Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 618: Manual braking?

Super super super ... Superman?

Xiao Xiao Ai was shocked.

It is also fifth-order, and it is also genetic evolution. Why are you comparable to Superman, and we are obviously weak?

Tier 5 can fly and get rid of gravitation. Whether it is speed, strength, physique, etc., it can be called a land fairy.

We all know that.

Why are you faster and stronger?

Is there something to say about evolution?

After a brief sting, Xiao Xiaoai finally reacted. The figure disappeared and the whole person disappeared.

Although she can't compare to Chen Lang, fifth-order is fifth-order. After all, the vast amount of biological energy contained in her body is enough to make her do many things that seemed strange in the past.

Only in order to maintain majesty, the high level of the federal government will not show their personal strength easily.

after all.

It ’s something that the soldiers below should do manually.

Uh .........

"You, something is wrong."

Twenty-five hours later, all high-level federal and regional representatives arrived in Yuehua City.

浪 Chen Lang didn't hesitate, he was directly sent to the conference room of the federal headquarters building. In the conference room, he took the lead to meet the high-level of the federal government led by President Richard Morgan and others.

A few moments later, everyone else arrived.

I hurried all the way, heard that it was an emergency, and no one dared to slack off.

人员 After the personnel arrived, looking at hundreds of people below, Chen Lang said sharply: "The sun destruction crisis has always been the main problem we need to face, but now, incidental problems have appeared.

Everyone knows the sun destruction crisis, but one person may not know much about it.

That's the isolation force field.

The universe is very bright. Hundreds of civilizations are competing for the universe. All civilizations, all races, and all kinds of creatures can think of, but ca n’t think of, all.

Why does our earth have been developing steadily for so many years that no alien civilization has arrived?

Here, let me explain to you.

In the solar system, there is a layer of isolation force field. The existence of this layer of isolation force field shields the civilization inside and outside the universe. The outside civilization cannot enter, and we cannot go out.

This is why our solar system can remain so quiet.

This matter is related to prehistoric deeds. I wo n’t tell you anything far away. You can find the ball for related content. I will be able to publish the content and record it all in the ball system. Direct query.

And what I want to say is.

It is because of the existence of this isolated force field that we on earth have the danger of the destruction of the sun.

The isolation force field is maintained by engulfing the sun's energy, which has led to the rapid shortening of the sun's life span and the current crisis of solar destruction.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

Isolation of the force field allows us to independently develop the earth's civilization.

But the same, let us face today's disaster.

We have no choice, so we can only escape.

But, today.

There is something wrong with the Sun ’s isolation force field, and now there are tens of thousands of loopholes. These loopholes are caves larger than 10,000 times larger than ours.

These caves are enough for outside civilization to enter the solar system.

地球 Our planet has just developed, and if we face the higher civilizations outside the department directly, there is no other result other than being enslaved.

So we must flee as soon as possible.

计算 According to calculations, it is expected that the extra-systemal civilization will reach Earth in less than a year, so we must escape in the shortest time to escape from the solar system.

This is the emergency time I want to tell everyone.

Us, we really have no time.

Everyone, whether it is life or death, depends on the next period.

今天 From today on, I will take over the position and power of the Grand General of the ball. Everyone, I hope that you can also devote 10,000 percent of your energy to the next crisis. "

"Yes, Consul!"

At this moment, the audience stood.

有 Some of them know about the isolation force field that Chen Lang said, and some of them don't, but they all know the urgency of time.

In recent years, scientists from the earth have also monitored the sun in real time.

检测 According to the test results, the energy in the sun is being consumed at a horrible rate. Even without the crisis of external civilization, the sun will not be able to persist for several years.

and so.

In their opinion, this is just to advance the time.

But it is the problem of time that is the problem that gives them the most headache.

When Chen Lang waved his hand to the crowd to sit down, Liu took the lead in raising his hand and said, "Consultant-General, I have a question!"

"You said!"

Chen Lang glanced at him and asked bluntly.

"It's better to win time in other aspects, but ..." Liu hesitated slightly, and seemed to feel that his problem was difficult for some strong people. Then he smiled bitterly: "The mining plan for Baoxing can be started at any time. The only problem now is Even though Baoxing has not stopped, it is still decelerating around the earth. It is estimated that it will take about ten days.

At the same time, after all, Baoxing is an entire planet. It is too difficult to mine it in a short period of time. After all, it is not a small moon like the moon on the earth. Even though Baoxing is smaller than the earth, it is not too small. .

I want to dig out all the stars to get on the earth, at least one and a half years. "

I said so.

Liu sighed helplessly and said, "Unless we have collected enough, we will leave directly and leave the star, otherwise, time will not be allowed at all."

"What time is it, do you still value resources?"

General Manager couldn't help glaring and said, "Lao Liu, are you too greedy? At this time, it must be based on the safety of all human beings. It is really impossible, even if you directly abandon Baoxing, you have to run ~ www ~ Yeah! "

"Liu Master, you are too greedy!"

"Lord Liu, we must focus on the overall situation of mankind. Resources can be obtained in other places. At most, it takes a bit of trouble, and we must not lose weight because of small things!"


Everyone started talking.

Lao Liu reluctantly said with a bitter smile: "Everyone knows something. We have already finished the investigation. Baoxing has a lot of rare resources, which is difficult to get outside.

I can say that, with Baoxing, we only have confidence after we walked out of the solar system. Without Baoxing, we will be beaten even if we go out.

Whether it is an annihilation weapon or anything, it needs resources on Baoxing.

With the resources of our earth or ordinary resources obtained on other planets, the energy burst of the Star Destroyer Gun cannot be supported at all. If the bomb is blown up, our earth will be finished. "

Everyone heard the words a little stunned, and then all frowned and fell into contemplation.

"Don't worry too much, just leave it to me, you just need to get things inside the earth as fast as possible."

浪 Chen Lang stood up, shook his handshake, looked at the wrong crowd, and laughed: "You all are genetic warriors, but you have never really experienced the power of genetic warriors?

Today, I will give you a lesson to let you know why the top genetic warrior is the core of a civilization! !!

It's just a treasure star.

等 Wait a minute, I will show you a manual brake! "

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