Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 580: Gods, gods, divine power


Now I understand completely.

Chen Lang squinted his eyes. In his heart, he gradually matched each other.

However, there is still a long-standing question in his heart that needs to be asked. Chen Lang can feel that perhaps if he can find the answer, his future path may be completely different.

Think so.

Chen Lang groaned a little and said, "You just talked about the power of faith, then you tell me, what is the power of faith? Why do gods need the power of faith?

If I do n’t understand it wrong, faith is actually the emotion of worrying and worshiping in my heart, right? Why do gods need such things? "

"How can it be so simple."

The crystal skull was obviously uninteresting, and without any doubt after Chen Lang's inquiry, he said directly, "The power of faith is precious."

"How precious?"

Chen Lang asked.

"The universe consists of three foundations!"

The crystal skull said with a slight sense of superiority: "First, material, second, energy, third, spirit!

After the gods become gods, the material energy, the spirit, and the three are united. Of course, saying that the three are united, in fact, is the activation of matter by the continuous fusion of energy.

Energy, matter, spirit, these three.

Spirit represents life, material represents death, and energy is the harmony between the two.

A creature has a physical body, representing death.

Biology has a spiritual meaning, which represents life.

Spirit is the main material, energy is reconciled, and this is the creature.

In the universe, everything that has spirit is active. Of course, activity does not mean that it must be a living thing, but compared with ordinary dead things, active things are more rare and precious.

The energy of pure material fusion will become a stream of rare resources and ore.

The simple energy fusion of the spirit will become something similar to the intellectual brain, or some spiritual life of spiritual civilization.

And the pure fusion of spirit and material, because there is no reconciliation, they cannot live or die, they cannot become life, and they can only become rare materials. They are different from ordinary materials with energy because of their different qualities and different uses. They are also rare.

It ’s a combination of chill matter and spirit, like the tain alloy you dig from the moon.


This combination is not an ordinary combination. The distribution of the fusion is different, the proportion of the fusion is different, and even the degree of fusion is different. And so on, the things produced under various conditions are also different.

It's like a combination of spirit, matter, and energy, but you have animals and plants on the earth and you humans.

They are the same as your formula, but you are humans, with great potential and good brains, but they can only die of life. "


Chen Lang's eyelids jumped again.


Is this the first time I have heard this saying that something like a lover can still come according to a recipe?

But think about it too.

Clone this technology, why not make humans according to human recipes?

"Material is death, energy is harmony, and spirit is life."

The Crystal Skull continued: "For the gods, spirit is the main, energy is the supplement, and material is the least needed.

In extremely distant times, when people practiced as gods, they would directly leave the body, such as the feathered or immortal in the Chinese legend of the earth, and the Buddha ’s practice of giving up the body when it finally became a Buddha.

Many many such examples.

In a very long time, being a **** means giving up material, living without death, giving up the physical body of death, and lifting the spirit with unlimited energy, so that the spirit can be sublimated and the spirit can be sublimated.

Gods and spirits are gods and spiritual beings. "

"Isn't this reliable?"

When Chen Lang heard this, he couldn't help frowning, and said, "It's too rigorous to give up the body to become a spiritual body, isn't it a little scientific?"

"How could there have been science before?" Crystal Skull said silently: "A long time ago, of course, how to upgrade and how to play, but many deities later found a problem.

The simpler the spiritual body, the more difficult it becomes to practice.

Because solitary yin does not grow, solitary yang does not grow.

Later, there were ways of integration, such as the post-practices era, the golden Dan of spiritual civilization, Yuanying, deification, integration, such a system, as well as the relic of the Buddhist family, and so on.

The purpose is to gradually merge the physical body with the spirit and energy in the process of practice, and finally reach the point where the three are in harmony.

But this road has emerged.

But the early stages of spiritual practice are even more difficult.

Spiritual spiritual practice is fast, really, if you do n’t believe it, you can try it. How do you say? The abandonment of the practice of physical practice is to become a ghost, devouring energy and the spirit of others. You can quickly grow yourself and progress at a horrible rate.

In scientific terms, that is to become an intelligent life, and also to grow quickly. "

"Don't fool me!"

Chen Lang looked at the crystal skull in disdain.

Isn't it good to be human? Isn't it fragrant to be a man? Suicide as a ghost? Kai Nima's joke.

Don't think that there is no spiritual life.

It's just that the dark energy of the earth is very weak, and gradually, as the internal friction of the sun becomes less and less, spiritual life cannot be formed.

In previous lives, humans have encountered spiritual life and civilization.


The core of civilization is the ghost particles. Whether it is technology, creations, or even themselves, they are a fusion combination of ghost particles.

That is true spiritual life.

Horrible batch.


It seemed that he could not feel Chen Lang, and the crystal skull said boringly: "After the new path of spiritual practice appeared, the potential of a **** was judged by the amount of material after becoming a god.

Normally, UU reading books can save 1% of the material and become a god.

And the ones that can save 10% are the rare peerless geniuses that are rare in the world and are destined to become **** kings.

However, in general, the general deities can save their own material is basically a few thousandths, and even some deities have no way to simply take the ancient spirit to become a god.

After becoming a god, except for the **** ’s own transformation into God ’s material, other materials have almost no meaning to them, and energy is not lacking. After all, mastering divine power is equivalent to mastering the power of the universe, and energy means something to them Lower than material.

Only spirit.

The spirit is the foundation of the evolution of the gods, and the belief of others is the source of the progress of the gods.

In cosmic civilization, wherever there is people, there must be faith, just like all spiritual civilizations believe in Sanqing.

After the gods become gods, they will get godheads, and the godheads have divine power.

The godhead is the core of the **** who practiced the day after tomorrow, and the divine power is given by the day after becoming a god.

The more beliefs, the stronger the resonance between the godhead and the universe, and the greater and stronger the power of God. "

"What if mortals get godheads?"

When Chen Lang heard this, there was already an uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

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