I'm done!

Liu Liu lamented in his hand!

He knows, no matter how he explains it, it's useless, these people have made up for everything.

It's almost puzzling.

This kind of ghost talk will be believed, and I still believe it. This wave, known by the big boss, must be blown up, right?

And, listening to what they mean, it's more than conviction.

The previous one is okay, what will not be passed on blindly, will not be passed on, but what kind of ghost is the last? Ask the boss whether it is God or other gods? Did you not only believe, but also want to find out what God is, and go home and worship the faith?

"what's going on?"

Suddenly Chen Lang's voice sounded.

Everyone swept their heads together and suddenly found that Chen Lang's figure had appeared in the conference room.

Look down!

When did you come?

Everyone jumped in their hearts.

If it is normal, they will still feel that Chen Lang is powerful, or what kind of high-tech, etc., but after having a subjective idea in his heart, then go to see Chen Lang, that is all kinds of brain supplements.

"What are you doing ...?"

Chen Lang hesitated slightly, looking at the enthusiastic eyes of the crowd, and for a moment was a bit uncomfortable.

At this time, the ball instantly converted what happened in the conference room into data transmission into the system, and the system also transmitted to Chen Lang.

It turned out so.

Chen Lang's face was slightly weird. Looking at Liu's hand showing resentment, he couldn't help sighing.

This is really a personal talent.

I myself need the power of faith urgently. Before that, people were able to preach themselves globally to increase their faith, but that efficiency was too poor.

这次 This outbreak has increased the power of faith on a large scale. I still wonder how I can fool this group of people to help them continue to propagate and use it as a **** to propagate.

It turned out good.

I didn't do anything about it. Old Liu had already done it.

And not yet convinced these people how to help themselves to fool the people to gain faith, but directly convinced these people to believe in themselves.

This Nima.

I'm hanging up.

I have nothing to say.

Follow-up propaganda and the like, I'm afraid you don't need to worry about it yourself. In view of these people's current virtue, I'm afraid that I can't wait to take the initiative to help myself.

after all.

In their opinion, I'm afraid they feel that they are already close to the gods, people who are near the gods, and people who work for the gods.

I'm really convinced.

"Boss, my fault!"

Liu Liu came out distressed, trying to explain, but was interrupted by Chen Lang.

浪 Chen Lang, with his hands on his shoulders, stood in front of the crowd, frowning slightly, and said, "But you didn't expect that you already knew."




What are you talking about?

Liu was stupid with one hand, beside Xiao Liu's one, Xiao Xiaoai was also stupid. Even next to Xiao Xiaoai, Li always had twinkling eyes and a strange face.

But different from them.

Everyone else, was crazy at this time, one by one, the blood rushed to his head, his face flushed and looked at Chen Lang, his eyes became hotter.

I admit it.

He admitted.

Sure enough.

He's not Earthling.

Hey, or he is a man of the earth, but he is not a man, but a god.

"Excuse me, you ...!"

Morgan stepped forward and asked with excitement.

His words were also interrupted by Chen Lang.

Chen Lang had a feeling of loneliness, and sighed, saying, "Do n’t ask, I wo n’t say when you ask, you just need to know that I am a human being and a part of you, all to save the entire world Just work hard to save all humanity.

Maybe I don't understand, maybe, ..., anyway, you just need to know that I'm one of you.

There have been many extreme people who felt that in order to avoid internal strife and to avoid emptying resources and ultimately failing to save humanity, I should learn to abandon, abandon you, and leave the earth with the people of the East.

Then we will be saved.

But I didn't do it, do you know why? "

Chen Lang looked at Morgan and asked seriously.

Morgan opened his mouth and wondered what to say.

At this time, Chen Lang spoke again. He sighed and said, "I was born in the West, and the Westerners are also my children. This time in the East, the East and the West are essentially no different to me. .

I love the world.

I also hope that the world believes in me, because only in this way, only by working together can we truly achieve the ultimate victory.

We can be liberated.

We can be detached.

We can save.

We can survive.

曾 I once said, Whoever believes in me will have eternal life.

But unfortunately, many people think this is false.

So, this time, I said that I will give everyone eternal life so that everyone will believe in me. Although the order has changed, it seems to me the same meaning.

Everyone, I am just Chen Lang. I am not anyone. If you think I am God, then I am God. If you think I am the **** of science and technology, then I am the **** of science and technology.

If you think that I am just a mortal, then I can also be a mortal.

Our goal is the same, isn't it?

Even this time, it is an unprecedented disaster for human beings, but it is also an unprecedented opportunity. In this opportunity, human beings can also become gods.

And you, as one of human leaders, have the greatest opportunity in the future.


If one day I return to the throne, be Father that day.

Then you all can become the Lord God.

Do what you want and cherish it! "

Xu said here, Chen Lang sighed deeply, then turned to leave, full of force, looking at Liu Yishou and Xiao Xiaoai in the back were stunned.

Not to mention those who have taken Chen Lang as God.

The burning in their eyes and the ambition in their hearts were all hooked.

They are in the high ranks of the Federation. In the past, they were to save humanity, but also to save themselves, so they worked hard and worked hard for development.

But after half a year, the earth will flee from the earth. They also thought about what is the significance of their existence after the earth flees?

after all.

They also know the reality ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We know that in the future, although the Federation may not be dissolved, humans will return to reality with the end of the flight. By then, the day when countries return will be the time of human chaos.

在 At that time, although countries returned nominally, was it possible in that case to want to return to the state they were in the past?

It's impossible.

The future is the world of technology overlords, the world of gene warriors, the world of wealthy businessmen, but not the world of them.

So why didn't they think about the future themselves, the family behind them, where should they go?

I just didn't think about it for a while.

But I didn't want to understand that it does not mean that they will not prepare in advance. The inferiority of human beings is here. When there is no hope, when you see hope, you will do your best to work hard and unite.

But when hope really appears and hope is really in front of them, they will fight for their interests and desperately.

The first few years of the establishment of the Confederation were okay, but in recent years, as hope has gradually grown, and fleeing has become a fact that will inevitably succeed, some of them can't help it.

勾 Secret collusion, gang gang, and so on.

Chen Lang's action, why not find a new way for them to struggle?

He changed from saving the world to becoming a god.

Although the goal has changed, this is better. As long as Chen Lang himself remains unchanged, they will follow Chen Lang and follow Chen Lang to develop earth civilization. .

Do not engage in internal struggles, regardless of your goals.

This is a three-pronged move and three birds with one stone.

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