Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 626: Final preparation

For two months, it is not long or short.

It is definitely not enough to build the Earth Skynet and the Light Speed ​​Engine. After all, it is a large project. Even if the resources are sufficient now, it will take at least half a year.

This is still going all out.

After all, that is a project that covers the entire planet. If you want to complete it in half a year, you must mobilize the entire Federation, the entire planet, and even the resource collection fleet outside, and hundreds of billions of robots work together.

There is hope.

如果 And if something goes wrong in the middle, it will take more time.

In addition, it is clear that not all of the fleets located in various parts of the solar system can recover.

It also takes time.

After arranging the action, Chen Lang began to lay out the upcoming events.

He is not a soldier.

He is not a pure scientist.

He is a leader.

So, layout, planning, all these must be ahead of the action.

Even, his plan is far more significant than an eighth-tier powerhouse. After all, an eighth-level powerhouse cannot control the war situation in this civilized war.

This is a war between higher civilizations.

The eighth level, at most, is the rank of general, which may affect local warfare, but it cannot affect the entire battle situation.

But Chen Lang's plan is OK.

As long as the plan is effective, the time saved, costs, and even the reduction of losses, etc., all aspects are more meaningful to the earth than the existence of an eighth-order strongman.

"Here, here, here!"

In front of Chen Lang was a starry sky map, which was surrounded by three-dimensional space. Liu Yishou and Xiao Xiaoai were all in the starry map.

星 This star map is a simulated simulation of the inner periphery of the solar system, which radiates around the earth as the center.

"They are different from General Manager and Morgan."

浪 Chen Lang pointed at the three points marked and turned to Liu's hand, saying: "They are responsible for internal development, and you are responsible for external war.

Needless to say that you have no experience, Star Wars, no one has experience on the earth.

三个 These three points I marked are all around the earth. The attack range can not only protect the earth perfectly, but also can bombard the outside.

Those three points, you remember them clearly.

Using three of Baoxing's eight fragmented continents as the core, they were directly converted into annihilation star warships. They were matched with star destruction guns on the warships, and docked the warships at the three points I marked.

This is your next task. "

"I know!"

Liu felt pressure in his hand and sweat appeared directly on his forehead. He spoke very cautiously, because he understood that this was a war, different from previous commercial wars or internal development.

This is an external war. In the previous work, there was nothing wrong with it.

But in this external war, if something goes wrong, it will affect the whole war situation, let alone the global people at that time, he feels that even himself cannot forgive himself.

"Come on!"

Chen Lang patted his shoulder and encouraged: "Don't think too much. In fact, the bigger the war, the easier it will be for the general. This is not the kind of battle in ancient times. What scouts are still needed? What kind of tactics and military methods?

In the age of science and technology, science and technology is the first combat force.

If you want to get the Star Cannon, you can control one battle after one shot. By then, all of this will be your credit.

But the same.

In this regard, you must be cautious, cautious, and cautious again. After all, the three star destroyers are our minimum standards for protecting the earth, let alone all three have problems.

Even if one of the ships is out of order, the Star Cannon cannot be used. At that time, for the whole battle, it will have a great impact and have far-reaching significance.

You think about it.

If the defense of the earth is breached and countless beasts flood into the earth, what does it mean? "

Liu Liu shuddered when he heard the words.

He looked up at Chen Lang, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but his eyes were very innocent and helpless.

Big brother.

I call your brother.

Are you comforting? With such comfort, I am even more stressed.

"Well, just kidding!"

浪 Chen Lang smiled at this and said, "Relax, the ball will always be staring when it is manufactured, but any mistakes will be pointed out by it, even if it is not inspected at the end, there will be no problem.

You are worried about a ball, hurry up and get busy. "

"Yes, boss!"

Liu was relieved with a sigh of relief in his heart, but he didn't dare to say that he turned and walked away quickly.

Chen Lang looked at the others.

Xu finally looked at Zhao Tingyun and Zhao Kai.

"You were the head of the Star Wars and Defense Command Center when Super God Technology established the Island of Hope. Later, after the establishment of the Federation, you are also responsible for this.

The previous development can be said to have nothing to do with you, but now the war is about to come, I hope you will not disappoint me, nor will you disappoint the people around the world, let alone your duties. "


听 Zhao Tingyun and Zhao Kai walked out at the same time, solemnly saluting.


浪 Chen Lang nodded slightly and said, "The system and the gene fortification medicine are all ready. You will directly call for staff to set up the unit, and then the ball will give you priority first."


The two saluted again and then left in a hurry.

After they left, Chen Lang looked at Sun Tianhong and thought about it, and said, "Who was the hero team that Lao Liu was in charge of?"

"It's me, boss!"

Lin Bei stood out and nodded and said, "After President Liu entered the federal work, because he was too busy at work, he later gave me the command of the hero squad. Later, he was recommended by the ball, actual inspections in various places, and some people Referral.

To this day, after several years, the hero team has completely changed.

每一 Each of them is a fifth-order peak, and each of them has much more extraordinary fighting skills and consciousness.

At the same time, the Hero Squad is now renamed the Hero Squad. After all, there are too many people and it is not appropriate to call the Squad.

Boss boss rest assured that now they are ready to go to the battlefield at any time. "


Chen Lang said in a deep voice: "Once a war breaks out and a ferocious beast enters the earth, the heroic force is a sharp sword ~ ​​ ~ and a kind of tinder. They must go to the battlefield and kill the ferocious beast as soon as possible.

战 This battle is different from the water bears in the past. In this battle, they will definitely be sacrificed, and even this number is definitely not a decimal.

They will become the sight of the people, and will be the kindling fire that ignites the blood of the race.

I hope that you have a mental preparation, and at the same time, let them have a mental preparation. "

"I understand."

Zhe Linbei's face changed, and then he sighed and said, "They are the stars of the new era. They enjoy the best treatment. They enjoy the worship and respect of the people. This is what they should do.

想 I think when they joined the heroic army, they knew that there would be such a day after all. "

"You can understand, I can understand, but they may not."

浪 Chen Lang turned around, was silent for a moment, and then sighed: "But this is a helpless move. Once the beast enters the ground, it must be faced.

Compared with ordinary people, they have stronger power, so they must get it.

And war is always sacrificed, I just hope they can understand it.

tell them.

The Tatars are inherently dead. If they are more important than Taishan, their names will never be forgotten! ".

"Yes, boss!"

Zhe Linbei was shocked, then opened his mouth, and stopped talking. After a short while, he turned away.

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