birth of science and technology requires 99% of sweat and 1% of research Inspiration, but many people think that repeated research and sweat are more important because they work hard.

In fact?

Without that one-percent inspiration, there would be no subsequent 99-percent sweat.

Therefore, the technology is rigorous.

But what is really rigorous is only subsequent repeated research experiments.

The first birth of a technology is still bold imagination, reasonable brain holes, and even sudden inspiration. "


Xiao Xiaoai was slightly ashamed.

Then she hesitated and said, "Will you go back to the retreat and continue your research?"

"Do not!"

Chen Lang suddenly smiled, reached out and helped Xiao Xiaoai's hair fall from his forehead, and said, "Compared with research, of course, you are more important. Although saving the world is an inescapable responsibility, but anyway, it should be with you I still have to spend my honeymoon period, otherwise, wouldn't it be a pity?

As for research, don't worry.

Brain holes and theories have emerged, and only follow-up and research are needed, even if it is a little later. "

"forget it."

Xiao Xiaoai hesitated slightly, then smiled and said, "You are responsible for saving the world, now Earth Skynet, planetary engines, and so on.

Those materials have been accumulating on the moon for a long time.

The reason why it hasn't started is just waiting for your research results.

Compared to this kind of thing, what is our honeymoon? Anyway, we are all together, we can spend our honeymoon anytime in the future, don't we?

And, compared to honeymooning on Earth, I'm not satisfied.

I ’m going to space, to the starry sky, to a place where humans ca n’t reach, um, it ’s decided, I ’m going to honeymoon outside the solar system, you hurry, I do n’t want to wait too long. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Xiao Aiban raised his face, tigers and tigers were prestigious and tigers were adorable.

But in the eyes of Chen Lang, she is still a kitten.

"Don't think so much!"

Chen Lang stretched her hand and bounced her forehead, and laughed, "Sages are human too. Why can't I have a holiday? Rest assured, no one will think that you are in trouble, and no one will say that you are Su Yanji.

Today I put my words here, even if the sky is falling, I will take you to honeymoon. "

Xiao Xiaoai heard the words, although he could not laugh or cry.

But she could not help moving.

This is his own man.

Later, people who accompany a lifetime.

"the host!"

Suddenly, at this time, the ball appeared again incomprehensibly, and he interrupted the warm atmosphere between Chen Lang and Xiao Xiaoai.

"Energy fluctuations in the crystal skull!"

When Chen Lang's face turned black, the words of the ball surprised Chen Lang.

More than two years have passed.

Crystal Skull shows energy fluctuations?

what's the situation?

With irrepressible excitement in his heart, Chen Lang took a deep breath and suddenly looked at Xiao Xiaoai, saying, "Xiao Ai, you say, how about let's go watch a lively event?"

Xiao Xiaoai looked weird.

I nodded and couldn't help but grumble.

Say the sky is over and take me to honeymoon?


Men are big pig hoofs, all big liars.

It's nice to say that it's all because of the importance of things.


Holding Xiao Xiaoai's hand, Chen Lang quickly walked out of the villa, and at this time, there was already a ball ready for the ball in front of the villa waiting.

On the egg-shaped speeding car, in the next door of the villa next door to the mother of Xiao Chen Chen and Chen Chen, the two disappeared in front of them.

Dad Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

"Just got married and ran to work? This leader is not so good."

"How do you know that they are going to work? Maybe it's honeymoon?"

Chen Ma held Chen Bao's baby in her arms and said, holding the seeds.

"Will not."

Mother Xiao couldn't help but smile, and said, "Xiao Ai and Lang Geer are not so ridiculous. They will definitely come to us even if they are on their honeymoon. It's so urgent to go again, it is estimated that something urgent happened. "


"Open the door of Wangshenshan Experimental Base!"

After the speeding vehicle arrived over Wangshen Mountain, Chen Lang spoke and the ball responded quickly.

On the side of Wangshen Mountain, a steel door slowly opened, and a speeding vehicle quickly entered into it, and then the door closed.

Mo about half a minute later.

On the experimental platform inside Wangshen Mountain, the egg-shaped car stopped, Chen Lang took Xiao Xiaoai out of the car, and walked quickly towards his storage warehouse.

There are a lot of things in his storage warehouse.

Various black technologies, various technical drawings, and even a small reaction simulator with two fronts of three gravity fields ~ ~ enter the storage warehouse.

The ball opened the door, and the interior was like a bookshelf. After crossing the rows of steel supports, the figures of Chen Lang and Xiao Xiaoai appeared at the deepest.

it's here.

On a circular platform full of technological sense, the blue light flashed, and a small shield tightly sealed the crystal skull inside the platform. At this time, the crystal skull was slightly flashed with gold-red light.

Inside the platform, in the blue light shield, a current of energy is constantly flickering through it, which is used to monitor the crystal skull.


Xiao Xiaoai stood by, looking a little surprised at the scene.

The last time the crystal skull changed was more than two years ago. At that time, in the Great Eagle Museum, the crystal skull was in blood red.

However, compared with the last time, the light appearing this time is slightly brighter, showing golden red.

But compared with the last time.

Xiao Xiao'ai apparently felt a different breath on the crystal skull.

If the last time was a dead thing like a projector, this time, the crystal skull seems to have life.

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